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This prospective study examined the adult patient's perception of recovery after insertion of three types of orthodontic appliances: Buccal, Lingual and Invisalign. The sample consisted of sixty-eight adult patients (45 females and 23 males) who comprised three groups: 28 Buccal, 19 Lingual, and 21 Invisalign patients. After appliance insertion, patients completed a Health-Related Quality of Life questionnaire daily for the first week and again on day 14, in order to assess patients' perception of pain and analgesic consumption. In addition, four areas of dysfunction were assessed: oral dysfunction, eating disturbances, general activity parameters, and oral symptoms. Lingual appliance was associated with more severe pain and analgesic consumption, the greatest oral and general dysfunction, and the most difficult and longest recovery. The Invisalign patients complained of relatively high levels of pain in the first days after insertion; however this group was characterized by the lowest level of oral symptoms and by a similar level of general activity disturbances and oral dysfunction compared to the Buccal appliance. Many Lingual and some Buccal patients did not reach a full recovery from their eating difficulties by the end of the study period. The present study provides information to adult patients and clinicians assisting them in choosing the most appropriate treatment modality in relation to Health-Related Quality of Life parameters.  相似文献   
The lack of prospective outcomes studies for many types of incidental findings limits our understanding of both their natural history and the potential efficacy of treatment. To support decision making for the management of incidental findings, major sources of uncertainty in management pathways can be mapped and analyzed using mathematical models. This process yields important insights into how uncertainty influences the best treatment decision. Here, we consider a classification scheme, grounded in decision science, which exposes various levels and types of uncertainty in the management of incidental findings and addresses (1) disease-related risks, which are considered in context of a patient’s competing causes of mortality; (2) potential degrees of intervention; (3) strength of evidence; and (4) patients’ treatment-related preferences. Herein we describe how categorizing uncertainty by the sources, issues, and locus can build a framework from which to improve the management of incidental findings. Accurate and comprehensive handling of uncertainty will improve the quality of related decision making and will help guide future research priorities.  相似文献   
Neurological Sciences - The COVID-19 pandemic caused major changes in the lifestyle and in the access to health services worldwide. Progressive multiple sclerosis (pMS) patients are a vulnerable...  相似文献   
The prevalence of sleep disorders during childhood has been estimated to range from 25 to 43 %. The aim of this review is to determine the prevalence of sleep disorders and possible associations with chronic kidney disease (CKD)-related factors and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in children with CKD. An electronic systematic literature search for sleep disorders in children with CKD in Pubmed, Embase and the Cochrane Library Databases identified seven relevant articles for review, all of which reported an increased prevalence of sleep disorders in children with CKD. Five studies included children with CKD undergoing dialysis, and two studies included only non-dialysis patients. In all studies the presence of sleep disturbances was assessed by questionnaires; only one study compared the results of a validated questionnaire with laboratory-based polysomnography. The prevalence of any sleep disorder ranged from 77 to 85 % in dialysis patients, to 32–50 % in transplanted patients and 40–50 % in non-dialysis patients. The most commonly studied disorder was restless legs syndrome, which presented at a prevalence of 10–35 %. Three studies showed significant associations between presence of sleep disorders and HRQOL. We found consistent evidence of an increased prevalence of sleep disturbances in children with CKD, and these seemed to play a critical role in HRQOL.  相似文献   
