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Nearly all countries in the world today are burdened with malnutrition, manifesting as undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and/or overweight and obesity. Despite some progress, efforts to alleviate malnutrition are hampered by a shortage in number, skills, and geographic coverage, of a workforce for nutrition. Here, we report the findings of the Castel Gandolfo workshop, a convening of experts from diverse fields in March 2014 to consider how to develop the capacity of a global cadre of nutrition professionals for the post-2015 development era. Workshop participants identified several requirements for developing a workforce for nutrition, including an ability to work as part of a multisectoral team; communication, advocacy, and leadership skills to engage decision makers; and a set of technical skills to address future challenges for nutrition. Other opportunities were highlighted that could immediately contribute to capacity development, including the creation of a consortium to link global North and South universities, online training modules for middle managers, and practical, hands-on experiences for frontline nutrition workers. Institutional and organizational support is needed to enable workshop recommendations on education and training to be effectively implemented and sustained. The findings from the Castel Gandolfo workshop can contribute to the delivery of successful nutrition-relevant actions in the face of mounting external pressures and informing and attaining the forthcoming Sustainable Development Goals.  相似文献   
目的探讨医源性脾脏损伤脾切除对结直肠癌切除患者术后长期生存的影响。方法对1990年1月1日至1999年12月31日10年间行结直肠癌手术切除并附带脾切除患者进行病例配对回顾研究。分析患者年龄、性别、依据美国麻醉学医师协会(ASA)标准评估的身体状况、疾病分期、手术类型及预后等资料。配对病例来自同一医疗中心,性别、年龄、疾病分期及手术类型完全相同。手术附带脾切除患者为试验组,未切脾者为对照组。结果55例患者行医源性脾切除术,对照组在年龄、性别、身体状况、疾病分期及手术类型上与之匹配。随访时间(从手术开始到患者死亡或者最后一次随访1为2~205个月(中位随访时间为43个月)。Cox比例危险度模型进行Kaplan-Meier法生存分析发现两组间差异有显著性意义,不切除脾脏对患者生存有利(危险度1.8,95%可信区间为1-3.3,P=0.0399),未切脾组与切脾组5年生存率分别为70%和47%,10年生存率分别为55%和38%。结论结直肠癌患者在行结肠或直肠切除时,因医源性脾脏损伤而切除脾脏者,预后较差。  相似文献   
The European office of the World Health Organization (WHO) is stressing on the importance of patients’ rights and their information need for quite some time now. There is hardly any study in Europe documenting the steps taken in these directions. With the aim of assessing the fulfilment of patients’ rights and their perceived health information needs, we conducted two telephone-based survey studies. The first study, conducted during February - March 2000 on a sample of 502 participants, involved four German speaking European cities, assessing the fulfilment levels with the patients’ rights. The second study, conducted during May to July 2001 on a sample of 3008 citizens in Germany, assessed their perceived health information needs. High degrees of patients’ rights fulfilment were found on: dignity, patient autonomy, humane treatment, free choice among providers, confidentiality and consent. Lower fulfilment was associated with patient information, coordination of care on transfer between inpatient / outpatient care sectors and the right to humane terminal care and dying in dignity. Health information need was felt mostly for: musculoskeletal disorders, disease prevention and health promotion, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and for administrative questions on sickness funds.  相似文献   
