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Lipomas are common benign tumours that can occur in most parts of the body. Lipomas arising from the deep temporal fat pad, found between the two layers of the deep temporal fascia, are rare, however; there has been only one documented case report to our knowledge. We describe a second case arising from the temporal fat pad in a patient treated at our unit, having previously reported the first one, and discuss the relevant anatomy and management.  相似文献   
A healthy diet is essential to attain genetically determined peak bone mass and maintain optimal skeletal health across the adult lifespan. Despite the importance of nutrition for bone health, many of the nutritional requirements of the skeleton across the lifespan remain underexplored, poorly understood, or controversial. With increasingly aging populations, combined with rapidly changing diets and lifestyles globally, one anticipates large increases in the prevalence of osteoporosis and incidence of osteoporotic fractures. Robust, transparent, and reproducible nutrition research is a cornerstone for developing reliable public health recommendations to prevent osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures. However, nutrition research is often criticized or ignored by healthcare professionals due to the overemphasis of weak science, conflicting, confusing or implausible findings, industry interests, common misconceptions, and strong opinions. Conversely, spurious research findings are often overemphasized or misconstrued by the media or prominent figures especially via social media, potentially leading to confusion and a lack of trust by the general public. Recently, reforms of the broader discipline of nutrition science have been suggested and promoted, leading to new tools and recommendations to attempt to address these issues. In this perspective, we provide a brief overview of what has been achieved in the field on nutrition and bone health, focusing on osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures. We discuss what we view as some of the challenges, including inherent difficulties in assessing diet and its change, disentangling complex interactions between dietary components and between diet and other factors, selection of bone-related outcomes for nutrition studies, obtaining evidence with more unbiased designs, and perhaps most importantly, ensuring the trust of the public and healthcare professionals. This perspective also provides specific recommendations and highlights new developments and future opportunities for scientists studying nutrition and bone health. © 2021 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).  相似文献   
We studied three patients from two kinships, affected by early onset hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy with probable autosomal recessive inheritance (HMSN type III). Morphological studies of sural nerve biopsies revealed an abnormal myelin proliferation. Two adult patients with long-term follow up, lost ability to walk at 28 and 22 years and showed severe involvement of the cranial nerves. Our observations suggest that hypermyelination neuropathy with early onset is a progressive disease with poor long-term prognosis. In one kinship the occurrence of the disease in two sibs of both sexes but not in parents, is consistent with an autosomal recessive inheritance. Familial cases of hypermyelination neuropathy have not been described in previous reports. Morphological aspects of this condition are compared with other forms of hypermyelination neuropathy.Supported by Telethon-Italy for the project: Chronic inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy: electrophysiological and immunopathological studies  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To reduce antiparkinsonian medication in parkinsonian patients with bilateral high frequency subthalamic nucleus (STN) stimulation. BACKGROUND: Parkinsonian syndromes are characterized by hyperactivity of the STN. Preliminary data indicate that functional inactivation of the STN may reduce the requirement for dopaminergic therapy in PD. METHODS: Bilateral quadripolar leads were implanted stereotactically in the STN of seven patients with advanced PD (mean age, 57.4 years; mean disease duration, 15.4 years). High-frequency stimulation was applied for 24 hours a day. Following implantation, antiparkinsonian medication was reduced to the minimum possible and stimulation was gradually increased. The patients were evaluated in the practically defined "off" and "on" conditions using the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) and the Schwab & England scale. The average follow-up was 16.3+/-7.6 months. A battery of neuropsychological tests was applied before and 9 months after the implant. RESULTS: Parkinsonian features improved in all patients--the greatest change seen in rigidity, then tremor, followed by bradykinesia. Compared with the presurgical condition, off-drug UPDRS motor scores improved by 41.9% on the last visit (p = 0.0002), UPDRS activities of daily living (ADL) scores