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) constitutes the preferred dialysis modality for children requiring renal replacement therapy with peritonitis being one of the most common complications of PD. This study was performed to evaluate the epidemiology, microbiology, and outcomes of PD-associated peritonitis in Greek children for a 10-year period. A total of 27 patients (16 males) with a mean age 121.8?±?57.2 months were retrospective analyzed. Patients were on PD therapy for a mean duration of 45.2?±?26.1 months. We found 23 episodes of PD-associated peritonitis occurred in 9 out of 27 patients (0.23 episodes/patient-year), with four patients experienced two or more peritonitis episodes. Gram-positive bacteria were responsible for 15 (65.2%) peritonitis episodes, with Staphylococcus aureus being the predominant specie isolated in 30.4% of cases. A total of seven episodes of exit-site infections (ESIs) were identified in five patients (0.069 episodes/patient-year) with the most common bacteria isolated being S. aureus (57.4%). Initial antibiotic treatment included intraperitoneal vancomycin plus ceftazidime in the majority of cases (82.6%). At the end of study, 12 (44.4%) patients remained on PD, 11 (41.8%) underwent renal transplantation, 2 (7.4%) shifted to hemodialysis and unfortunately, two patients (7.4%) died. Conclusively, our study revealed a noticeable low peritonitis and ESIs rate as compared to international data and represents the first evaluation of the characteristics and outcomes of peritonitis in the Greek pediatric PD population.  相似文献   
Human mesenchymal stromal (stem) cells (hMSCs) isolated from adult bone marrow (BM-hMSCs) as well as amnion (AM-hMSCs) and chorion (CM-hMSCs) term placenta leaves were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to investigate their ultrastructural basic phenotype. At flow cytometry, the isolated cells showed a homogeneous expression of markers commonly used to identify hMSCs, i.e., CD105, CD44, CD90, CD166, HLA-ABC positivities, and CD45, AC133, and HLA-DR negativities. However, TEM revealed subtle yet significant differences. BM-hMSCs had mesenchymal features with dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) and peripheral collections of multiloculated clear blisters; this latter finding mostly representing complex foldings of the plasma membrane could be revelatory of the in situ cell arrangement in the niche microenvironment. Unlike BM-hMSCs, CM-hMSCs were more primitive and metabolically quiescent, their major features being the presence of rER stacks and large peripheral collections of unbound glycogen. AM-hMSCs showed a hybrid epithelial-mesenchymal ultrastructural phenotype; epithelial characters included non-intestinal-type surface microvilli, intracytoplasmic lumina lined with microvilli, and intercellular junctions; mesenchymal features included rER profiles, lipid droplets, and well-developed foci of contractile filaments with dense bodies. These features are consistent with the view that AM-hMSCs have a pluripotent potential. In conclusion, this study documents that ultrastructural differences exist among phenotypically similar hMSCs derived from human bone marrow and term placenta leaves; such differences could be revelatory of the hMSCs in vitro differentiation potential and may provide useful clues to attempt their in situ identification.  相似文献   
A World Health Organization requirement for biological standards is that they should exhibit long-term stability at their recommended storage temperature. Thermal stability is usually predicted in accelerated thermal degradation studies, where ampoules of the lyophilized standard are stored at elevated temperatures for relatively short times before testing. To confirm the predicted thermal stability of the 2nd international standard of human interferon alpha 2b (IFN-alpha2b; 95/566), we tested the potency of the ampouled contents of this standard after 9 years storage at the customary storage temperature of -20 degrees C in comparison with ampoules of the IS which had been stored continuously at temperatures ranging from -150 degrees C to 56 degrees C. Since IFN-alpha2b potency estimates derived from the results of antiviral assays (AVA) showed high within-assay variability, we investigated a novel reporter gene assay (RGA) based on induction of secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) for comparability and precision of such estimations. We show that this RGA generated comparable estimates with overall lower variation. Additionally, the SEAP conversion of p-nitrophenyl phosphate to yellow product could be followed kinetically. Absorbance readings were shown to increase with time in proportion with increasing concentration of IFN-alpha2b. When the time-dependent increments of absorbance were plotted graphically, the slopes of lines corresponded to concentration. This approach enabled single dilutions of IFN samples, identical in molecular structure to an IFN-alpha2b standard, to be used for potency estimates by interpolation of slope value against those of the standard at fixed concentrations. It appears attractive for high through-put potency testing of various R&D IFN-alpha2b samples.  相似文献   
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