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Influence of mesh materials on collagen deposition in a rat model.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Alterations of the extracellular matrix (ECM) with its major component collagen are increasingly discussed as possible risk factors implicated in the development of abdominal-wall herniation. Because of the widespread use of alloplastic meshes for the surgical repair of hernias, an animal study was performed to analyze the influence of various mesh materials on the quantity and quality of collagen deposition. In 60 male Sprague-Dawley rats an abdominal replacement was performed using three different kinds of mesh materials: polyester (PE), a pure polypropylene (PP), and a composite mesh made of polypropylene and polyglactin (PG). A simple fascia suture repair served as control. The count of fibroblasts, the collagen/protein ratio, the type I/III collagen ratio, and the expression of basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF) at the interface were analyzed after 7, 21, and 90 days. The ratio of collagen to overall protein (microg/mg) showed significant differences comparing different mesh materials (sham controls 38.44 +/- 16.33 microg/mg, PE 68.5 +/- 23.8 microg/mg, PP 101.6 +/- 32.3 microg/mg, PG 49.6 +/- 11.6 microg/mg at day 90). The ratio of collagen type I/III increased over time in all groups. However, 90 days after mesh implantation the ratio was always significantly lowered compared to the controls. No significant difference was found comparing different mesh materials. The alteration of the scar composition is closely connected to an increased b-FGF expression. b-FGF and count of fibroblasts highly correlated (r =.95) and showed significant elevated levels compared to simple suture repair. The results of our study strongly support the notion that wound healing is affected by mesh implantation. The quality of the ECM deposition as determined by collagen type I/III ratio is impaired in general, whereas the quantity of ECM deposition is markedly influenced by the kind of mesh material.  相似文献   
Static analysis with finite element of a realistic femur nail bone-implant system in a typical proximal femoral fracture under physiological load bearing situations provides results for stress, displacement and strain. The question to be answered is, if simulation with the finite element analysis is able to explain biomechanically clinical observed patterns of failure. Surface-Reconstruction with CT database of a proximal femur and reconstruction with CT based density data was done. Next steps were to unite the bone structure with the Proximal Femoral Nail and to model two relevant fractures (31-A2.2 and A2.3 according AO). After modelling of geometry, isotropic material behaviour and load application numeric calculation of the femur-nail system with FE-software was performed. FE simulation mainly shows an axial dislocation of the femoral head screw with nearly no dislocation of the antirotation screw. This so-called z-effect therefore means: (1) Tilting of the proximal main fragment around the sagittal axis between the screws and (2) relative movement of both screws in the frontal plane. Relative movement of the two screws against each other could be the reason for implant failure, the so called cut out. Furthermore simulation shows different gliding of the screws explaining the so called z-telescoping. The analyzed stress patterns have to be relativized, because isotropic material behaviour of cancellous bone was assumed. Further examinations for this issue are necessary.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Studies of the association between indoor allergen exposure and the development of allergic diseases have often measured allergen exposure at one point in time. OBJECTIVE: We investigated the variability of house dust mite (Der p 1, Der f 1) and cat (Fel d 1) allergen in Dutch homes over a period of 8 years. METHODS: Data were obtained in the Dutch PIAMA birth cohort study. Dust from the child's mattress, the parents' mattress and the living room floor was collected at four points in time, when the child was 3 months, 4, 6 and 8 years old. Dust samples were analysed for Der p 1, Der f 1 and Fel d 1 by sandwich enzyme immuno assay. RESULTS: Mite allergen concentrations for the child's mattress, the parents' mattress and the living room floor were moderately correlated between time-points. Agreement was better for cat allergen. For Der p 1 and Der f 1 on the child's mattress, the within-home variance was close to or smaller than the between-home variance in most cases. For Fel d 1, the within-home variance was almost always smaller than the between-home variance. Results were similar for allergen levels expressed per gram of dust and allergen levels expressed per square metre of the sampled surface. Variance ratios were smaller when samples were taken at shorter time intervals than at longer time intervals. CONCLUSION: Over a period of 4 years, mite and cat allergens measured in house dust are sufficiently stable to use single measurements with confidence in epidemiological studies. The within-home variance was larger when samples were taken 8 years apart so that over such long periods, repetition of sampling is recommended.  相似文献   
