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Myoblasts fail to stimulate T cells but induce tolerance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent interest in myoblast transfer and in the use of myoblastsas vehicles in gene therapy has made it important to understandthe potential immunogenicity of allogeneic or neoantlgen-expresslngmyoblasts. Given the problems of producing a pure populationof myoblasts, In this study we used a tumour-derived musclecell line (TE671), with phenotyplc features of myoblasts, whichwe transfected to express HLA-DR1. However, this cell line wasunable to stimulate either established HLA-DR1-specific alloreactlveT cell clones or a primary alloresponse. Nor could it presenthaemagglutlnln peptide HA 306–324 to DR1-restricted, HA306–324-speciflc T cell clones or lines. Indeed, prelncubatlonwith DR1-expressing TE671 and HA 306–324 rendered suchT cells tolerant as Judged by their subsequent inability toproliferate in response to a DR1+ B cell line plus peptide HA306–324. These results imply that myoblasts do not providecostlmulatory signals, and are therefore unlikely to stimulateallospeclfic T cells following myoblasts transplantation orto initiate neoantlgen-speclfic immune responses following Invivo transfection.  相似文献   
One hundred and forty four patients with chronic hepatitis B were tested to identify new mutations associated with hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) negativity, using a full genome sequence analysis. All the patients were Chinese and had hepatitis B virus infection of genotype C. Patients with none of the pre-core or core promoter mutations were significantly (P < 0.001) less common in the group with anti-HBe (13%) than in the group with HBeAg (56%). The complete nucleotide sequence was determined in four anti-HBe-positive patients who had neither pre-core nor core promoter mutations and in five HBeAg-positive patients who also had neither of these mutations (the groups were matched for age and sex). Six mutations were found to be significantly more common in the former group than in the latter: G529A (3/4 vs. 0/5), C934A (4/4 vs. 1/5), A1053G (4/4 vs. 1/5), G1915T/A (4/4 vs. 0/5), T2005C/A (4/4 vs. 0/5), and C3026T (3/4 vs. 0/5). Three of the six mutations were significantly more common in the four anti-HBe-positive patients who had neither pre-core nor core promoter mutations, compared to 11 HBeAg-positive patients who had pre-core and core promoter mutations, and also compared to 15 anti-HBe-positive patients who had pre-core and core promoter mutations, suggesting further the specificity of these mutations. Of the six mutations, two resulted in amino acid substitution in the polymerase protein, and one is located near the enhancer I region. The results suggest that the six newly discovered mutations are associated with HBeAg negativity.  相似文献   
A highly sensitive and selective high-performance liquid chromatographic method with peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence detection for the determination of bisphenol A at sub-ppb levels is described. Bisphenol A was derivatized with 4-(4,5-diphenyl-1H-imidazol-2-yl)benzoyl chloride and the excess unreacted reagent was removed by a simple solid-phase extraction procedure with recoveries of approximately 60%. The separation was carried out isocratically on an ODS column and the derivatized bisphenol A was detected by peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence. A mixture of bis[2-(3,6,9-trioxadecanyloxycarbonyl)-4-nitrophenyl]oxalate (0.6 mM) and hydrogen peroxide (25.0 mM) dissolved in acetonitrile was used as a chemiluminescence reagent solution with a mixture of imidazole-HNO3 buffer (40.0 mM, pH 7.0): acetonitrile (17:83, v/v) as a mobile phase. The linear standard curve was obtained over the range from 0.57 (2.5) to 22.8 (100) ppb (nM) (r=0.996) with a detection limit of 0.38 ppb (2.8 fmol on column) at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. The method was successfully applied to the determination of bisphenol A in hot water in contact with commercially available baby bottle samples.  相似文献   
Synthetic peptides have become an important tool in antibody production and enzyme characterization. The small size of peptides, however, has hindered their use in assays systems, such as Western blots, and as immunogens. Here, we present a facile method to improve the properties of peptides for multiple applications by ligating the peptides to intein-generated carrier proteins. The stoichiometric ligation of peptide and carrier achieved by intein-mediated protein ligation (IPL) results in the ligation product migrating as a single band on a SDS-PAGE gel. The carrier proteins, HhaI methylase (M.HhaI) and maltose-binding protein (MBP), were ligated to various peptides; the ligated carrier-peptide products gave sharp, reproducible bands when used as positive controls for antibodies raised against the same peptides during Western blot analysis. We further show that ligation of the peptide antigens to a different thioester-tagged carrier protein, paramyosin, produced immunogens for the production of antisera in rabbits or mice. Furthermore, we demonstrate the generation of a substrate for enzymatic assays by ligating a peptide containing the phosphorylation site for Abl protein tyrosine kinase to a carrier protein. This carrier-peptide protein was used as a kinase substrate that could easily be tested for phosphorylation using a phosphotyrosine antibody in Western blot analysis. These techniques do not require sophisticated equipment, reagents, or skills thereby providing a simple method for research and development.  相似文献   
