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Classical markers of infection cannot differentiate reliably between inflammation and infection after neurosurgery. This study investigated the dynamics of serum procalcitonin (PCT) in patients who had elective spine surgeries without complications.


Participants were 103 patients (47 women, 56 men) who underwent elective spinal surgery. Clinical variables relevant to the study included age, sex, medical history, body mass index (BMI), site and type of surgery, and surgery duration. Clinical and laboratory data were body temperature, white blood cell count (WBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP) and PCT, all measured preoperatively and postoperatively on days 1, 3, and 5.


PCT concentrations remained at <0.25 ng/mL during the postoperative course except in 2 patients. PCT concentrations did not correlate with age, sex, DM, hypertension, BMI, operation time, operation site, or use of instrumentation. In contrast, CRP concentrations were significantly higher with older age, male, DM, hypertension, longer operation time, cervical operation, and use of instrumentation.


PCT may be useful in the diagnosing neurosurgical patients with postoperative fever of unknown origin.  相似文献   
We report here on the multiple genital tract neoplasms in a 41-yr-old Korean woman with Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome (PJS). The patient presented with lower abdominal pain. Her previous medical history was PJS and breast cancer. Pelvic ultrasound showed a multilocular cyst at the right adnexal region, diagnosed as bilateral ovarian mucinous borderline tumors. An ovarian sex cord tumor with annular tubules was incidentally diagnosed together with a minimal deviation adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix and mucinous metaplasia of both the Fallopian tubal mucosa and the endometrium. Although the cases of multiple genital tract tumors with PJS has rarely been reported, the present case appears to be the first in Korea in which the PJS syndrome was complicated by multiple genital tract tumors and infiltrating carcinoma of the breast. The clinical significance of the multiple genital tract tumors and breast cancer associated with PJS is reviewed.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess whether the LG Anti-HIV 1/2 Plus ELISA (LG Life Sciences, Seoul, Korea), a new third-generation enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of HIV infection, has improved sensitivity and specificity in comparison to the other licensed third-generation assays. The sensitivity of the LG Anti-HIV 1/2 Plus ELISA was comparable to the Enzygnost Anti-HIV 1/2 Plus ELISA (Dade Behring, Marburg, Germany) (100% vs 100%), and it was capable of detecting highly divergent subtypes including HIV-1 group O. The specificity of the LG Anti-HIV 1/2 Plus ELISA was 100%. The concordance of the LG Anti-HIV 1/2 Plus ELISA and the Enzygnost Anti-HIV 1/2 Plus was found to be 1. The LG Anti-HIV 1/2 Plus ELISA has a short window period among the third-generation ELISA assays and this test showed satisfactory reproducibility.  相似文献   
Jung J  Yeom J  Kim J  Han J  Lim HS  Park H  Hyun S  Park W 《Research in microbiology》2011,162(10):1018-1026
The microbial community (bacterial, archaeal, and fungi) and eight genes involved in the nitrogen biogeochemical cycle (nifH, nitrogen fixation; bacterial and archaeal amoA, ammonia oxidation; narG, nitrate reduction; nirS, nirK, nitrite reduction; norB, nitric oxide reduction; and nosZ, nitrous oxide reduction) were quantitatively assessed in this study, via real-time PCR with DNA extracted from three Antarctic soils. Interestingly, AOB amoA was found to be more abundant than AOA amoA in Antarctic soils. The results of microcosm studies revealed that the fungal and archaeal communities were diminished in response to warming temperatures (10 °C) and that the archaeal community was less sensitive to nitrogen addition, which suggests that those two communities are well-adapted to colder temperatures. AOA amoA and norB genes were reduced with warming temperatures. The abundance of only the nifH and nirK genes increased with both warming and the addition of nitrogen. NirS-type denitrifying bacteria outnumbered NirK-type denitrifiers regardless of the treatment used. Interestingly, dramatic increases in both NirS and NirK-types denitrifiers were observed with nitrogen addition. NirK types increase with warming, but NirS-type denitrifiers tend to be less sensitive to warming. Our findings indicated that the Antarctic microbial nitrogen cycle could be dramatically altered by temperature and nitrogen, and that warming may be detrimental to the ammonia-oxidizing archaeal community. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to investigate genes associated with each process of the nitrogen biogeochemical cycle in an Antarctic terrestrial soil environment.  相似文献   
Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is an inflammatory disease of the peripheral nervous system which can cause pain via mechanisms that are poorly understood. Here, we show that in rat experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN) mechanical allodynia developed up to 9 days before the onset of detectable neurological deficits. Allodynia was associated with an increase in the number of microglial cells in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. The expression of the chemokine CX3CL1 (fractalkine) and its receptor CX3CR1 were also higher in EAN than in control dorsal horns suggesting spinal microglia and CX3CL1/CX3CR1 may play a role in the pain-like behaviour.  相似文献   
Cowden''s disease, or multiple hamartoma syndrome, is an uncommon condition with characteristic mucocutaneous lesions associated with abnormalities of the breast, thyroid, and gastrointestinal tract. We describe a 32-year-old man with oral mucosal papillomatosis and plantar hyperkeratosis as a definite case of Cowden''s disease according to the criteria proposed by Salem and Steck. The patient also had a thyroid mass and numerous gastrointestinal polyps endoscopically. Histologically the polyps were hamartomatous or hyperplastic polyps. The oral papillary lesions were fibroepithelial polyps and the thyroid mass was a follicular adenoma. We review the literature on this entity and summarize the pertinent findings. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first documented case of Cowden''s disease in a Korean.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic pathogen causing various infections, expresses various virulence factors under the control of quorum sensing (QS), a cell density–sensing mechanism. Because the major signal molecules of QS are acyl homoserine lactones (acyl‐HSLs), acyltransferases, the enzymes that act upon acyl group transfer could affect the QS signaling and QS‐related virulence phenotypes. In this study, we overexpressed acyltransferases of P. aeruginosa and screened them for the activity influencing the QS and QS‐related virulence phenotypes. Among seven acyltransferases tested in this study, two acyltransferases, PA3984 (apolipoprotein N‐acyltransferase) and PA2537 (putative acyltransferase), significantly affected both growth of P. aeruginosa and the activity of LasR, a major QS regulator, when overexpressed. These acyltransferases also reduced virulence and swarming motility of P. aeruginosa. The other acyltransferase, PA3646 (UDP‐3‐O‐[3‐hydroxylauroyl] glucosamine N‐acyltransferase), reduced the LasR activity, swarming motility, protease production and virulence without any influence on growth. These effects by PA3646 over‐expression were caused by less production of QS signal. PA3644 (UDP‐N‐acetylglucosamine acyltransferase) enhanced biofilm formation and swarming motility with no effect on the growth and QS activity. These results suggest that acyltransferases may be an important factor regulating the cellular activity about virulence‐related phenotypes.  相似文献   
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