A microfluorometric method was used to determine the nuclear DNA content in the nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPC) of 25 patients treated before 1983. Eleven patients are still alive with no evidence of disease (NED), while the rest died of their disease (DOD). All of the patients received a cycle of radiotherapy, while some also received chemotherapy or neck dissections. The neoplastic cells studied were taken from the original biopsy blocks, deparaffinized, isolated by enzymatic treatment and mechanical fragmentation, and then Feulgen-stained. The cytofluorometric measurement was carried out by a microphotometer equipped for fluorescence excitation and connected to a computer. This method allowed us to construct a histogram of the DNA content in the neoplastic cells. Different neoplastic classes were identified and represent the heteroclonality of the tumor, which can be expressed by the heteroclonality index (HCT). From the collected data it appears that the NED patients all had a low HTC (less than 1) and only 7 of the DOD patients had low HTCs (less than 1). Six of the DOD patients with a low HTC were in advanced stages of their tumor at the time of diagnosis, while the remaining patient did not complete his treatment. Our results show that the DNA analysis of the NPC cell population may offer a useful tool in predicting the biological behavior of this tumor and also improving its treatment.  相似文献   
K Rehse  U Lükens  G Claus 《Archiv der Pharmazie》1987,320(12):1233-1238
Platelet Aggregation Inhibiting and Anticoagulant Effects of Oligoamines, VII: Benzene-1,3,5-trialkanamines Seventeen title compounds were synthesized. Platelet aggregation induced by collagen in vitro is inhibited by 9 of them at IC50 = 2–4 μmol/L. Seven compounds depress the formation of fibrin to ≦ 25 % of normal in concentrations below 50 μmol/L. Compound 15 [4-(2-thienylbutyl)benzene-1,3,5-trimethanamine is the first oligoamine which shows anticoagulant and antiplatelet effects at the same concentration (25 μmol/L).  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Allergen-specific immunotherapy is the only treatment for allergic disease providing long-lasting symptom relief. Currently, it is mainly based on the use of crude allergen extracts. The treatment may be improved by the use of genetically engineered allergens, hypoallergens, aiming at a more effective and safer therapy. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to provide a rational design of hypoallergen candidates for immunotherapy by using structural information and knowledge of B and T cell epitopes of an allergen. METHODS: The three-dimensional structure of the major cat allergen Fel d 1 was systematically altered by duplication of selected T cell epitopes and disruption of disulphide bonds. Seven Fel d 1 derivatives were generated and screened for allergenic reactivity in comparison with recombinant Fel d 1 in competition-ELISA. The allergenicity was further evaluated in basophil activation experiments and T cell reactivity was assessed in a lymphoproliferation assay. RESULTS: Three out of seven Fel d 1 derivatives, with two duplicated T cell epitopes and one or two disulphide bonds disrupted, were carefully evaluated. The three derivatives displayed a strong reduction in allergenicity with 400-900 times lower IgE-binding capacity than recombinant Fel d 1. In addition, they induced a lower degree of basophil activation and similar or stronger T cell proliferation than recombinant Fel d 1. CONCLUSION: By a rational approach, we have constructed three Fel d 1 hypoallergens with reduced IgE-binding capacities and retained T cell reactivities. This strategy may be applied to any well-characterized allergen to improve immunotherapy for allergic patients.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Alternaria alternata is one of the most important allergenic fungi worldwide. Mannitol dehydrogenase (MtDH) has previously been shown to be a major allergen of Cladosporium herbarum and cross-reactivity has been demonstrated for several fungal allergens. OBJECTIVE: The present study's objective was to clone the MtDH from an A. alternata cDNA library, express and purify the recombinant non-fusion protein and test its IgE-binding properties. Methods A cDNA library prepared from A. alternata hyphae and spores was screened for mannitol dehydrogenase by DNA hybridization with the radioactively labelled C. herbarum homologue as a probe. The resulting clone was sequenced and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli as a recombinant non-fusion protein, which was purified to homogeneity and analysed for its IgE-binding capacity. RESULTS: The coding sequence of the full-length cDNA clone comprises 798 bp encoding a protein with a molecular mass of 28.6 kDa and a predicted pI of 5.88. Protein sequence analysis revealed an identity of 75% and a homology of 86% between the MtDHs of A. alternata and C. herbarum. The functional mannitol dehydrogenase was expressed in the E. coli strain BL21(DE3) transformed with the vector pMW172 and purified to homogeneity. The enzyme catalyses the NADPH-dependent conversion of d-fructose to d-mannitol. In IgE-ELISA and immunoblots, MtDH is recognized by 41% of A. alternata-allergic patients. In vivo immunoreactivity of the recombinant MtDH was verified by skin prick testing. Finally, inhibition-ELISA experiments confirmed cross-reactivity between the MtDHs of A. alternata and C. herbarum. CONCLUSION: Mannitol dehydrogenase (Alt a 8) represents an important new allergen of the ascomycete A. alternata that might be suitable for improving diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.  相似文献   
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