improved by 52.2% (p = 0.0002), and the Schwab & England scale score improved by 213% (p = 0.0002). The levodopa-equivalent daily dose was reduced by 65%. Night sleep improved in all patients due to increased mobility at night, and in five patients insomnia was resolved. All patients gained weight after surgery and their appetite increased. The mean weight gain at the last follow-up was 13% compared with before surgery. During the last visit, the stimulation amplitude was 2.9+/-0.5 V and the total energy delivered per patient averaged 2.7+/-1.4 W x10(-6). The results of patient self-assessment scales indicated a marked improvement in five patients and a moderate improvement in the other two. The neuropsychological data showed no changes. Side effects were mild and tolerable. In all cases, a tradeoff between the optimal voltage and the severity of side effects made it possible to control parkinsonian signs effectively. The most marked side effects directly related to STN stimulation consisted of ballistic or choreic dyskinesias of the neck and the limbs elicited by contralateral STN stimulation above a given threshold voltage, which varied depending on the individual. CONCLUSIONS: Parkinsonian signs can be controlled by bilateral high-frequency STN stimulation. The procedure is well tolerated. On-state dyskinesias were greatly reduced, probably due to the reduction of total antiparkinsonian medication. Bilateral high-frequency STN stimulation compensated for drug reduction and elicited dyskinesias, which differ from those observed following dopaminergic medication. ADL improved significantly, suggesting that some motor tasks performed during everyday chores, and that are not taken into account in the UPDRS motor score, also improved.  相似文献   
Course and treatment of myasthenia gravis during pregnancy   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of myasthenia gravis (MG) on pregnancy and potential treatment risks for infants and mothers. BACKGROUND: MG frequently affects young women in the second and third decades of life, overlapping with the childbearing years. Knowledge of the potential effects of 1) pregnancy on the course of MG and 2) the use of immunosuppressive drugs during pregnancy is limited, rendering decision-making difficult for both patient and physician. METHODS: We studied 47 women who became pregnant after the onset of MG. Immunosuppressive drugs were administered when MG symptoms were not controlled with anticholinesterases. Sixty-four pregnancies resulted in 55 children and 10 abortions. RESULTS: During pregnancy, MG relapsed in 4 of 23 (17%) asymptomatic patients who were not on therapy before conception; in patients taking therapy, MG symptoms improved in 12 of 31 pregnancies (39%), remained unchanged in 13 (42%), and deteriorated in 6 (19%). MG symptoms worsened after delivery in 15 of 54 (28%) pregnancies. Anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody (anti-AChR ab) was positive in 40 of 47 mothers and was assayed in 30 of 55 newborns; 13 were positive and 5 of 55 (9%) showed signs of neonatal MG (NMG). All affected babies were seropositive. CONCLUSIONS: Pregnancy does not worsen the long-term outcome of MG. The course of the disease is highly variable and unpredictable during gestation and can change in subsequent pregnancies. The occurrence of NMG does not correlate with either maternal disease severity or anti-AChR antibody titer. Immunosuppressive therapy, plasmapheresis, and i.v. human immunoglobulins can be administered safely if needed.  相似文献   
Summary In the treatment of myasthenia gravis (MG) considerable progress has recently been achieved. Our experience is based on the observation of 139 patients with an average follow-up of 3 years and 4 months.A treatment plan and results are presented.Indications for thymectomy: all cases of MG in adult life, apart from ocular myasthenia without radiological thymoma and without electrophysiological and pharmacological signs of generalization; before puberty only cases with radiological thymoma and severely incapacitating or life-threatening signs.Median sternotomy is preferable for thymoma, the transcervical approach with a sternal split for non-neoplastic thymus. Mediastinal radiotherapy is indicated after removal of an invasive or adhesive thymoma.Indications for corticosteroids: 1) before thymectomy: respiratory weakness; 2) soon after thymectomy: life-threatening signs; 3) later after thymectomy: incapacitating or life-threatening signs; 4) as an alternative to thymectomy: when surgery cannot be performed or it is not indicated. Oral Prednisone was nearly always preferred: alternate-day high single dose (75 to 115 mg) has given good results in most cases even if in some cases a small dose was required in the off day; inversely a lower alternate-day or daily dose was often sufficient.Long-term results: following this schedule for adult patients good results were scored in 67% of thymomas, in 94% of hyperplasias, and in 62% of unthymectomized patients: in prepuberal life the few cases of severe MG have all shown a favorable evolution.
