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We cared for a patient with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia who experienced clinical failure with daptomycin. The failure was accompanied by progressive elevation of the daptomycin minimum inhibitory concentration during treatment. DNA fingerprinting confirmed that the minimum inhibitory concentration elevation occurred within the same strain of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. This observation provides important new information to clinicians who adopt this promising drug for treatment of serious infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.  相似文献   
Variation amongst Achromobacter-like strains was examined by DNA restriction endonuclease digestion and rDNA gene patterns generated using a non-radioactive probe. Chromosomal DNA was extracted from 12 cultures representing Achromobacter groups B, E and F, all from human blood cultures. DNA fingerprinting using EcoRI, Hae III or HindIII sub-divided the strains in a similar manner to that obtained by their protein patterns. The HaeIII patterns, with their small number of bands, were the easiest to interpret. The EcoRI patterns included a species-species triplet of bands but minor band patterns allowed further differentiation. The Achromobacter group F strains comprised a separate taxon and were distinct from the group B and E strains by all techniques examined. The study demonstrates that, in addition to total DNA digest analysis, rDNA gene restriction patterns provide a simple but discriminatory electrophoretic method for distinguishing within Achromobacter groups B and E.  相似文献   
Abstract Bleeding on probing (BOP) and the gingival index have been used to clinically characterize the degree of gingival inflammation. It is, however, unclear to what extent these parameters correlate to each other and to probing pocket depth (PD). The purpose of this clinical study was to evaluate the association between BOP and GI bleeding (scores of 2 and 3), as well as the relationship of these variables to PD, in a group of patients presenting with naturally-occurring gingivitis. Based on screening examinations of 125 subjects with at least 20 teeth, no more than 4 sites with PD over 6 mm, a BOP frequency of 30% or greater, and no systemic condition that would influence the inflammatory response, were selected. 2 weeks after screening they were examined at 6 sites per tooth for plaque index, GI, PD and BOP. A standardized pressure sensitive probe (Florida Probe) with 20 g probing force was used for BOP and PD measurements. In this population, means of 40.9% (S.E.= 1.36) BOP sites and 35.3% (S.E, = 1.81) GI bleeding sites per patient were found. A total of 20,008 sites ranging in PD up to 5.9 mm were evaluated; however, the majority of sites (19,723, 98.6%) presented with <4 mm PD. When sites were evaluated, BOP demonstrated a positive correlation with PD, whereas GI bleeding correlated with PH. For sites characterized by the absence of BOP as well as the absence of GI bleeding (scores 0 and 1), the highest % of agreement between the 2 indices (77.7%) was found in shallow sites (0.1–2 mm). In contrast, when sites presenting with both BOP and GI bleeding were analyzed, the highest % of agreement (85,4%) was found for sites with PD >4.0 mm. In this gingivitis population group, it appears that BOP and GI bleeding evaluate distinct inflammatory1 conditions of the gingival tissues, and the relationship between the 2 clinical parameters may vary according to PD at the individual site examined.  相似文献   
In this study, the effect of combining anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) and cyclosporin (CyA) therapy at the time of transplantation was examined. A mouse cardiac allograft model was used. Anti-CD4 mAb administered perioperatively induces long-term survival. The addition of a short course of CyA given subcutaneously in a regimen of either a high-dose treatment or a standard dose treatment to the anti-CD4 mAb treatment protocol did not have a detrimental effect on graft survival. Despite having no significant effect on graft survival, the addition of CyA to the treatment protocol did result in a significant decrease in the level of IL-2 present in the hearts 7 days after transplantation. The decrease in IL-2 production was directly related to the presence of CyA in vivo. When CyA treatment was continued throughout the period during which unresponsiveness to the graft is induced by anti-CD4 mAb therapy, 50 % of the grafted hearts were rejected once the CyA was discontinued. In conclusion, the combined use of anti-CD4 mAb therapy and CyA did not have a negative effect on graft survival in this model when the two agents were used concurrently at the time of transplantation. Received: 2 October 1996 Received after revision: 31 January 1997 Accepted: 5 February 1997  相似文献   
The clinical research coordinator plays a crucial role in organizing a site's participation in the expanding arena of multicenter medical and pharmacologic clinical trials. This summary clarifies the role of the clinical research coordinator for inexperienced staff members assuming these responsibilities and outlines planning procedures leading to successful implementation. Emphasis is placed on establishing an interdependent relationship with the principal investigator, careful protocol assessment, team building, and staff feedback. Useful tools such as study manuals and physicians' study orders are described.  相似文献   
The yellow color of atherosclerotic plaque is due to the presence of carotenoids, which absorb light between 430–530 nm and account for the preferential ablation of plaque by the pulsed dye laser operating at 480 nm. This study was designed to examine tissue uptake of β-carotene and the effect of uptake on arterial plaque ablation. Forty-two atherosclerotic NZW rabbits were given intravenous β-carotene at a dose of 40 mg/kg, twice weekly and killed between 1 hour and 28 days after the initial injection. β-carotene was not detected in control specimens but was significantly greater in plaque than in normal wall at all time points following β-carotene injection (P < 0.04 Mann Whitney U test). The ablation threshold was significantly lower in β-carotene treated plaque than in untreated plaque or normal arterial wall (P < 0.01, Fisher's exact test). In this model β-carotene is preferentially taken up into arterial plaque, resulting in increased absorption of laser radiation at 480 nm and enhanced tissue ablation. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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