Lomustine (CCNU) microcapsules was prepared by improved recoacervation method, then mixed microcapsules with 0.7% collagen swelling solution to prepare the emulsion, spreaded the emulsion on the plate to form membrane and cross-linked it, the membrane would be planted into body and was expected to release at steady speed. The concentration of CCNU and the CCNU content of microcapsules were measured by ultraviolet spectrophotometry to observe the release of CCNU be slow and constant, approach to 0-class release approximately.  相似文献   
NMR techniques for temperature and pH measurements have attracted increasing interest in recent years, motivated in part by the growing importance of medical hyperthermia for the treatment of cancer. The chemical shifts of thulium 1, 4, 7, 10-tetraazacyclododecane-1, 4, 7, 10-tetrakis(methylene phosphonate) (TmDOTP5-) have been studied as a function of temperature and pH. The results demonstrate that TmDOTP5- resonance shifts are highly sensitive to temperature (approximately 1.0 ppm/degrees C) and pH (approximately 3.2 ppm/pH unit) at clinically relevant field strengths. A new method is presented which utilizes two magnetically non-equivalent protons in TmDOTP5- for simultaneous NMR measurements of both temperature and pH. The difference in the chemical shift values of pairs of 1H resonances provides a temperature sensitivity of about 1.6 ppm/ degrees C. The technique is demonstrated in live rats undergoing ultrasound-induced hyperthermia therapy.  相似文献   
硝苯啶、硫氮(艹卓)酮对兔实验性动脉粥样硬化症的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硝苯啶和硫氮(艹桌)酮不明显影响血清脂蛋白组分水平,但均显著抑制家兔主动脉动脉粥样硬化形成,降低血浆过氧化脂质、血栓烷和主动脉内中膜胆固醇、磷脂及钙含量,升高血浆6-酮-PGF_(1α),使,TXB_2/6-酮-PGF_(1α)趋于平衡。说明钙在血栓烷-前列环素代谢中起重要作用。  相似文献   
Background: Glucocorticoids acting as anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive drugs have been shown to exert most of their effects genomically. Recent findings suggest that non-genomic activity might be relatively more important in mediating the therapeutic effects of high-dose pulsed glucocorticoid. However, few non-genomic anti-inflammatory effects were reported, much less non-genomic mechanisms.Objective: This study was performed to investigate the nongenomic effects of glucocorticoids on human neutrophil degranulation.Methods: Purified human neutrophils were pretreated with 6 -methylprednisolone or hydrocortisone for 5 min, and then primed with N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP) (10–6 M) or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) (50 ng/ml) in the presence of cytochalasin B. The release of two markers of neutrophil granules, lactoferrin and myeloperoxidase, was measured by ELISA and enzymology methods respectively.Results: Both 6 -methylprednisolone (10–5–10–4 M) and hydrocortisone (10–4 M) showed significant inhibitory effects on neutrophil degranulation within 5 min after fMLP administration. For PMA stimulated degranulation, 6 -methylprednisolone (10–4 M) showed significant inhibitory effects (p < 0.01), while hydrocortisone (10–4 M) only showed an inhibitory tendency (P > 0.05). Neither RU486 (10–5 M) nor cycloheximide (10–4 M) could alter the inhibitory effects of glucocorticoids.Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that megadoses of glucocorticoids exert rapid inhibitory effects on human neutrophil degranulation at the cellular level via a new mechanism that is independent of corticosteroid type II receptor occupation or protein synthesis. We infer that these effects may be very important when glucocorticoids act as anti-inflammatory drugs during pulse therapy.Received 20 May 2004; returned for revision 21 July 2004; accepted by M.J. Parnham 23 September 2004L. Liu and Y. X. Wang contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
Supraependymal cells in the third ventricle of neonatal male and female rats were examined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Supraependymal cells in the third ventrical of adult male rats were also studied with SEM. Many neonate supraependymal cells were round to oval in shape and exhibited varying degrees of surface irregularity. Small finger-like processes or narrow pseudopodia projected from the cell bodies over the underlying ependymal cells. Some neonatal supraependymal cells exhibited flattened cell bodies with broad pseudopodia and few surface irregularities. TEM revealed a variety of cell profiles. Prominent within the cytoplasm of many supraependymal cells were lysosomes, smooth and coated vesicles suggesting pinocytosis, subplasmalemma vacuoles, and occasional lipid droplets. The morphological characteristics of neonatal supraependymal cells suggested they were mononuclear phagocytes. Adult supraependymal cells exhibited more pleomorphic cell shapes with numerous cell processes, varying widely in size and shape, and often extending over the ventricular surface for considerable distances. These observations, in combination with previous studies by other investigators, suggest that some adult supraependymal cells may also be phagocytic in nature. The differences in morphology between adult and neonatal supraependymal phagocytes may relate to the differing third ventricle environment between adult and neonates and/or differences in the origin of the phagocytes with age.  相似文献   
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