Zusammenfassung Bei der Behandlung der Myasthenie wurden in letzter Zeit beachtliche Fortschritte erzielt. Wir teilen hier unsere Erfahrungen anhand von 139 Patienten mit einer durchschnittlichen Katamnese von 3 Jahren und 4 Monaten mit.Wir betrachten als Indikationen für eine Thymektomie: alle Fälle von Myasthenie beim Erwachsenen mit Ausnahme der rein okulären Formen ohne radiologisch nachweisbares Thymom und ohne elektrophysiologische oder pharmakologische Zeichen einer Generalisierung; bei Kindern vor der Pubertät empfehlen wir die Thymektomie nur in Fällen mit radiologisch nachweisbarem Thymom und mit schwerer Beeinträchtigung oder gar Lebensgefährdung durch die Symptome.Die mediane Sternotomie ist beim Thymom vorzuziehen, der transzervikale Zugang mit Spaltung des Sternums für die nicht neoplastischen Thymusvergrößerungen. Mediastinale Strahlentherapie ist nach Exstirpation eines invasiven Thymoms oder eines Thymoms mit Adhäsionen angezeigt.Als Indikation für die Corticosteroidtherapie betrachten wir: 1. wenn vor der Thymektomie Atemstörungen bestehen; 2. wenn bald nach der Thymektomie lebensbedrohliche Symptome auftreten; 3. wenn später nach Thymektomie nennenswert behindernde oder lebensbedrohliche Symptome in Erscheinung treten; 4. als Alternative zur Thymektomie, wenn diese nicht durchgeführt werden kann oder nicht indiziert ist. Die orale Prednisontherapie wurde fast immer vorgezogen: wir gaben an alternierenden Tagen jeweils hohe Einzeldosen (75–115 mg) mit gutem Erfolg in den meisten Fällen. In gewissen Fällen war eine kleine Dosis an den Tagen zwischen der Hauptdose aber genügend, ebenso in Einzelfällen eine allgemein niedrigere Dosierung. Die Langzeiterfolge mit diesem therapeutischen Vorgehen betrugen 67% gute Ergebnisse bei Thymomen und 94% bei Thymushyperplasie. Unter den nicht thymektomierten Patienten wiesen 62% ein gutes Ergebnis auf. Vor der Pubertät zeigten die allerdings wenigen Fälle schwerer Myasthenie alle ein gutes Ansprechen auf die Therapie.
STUDY DESIGN: A case report. OBJECTIVES: To report and discuss a case of post-traumatic epidural hematoma of the craniocervical junction with concomitant brain stem infarction. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Post-traumatic epidural hematoma of the cervical spine and brain stem post-traumatic infarction are very rare disorders. Post-traumatic epidural hematoma is usually located dorsally in the epidural space. METHODS: The clinical, neuroradiologic, and neurophysiologic findings in one patient with post-traumatic epidural hematoma located ventrally at the cervicomedullary junction and associated with medial infarction at the pontomedullary junction are reported. RESULTS: The main clinical finding in this patient was bilateral corticospinal and corticobulbar tract involvement. A magnetic resonance image showed displacement and flattening of the medulla oblongata and of the most cranial portion of cervical cord, which were caused by the epidural hematoma associated with an ischemic lesion of the pontomedullary junction. Results of central motor conduction studies indicated that the abnormality of the central motor pathways was localized at brain stem level, and that there was normal conduction from the cervicomedullary junction to spinal cord. CONCLUSION: This is the first reported case of spinal epidural hematoma located ventrally in the cervical spine at the cervicomedullary junction level and concomitant infarction at the pontomedullary junction resulting from whiplash injury.  相似文献   
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