The effects of magnetic resonance (MR) pulse sequences and timing parameters on tumor-liver contrast were studied in an animal model of metastatic liver cancer. Six spin-echo (SE), three inversion-recovery (IR), and four gradient-echo (GRE) sequences were evaluated at 0.6 T before and after injection of super-paramagnetic iron oxide. GRE techniques, irrespective of echo time and flip angle, showed the greatest change in signal intensity (enhancement) of the liver after administration of iron oxide. Single-acquisition GRE sequences (16 seconds) matched the contrast-to-noise ratio (C/N) performance of the most effective 6.4-minute SE sequences. Multiexcitation GRE sequences showed tumor-liver C/Ns per unit time that were significantly (P less than .05) higher than those achieved with SE and IR sequences. GRE sequences, which recruit intravoxel dephasing as an additional source of transverse relaxation enhancement (T2*), show a higher C/N per unit time and in this respect seem superior to SE and IR sequences for MR imaging with superparamagnetic iron oxide.  相似文献   
We describe a young man who developed extensive hypothalamicdysfunction including diabetes insipidus, adipsia, hyperprolactinaemia,and poikiliothermia together with central sleep apnoea followingexposure to toluene.  相似文献   
目的:临床局部辐射条件下会造成非辐射区域组织及细胞功能损害,最为突出的是对造血功能的影响。实验建立60Coγ射线左半身辐射动物模型,观察局部电离辐射对其非辐射区域骨髓巨核细胞的影响。方法:实验于2003-10/2005-03在解放军第三军医大学辐照中心和全军复合伤研究所完成。①实验动物:6~8周龄SPF级雄性昆明小鼠180只,随机数字表法分为正常对照组、全身辐射组、左半身辐射组、全身屏蔽辐射组,45只/组。②实验方法:全身辐射组小鼠固定于辐射架内;左半身辐射组小鼠麻醉后固定体位,用铅砖屏蔽右半身;全身屏蔽辐射组小鼠麻醉固定体位,用铅砖屏蔽全身。以60Coγ射线一次性辐射,剂量率68.46cGy/min。正常对照组不作任何干预。③实验评估:辐射后不同时相检测小鼠血清丙二醛含量及超氧化物歧化酶活性变化,计数外周血血小板,检测骨髓巨核祖细胞集落形成单位,观察骨髓组织病理改变及CD41a、CD61的表达。结果:全身辐射组第8天死亡2只,第9天死亡4只,其余各组无脱失。①外周血血小板计数:辐射后第2,7天,左半身辐射组外周血血小板数量显著低于正常对照组(P<0.01),但高于全身辐射组(P<0.01)。②血清丙二醛含量及超氧化物歧化酶活性变化:辐射后第2,9天,左半身辐射组血清丙二醛含量显著高于正常对照组(P<0.01),低于全身辐射组(P<0.01);血清超氧化物歧化酶活性显著低于正常对照组(P<0.01),高于全身辐射组(P<0.01)。③骨髓巨核祖细胞集落形成单位的变化:与正常对照组比较,辐射后6h左半身辐射组非辐射侧的巨核祖细胞集落形成单位显著降低(P<0.01),高于全身辐射组及左半身辐射组(P<0.01)。④骨髓组织病理改变:正常对照组有核细胞比例较高,分布均匀,并见多量散在分布的细胞龛;辐射2d后,左半身辐射组非辐射侧骨髓有核细胞较正常对照组减少,但好于全身辐射组、左半身辐射组。⑤骨髓CD41a及CD61表达的变化:辐射后2d与正常对照组比较,左半身辐射组非辐射侧骨髓CD41a及CD61阳性细胞数和相对荧光强度均显著降低(P<0.01),但高于全身辐射组、左半身辐射组(P<0.01)。结论:局部电离辐射作用后,可导致小鼠非辐射区域骨髓巨核细胞增殖能力降低,血小板减少,产生功能障碍。氧自由基激活可能参与了该损伤过程。  相似文献   
目的:认识影响大学生骨密度的各种生活因子,以便指导大学生提高骨密度,预防骨质疏松症的发生。方法:于2005-07/08选择延边大学医学院在校生自愿者638人,其中朝鲜族男生130人,朝鲜族女生110人,汉族男生196人,汉族女生202人。采用问卷调查方式,调查内容包括被调查者的自然状况、饮食、运动情况及其他与骨密度有关的生活方式。同时对调查对象进行右足跟骨骨密度测定。综合骨评价值=透过指数×超声波传导速度。结果:纳入受试对象638人,均进入结果分析。①汉族男生的综合骨评价值明显低于朝鲜族男生(分别为3.0±0.4,3.2±0.4,P<0.05),女生不存在民族差异。②男生的生活方式与骨密度的关系:注意平衡膳食及摄取充足的豆制品有利于骨密度提高(t=10.693,P<0.01;t=2.483,P<0.05);进行定期的运动(足球、篮球、排球、网球等球类运动和使用健身器)以及中学时期除了上体育课之外进行过体育运动能明显提高骨密度(t=10.693,P<0.01;t=1.998,P<0.05);有骨折史的学生骨密度明显低于无骨折史的学生(t=2.028,P<0.05)。③女生的生活方式与骨密度的关系:经常不吃早餐的学生骨密度低于按时吃早餐的学生(t=6.600,P<0.01);注意均衡饮食和进行定期运动的学生骨密度明显高于不注意均衡饮食和不做定期运动的学生(t=4.149,P<0.01;t=2.992,P<0.01)。③女生中也表现出有骨折史的学生骨密度显著低于无骨折史的学生(t=1.965,P<0.05)。结论:影响大学生骨密度的因素有骨折史、定期运动、均衡饮食、豆制品摄取。  相似文献   
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