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Predicting survival in the advanced cancer patient   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A feedforward network is used to recognize short, digitized, isolated utterances. A high, multispeaker recognition rate is achieved with a small vocabulary with a single training utterance. This approach makes use of the pattern recognition property of the network architecture to classify different temporal patterns in the multidimensional feature space. The network recognizes the utterances without the need of segmentation, phoneme identification, or time alignment. We train the network with four words spoken by one single speaker. The network is then able to recognize 20 tokens spoken by 5 other speakers. We repeat the above training and testing procedure using a different speaker's utterances for training each time. The overall accuracy is 97.5%. We compare this approach to the traditional dynamic programming (DP) approach, and find that DP with slope constraints of 0 and 1 achieve 98.5% and 85% accuracies respectively. Finally we validate out statistics by training and testing the network of a four-word subset of the Texas Instruments (Tl) isolated word database. The accuracy with this vocabulary exceeds 96%. By doubling the size of the training set, the accuracy is raised to 98%. Using a suitable threshold, we are able to raise the accuracy of one network from 87% to 98.5%. Thresholding applied to all networks would then raise the overall accuracy to well over 99%.

This technique is especially promising because of the low overhead and computational requirements, which make it suitable for a low cost, portable, command recognition type of application.  相似文献   

Twenty-one patients with a clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis underwent graded compression ultrasonography as an ongoing clinical study. The findings at surgery were compared with the ultrasonographic findings. There were no false-positive, 8 false-negative, 9 true-positive, and 11 true-negative results. The specificity was 100% and sensitivity, 52.9% The findings of this study, in contrast to findings of other recently reported studies, demonstrates that ultrasonography is a poor modality with which to evaluate acute appendicitis.  相似文献   
IgG antibodies to monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL) are more concentrated in synovial fluids than in the blood of children with pauciarticular juvenile arthritis. Correlations between IgG anti-MPL levels and numbers of inflamed joints were highly significant in 2 of 10 patients followed for 8 years and suggestive in 2 patients followed for shorter periods. A fifth patient had a correlation between IgM anti-MPL and joint count.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) is present in the human placenta and fetal membranes. Placental CRF content and plasma CRF concentrations rise throughout gestation and fail rapidly after delivery. The regulation of CRF production from the placenta is poorly understood. The objective of this study was to use the antiprogestin, mifepristone, to determine whether progesterone has a regulatory effect on CRF production in the first trimester of pregnancy. PATIENTS Women undergoing first trimester (gestation 5-12 weeks) therapeutic abortion (by suction curettage with and without the synthetic PGE, analogue, gemeprost (16,16-dimethyl-trans- Δ2-PGE1 methyl ester) vaginally 2-4 hours prior to the procedure; or with 600 mg mifepristone 48 hours prior to receiving 1 mg gemeprost vaginally), second trimester therapeutic abortion (600 mg mifepristone, 1 mg gemeprost), In association with pre-term delivery (gestation 25-34 weeks) and at term (gestation 35-42 weeks) by spontaneous delivery, induced labour or elective Caesarean section. MEASUREMENTS immunohistochemical localization Of CRF and quantification of CRF content by radioimmunoassay of tissue extracts, in human placenta and fetal membranes. RESULTS CRF was Immunolocalized to the syncytlo-trophoblast cells of the placenta at ail stages of gestation from 5 to 42 weeks. In the fetal membranes CRF immunoreactlvity was localized in the epithelial and subepithelial cells of the amnion, some cells of the reticular and cellular layers of the chorion, and in decidual stroma. This pattern was seen in all tissues studied. Pretreatment with prostaglandins, mifepristone or both during the first trimester did not alter the distribution or the intensity of the CRF Immunostaining. Placental CRF content rose throughout gestation but, consistent with the Lmmunostaining results, was unaffected by the administration of mifepristone or by labour. CONCLUSIONS CRF is localized in the syncitlotropho-blast cells of the placenta and is clearly present early in the first trimester of pregnancy. The lack of an effect of mifepristone or mode of delivery suggests that syncytlo-trophoblast produces CRF constitutively throughout pregnancy.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE We studied the macrolide antibiotic FK-506, an immunosuppressive agent, in an attempt to ameliorate the lesion of autoimmune thyroid disease in human thyroid tissue xenografted into severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. It was not felt appropriate to employ this agent directly in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease because adequate therapeutic modalities are available and the introduction of new, experimental agents could not be justified. Moreover, the study of the tissue before and after treatment could not have been undertaken directly in patients. DESIGN Human thyroid xenografts from four patients with Graves' disease and two normal persons were xenografted into SCID mice. Two weeks after xenograft-ing, human immunoglobulin G (IgG) was detectable in all SCID mice xenografted with Graves' thyroid tissue. Mice were divided into two groups with human IgG levels similar to each other. Mice in the first group were treated with FK-506 daily for 6 weeks; mice in the second (similar) group were given phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) only (control group). MEASUREMENTS Blood samples were taken every 2 weeks from the