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Although surgical lung resection could improve prognosis in some patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), there are no reports on the optimal candidates for this surgery. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the prognostic factors for surgery in patients with MDR-TB. Patients who underwent lung resection for the treatment of MDR-TB between March 1993 and December 2004 were included in the present study. Treatment failure was defined as greater than or equal to two of the five cultures recorded in the final 12 months of treatment being positive, any one of the final three cultures being positive, or the patient having died during treatment. The variables that affected treatment outcomes were identified through univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis. In total, 79 patients with MDR-TB were included in the present study. The treatment outcomes of 22 (27.8%) patients were classified as failure. A body mass index <18.5 kg x m(-2), primary resistance, resistance to ofloxacin and the presence of a cavitary lesion beyond the range of the surgical resection were associated with treatment failure. Low body mass index, primary resistance, resistance to ofloxacin and cavitary lesions beyond the range of resection are possible poor prognostic factors for surgical lung resection in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients.  相似文献   
Background Familial partial lipodystrophy (FPLD) is a monogenic form of diabetes characterised by a dominantly inherited disorder of adipose tissue associated with the loss of subcutaneous fat from the limbs and trunk, with excess fat deposited around the face and neck. The lipodystrophy causes severe insulin resistance, resulting in acanthosis nigricans, diabetes, dyslipidaemia, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Preliminary results from animals and man suggest that increasing subcutaneous fat by treatment with thiazolidinediones should improve insulin resistance and the associated features of this syndrome. Case report We report a 24-year-old patient with FPLD caused by a mutation in the LMNA gene (R482W) treated with 12 months of rosiglitazone. Subcutaneous fat increased following rosiglitazone treatment as demonstrated by a 29% generalised increase in skin-fold thickness. Leptin levels increased from 5.8 to 11.2 ng/ml. Compared with treatment on Metformin, there was an increase in insulin sensitivity (HOMA S% 17.2–31.6) but no change in glycaemic control. The lipid profile worsened during the follow-up period. Conclusion This initial case suggests that, for modification of cardiovascular risk factors, there are no clear advantages in treating patients with FPLD with rosiglitazone despite increases in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Larger series will be needed to identify moderate beneficial effects and treatment may be more effective in patients with generalised forms of lipodystrophy.  相似文献   
AIM: The intention was to investigate cerebrospinal fluid pressure (CSFP) and volume of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drained during and after thoracic- and thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair. The findings were related to the occurrence of postoperative neurologic deficits. METHODS: Twenty-nine patients (12 with thoracic and 17 with thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm) were operated without shunting or extracorporeal circulation. For monitoring of CSFP an intrathecal catheter was placed in all patients. The volume of CSF withdrawn intraoperatively, on the day of operation as well as on the 1st and 2nd postoperative day was recorded. RESULTS: Twenty-six patients had no postoperative neurologic sequelae. One patient had postoperative paraplegia while 2 had paraparesis. The three patients with neurologic sequelae had higher CSFP intraoperatively than those without neurologic symptoms (P=0.04). Median CSFP during aortic cross-clamping was 19 mmHg and 10 mmHg and the median volumes of CSF drained on the day of operation 210 and 85 mL in the two groups, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between CSFP and central venous pressure. CONCLUSIONS: A higher intraoperative CSFP was observed in patients with neurologic sequelae following thoracic- and thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair. Further, there was a tendency of higher volumes of CSF drained in this group of patients. Although, the series is too small to allow firm conclusions, it supports the view that CSFP monitoring and drainage is beneficial during thoracic- and thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: In children with locally advanced or recurrent malignant tumours, prognosis can be improved by regional deep hyperthermia (RHT) in combination with platin-based chemotherapy. However, because of the increasing number of patients that achieve long-time remission with this therapy, it is necessary to evaluate long-term sequelae of thermochemotherapy. During the years 1993-2004 one has observed avascular osteonecrosis (AON) of the femoral head after RHT in seven children with pelvic germ cell tumours or rhabdomyosarcomas. METHODS: Although AON may develop in patients with malignancies treated with chemo- or radiotherapy alone, RHT might nevertheless contribute to the occurrence of AON. In order to determine potential risk factors for AON after RHT, this study analysed the relationship of AON to the patient's age, medical history and treatment parameters such as thermal dose equivalent and power output. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: In the present study AON was associated with young age as well as intensity of hyperthermia indicated by high power levels that exceed 20 W per kg body weight and/or application of eight or more heat sessions as well as additional radiotherapy. Based on this observation, it was assumed that an optimized three dimensional thermal field modelling may be helpful to avoid hazardous temperatures in the femoral heads during RHT treatment and to reduce AON of the femoral heads.  相似文献   
Accurate assessment of the amount and intensity of physical activity in daily life is considered very important due to the close relationship between physical activity level, health, disability and mortality. For this reason, assessment of physical activity in daily life has gained interest in recent years, especially in sedentary populations, such as patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The present article aims to compare and discuss the two kinds of instruments more commonly used to quantify the amount of physical activity performed by COPD patients in daily life: subjective methods (questionnaires, diaries) and motion sensors (electronic or mechanical methods). Their characteristics are summarised and evidence of their validity, reliability and sensitivity is discussed, when available. Subjective methods have practical value mainly in providing the patients' view on their performance in activities of daily living and functional status. However, care must be taken when using subjective methods to accurately quantify the amount of daily physical activity performed. More accurate information is likely to be available with motion sensors rather than questionnaires. The selection of which motion sensor to use for quantification of physical activity in daily life should depend mainly on the purpose of its use.  相似文献   
The aim of the current study was to investigate whether alterations in N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) reflect changes in right ventricular structure and function in pulmonary hypertension patients during treatment. The study consisted of 30 pulmonary hypertension patients; 15 newly diagnosed and 15 on long-term treatment. NT-proBNP, right heart catheterisation and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging measurements were performed, at baseline and follow-up. There were no significant differences between newly diagnosed patients and those on treatment at baseline or follow-up with respect to NT-proBNP, haemodynamics and right ventricular parameters. Relative changes in NT-proBNP during treatment were correlated to the relative changes in right ventricular end-diastolic volume index (r = 0.59), right ventricular mass index (r = 0.62) and right ventricular ejection fraction (r = -0.81). N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide measurements reflect changes in magnetic resonance imaging-measured right ventricular structure and function in pulmonary hypertension patients. An increase in N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide over time reflects right ventricular dilatation concomitant to hypertrophy and deterioration of systolic function.  相似文献   
Inter-individual variations in the development of silicosis, even within the same environments, have been reported, which suggest the contribution of genetic factors in silicosis aetiology. The aim of the present study was to determine whether there is any significant genetic influence on the development of silicosis. Furthermore, which genetic loci are responsible for the pulmonary response to silica exposure? Eight strains of inbred mice were used to examine the genetic influence on the lung fibrotic response to silica exposure. After intercross-breeding between the most susceptible and most resistant strains, a genome-wide linkage analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTL) was performed. Hydroxyproline was applied as an index, and genotypes of 167 marker genes were analysed by fragment analysis using a capillary-type sequencer. There was significant inter-strain difference in the mean concentration of hydroxyproline contents among the eight strains of mice. Breeding studies were conducted between the most susceptible, C57BL/6J, and the most resistant strain, CBA/J. A genome-wide linkage analysis of silica-exposed intercrossed cohorts identified significant QTL on chromosome 4 and suggestive QTL on chromosomes 3 and 18. The present study demonstrates that genetic factors may play a significant role in fibrotic-lung responses to silica; one significant and two suggestive quantitative trait loci were identified.  相似文献   
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