tail veins for human IgG, thyroid stimulating antibody, thyroperoxidase antibodies, thyroglobulin antibodies, and interferon-gamma (IFN-7). After 8 weeks treatment, animals were sacrificed; thyroid tissue was examined histologically and for thyrocyte HLA-DR expression. FK-506 was also added to thyrocytes in in-vitro tissue culture conditions. RESULTS After 4–6 weeks of FK-506 therapy, human IgG, all thyroid antibodies and IFN-7 were suppressed, while the levels remained elevated in the control group. Lymphocytic infiltration virtually disappeared in the human thyroid tissue of the FK-506-treated mice and thyrocyte HLA-DR expression markedly declined; in the control mice, lymphocytic infiltration remained heavy and HLA-DR expression remained high. On the other hand, FK-506 added directly to thyrocytes in vitro (without lymphocytes) did not reduce thyrocyte HLA-DR expression. CONCLUSIONS FK-506 appears to suppress the activation of intrathyroidal lymphocytes, but not thyrocytes. From these observations, it is concluded that this agent, by its action on intrathyroidal lymphocytes, is able to ameliorate the immunologically mediated histological and serological disturbance in human autoimmune thyroid disease, at least under these circumstances.  相似文献   
Phenobarbital (PB) and certain structurally-related compounds induce a variety of hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes in many strains of rats. Thus, following administration of PB (300, 500 ppm), barbital (BB, 1500 ppm) or 5-ethyl-5-phenylhydantoin (EPH, 500 ppm), CYP2B1-mediated benzyloxyresorufin O-dealkylase activity and epoxide hydrolase activity were profoundly induced in female DA and F344/NCr rats. In contrast, outbred female lean and obese Zucker rats showed markedly reduced CYP2B1 responses (less than 15% and less than 5% of those observed in the female DA or F344/NCr rat) to PB (doses less than or equal to 300 ppm), BB (1500 ppm) or EPH (500 ppm). In parallel studies, profound increases in RNA levels coding for CYP2B1, glutathione S-transferases Ya/Yc (alpha subclass), or epoxide hydrolase were detected in the female F344/NCr rat following treatment with PB (300 ppm), BB (1500 ppm) or EPH (500 ppm). In contrast, lean Zucker rats showed a strong response only to the highest dose of PB (500 ppm), implying that the diminished response in the Zucker rats may occur at some pretranslational level. Similar studies with lower doses of PB, EPH or BB in male lean Zucker rats showed a decreased response, relative to that in male F344/NCr rats. However, this insensitivity was not as profound as that observed in the female Zucker rats. In fact, the response to PB-type inducers in male or female Zucker rats is probably most clearly explained as a shift of the dose-response curve sharply to the right (decreased responsiveness, compared to F344/NCr or DA rats of the same sex). This decreased responsiveness of female lean Zucker rats to induction of CYP2B1, relative to that of F344/NCr rats, was also observed with the structurally-diverse PB-type inducers clonazepam, clotrimazole and 2-hexanone. In contrast, the female Zucker rat (obese or lean) displayed a pronounced response to induction of CYP1A-mediated ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase activity by beta-naphthoflavone, a prototype inducer of CYP1A1 and CYP1A2. The Zucker rat would thus appear to represent a potentially exploitable genetic model for examining the mechanism of enzyme induction by the myriad xenobiotics which induce a PB-type response.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate influence of delayed gastric emptying on postprandial reflux in esophageal pH. Sixty-nine consecutive patients underwent 24 hour (h) esophageal pH monitoring and gastric emptying. In 24 h esophageal pH monitoring, % postprandial reflux pH<4 for 2 h after each meal (% PRT) was extracted from the 24 h pH profile. After solid test meal (1 mCi, Tc99m) was given, gastric emptying was measured with a gamma detector placed transnasally 5 cm below lower esophageal sphincter. % PRT was similar among the 34 normal, 26 delayed and 9 rapid gastric emptying rate patients. Thirty-five with a positive pH study and 34 with a negative had a similar prevalence of gastric emptying disorder. In the positive pH study group, patients with normal gastric emptying had significantly higher % PRT than those with delayed gastric emptying (22.0 vs 12.1%, P<0.05). In the same population, patients with a normal %PRT had a significantly higher prevalence of delayed gastric emptying compared with those with a positive % PRT (6/8 vs 9/27, P<0.05). In patient with abnormal acid exposure but normal % PRT on 24 h esophageal pH monitoring, gastric emptying may be delayed.  相似文献   
Many medical conditions are caused or exacerbated by heavy drinking, necessitating alcohol screening and discussion in primary care practices. This is particularly true of hypertension, the most common primary diagnosis in the United States, which has been linked to the regular consumption of 3 or more standard alcoholic beverages a day. The Accelerating Alcohol Screening-Translating Research into Practice (AA-TRIP) project was designed to improve detection and management of alcohol problems in primary care patients with hypertension. Medical providers are being trained using the Practice Partner Research Network's- Translating Research into Practice (PPRNet-TRIP) quality improvement model. This includes a multi-method intervention (electronic medical records, on-site academic detailing, practice feedback reports and annual network meetings) to help practices increase adherence to clinical guidelines. Qualitative analyses of initial steps taken by nine primary care practices toward the routine implementation of alcohol screening guidelines are presented. Organizational factors and provider and patient characteristics all influenced the method and consistency of alcohol screening and intervention. Perceived time constraints, patient sensitivity to questions about alcohol, and possible stigma associated with a diagnosis of alcoholism were also relevant barriers requiring problem solving.  相似文献   
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