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Formative feedback is an essential component of effective teaching and learning. Without it, the learner flounders. Furthermore, the Liaison Committee on Medical Education requires formative feedback within the clerkship and specifies that students must have the time and ability to remediate deficiencies before completing the clerkship. Few articles in the medical literature address how to give effective feedback. However, the themes within these articles are consistent. Formative feedback should be an interactive activity between the teacher and learner. Feedback must be approached with mutual respect and should be provided in a safe environment. Quality feedback is timely, specific to the situation, constructive, based on direct observation and nonjudgmental. With effective feedback, learners (and teachers) can discover what to improve, as well as which behaviors and skills to reinforce and augment. Learners appreciate and request specific feedback. In addition, learners tend to rate teachers who provide feedback more highly than they rate teachers who do not provide feedback. This article in the "To the Point" series will focus on the components of effective feedback and provide a practical and effective approach to giving feedback.  相似文献   
Randomized controlled trial of biofeedback for fecal incontinence   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Behavioral treatment (biofeedback) has been reported to improve fecal incontinence but has not been compared with standard care. METHODS: A total of 171 patients with fecal incontinence were randomized to 1 of 4 groups: (1) standard care (advice); (2) advice plus instruction on sphincter exercises; (3) hospital-based computer-assisted sphincter pressure biofeedback; and (4) hospital biofeedback plus the use of a home electromyelogram biofeedback device. Outcome measures included diary, symptom questionnaire, continence score, patient's rating of change, quality of life (short-form 36 and disease specific), psychologic status (Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale), and anal manometry. RESULTS: Biofeedback yielded no greater benefit than standard care with advice (53% improved in group 3 vs. 54% in group 1). There was no difference between the groups on any of the following measures: episodes of incontinence decreased from a median of 2 to 0 per week (P < 0.001). Continence score (worst = 20) decreased from a median of 11 to 8 (P < 0.001). Disease-specific quality of life, short-form 36 (vitality, social functioning, and mental health), and Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale all significantly improved. Patients improved resting, squeeze, and sustained squeeze pressures (all P < 0.002). These improvements were largely maintained 1 year after finishing treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Conservative therapy for fecal incontinence improves continence, quality of life, psychologic well-being, and anal sphincter function. Benefit is maintained in the medium term. Neither pelvic floor exercises nor biofeedback was superior to standard care supplemented by advice and education.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Adequate and equitable resourcing of services for children with disabilities and their families is a challenge that is faced by agencies as the growth in client numbers outstrips any increase in available funding. While funding models have been developed within the acute health care and education sectors, there have been few attempts to develop funding models for therapy (occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychology, and speech pathology) provided within community-based, paediatric disability services. This paper outlines a model for allocating staff resources to provide therapy services for children with physical disabilities based on a project conducted by Novita Children's Services (formerly the Crippled Children's Association of South Australia, Inc.). METHOD: Services were mapped using a framework based on the International Classification of Function developed by the World Health Organization and adopted by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. An action research methodology was employed that included focus groups held with staff to identify potential resource drivers; collection of travel time data, client caseload numbers; and developing profiles of services and client groups. A model for allocating staff time was developed to reflect the differing service demands, travel time, leave allowances and time for activities to develop the social environment for individuals with disabilities. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Analysis indicated that the drivers of staff resources were the type of service delivery (early intervention versus school aged services), model specific (e.g., time required to provide community-based services and work within multi-disciplinary teams), and specific client (need for complex technology or equipment; school/preschool transition times; high health care needs due to dysphagia, deteriorating conditions with changing needs, or post surgery/medication rehabilitation) and family well-being issues. While further data collection and refinement of the model is needed, it provides the organization with more objective and equitable resource allocation and enables improved advocacy for client needs.  相似文献   
Chronic macrophage inflammation is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and linked to the development of secondary diabetic complications. T2D is characterized by excess concentrations of saturated fatty acids (SFA) that activate innate immune inflammatory responses, however, mechanism(s) by which SFAs control inflammation is unknown. Using monocyte-macrophages isolated from human blood and murine models, we demonstrate that palmitate (C16:0), the most abundant circulating SFA in T2D, increases expression of the histone demethylase, Jmjd3. Upregulation of Jmjd3 results in removal of the repressive histone methylation (H3K27me3) mark on NFκB-mediated inflammatory gene promoters driving macrophage-mediated inflammation. We identify that the effects of palmitate are fatty acid specific, as laurate (C12:0) does not regulate Jmjd3 and the associated inflammatory profile. Further, palmitate-induced Jmjd3 expression is controlled via TLR4/MyD88-dependent signaling mechanism, where genetic depletion of TLR4 (Tlr4−/−) or MyD88 (MyD88−/−) negated the palmitate-induced changes in Jmjd3 and downstream NFκB-induced inflammation. Pharmacological inhibition of Jmjd3 using a small molecule inhibitor (GSK-J4) reduced macrophage inflammation and improved diabetic wound healing. Together, we conclude that palmitate contributes to the chronic Jmjd3-mediated activation of macrophages in diabetic peripheral tissue and a histone demethylase inhibitor-based therapy may represent a novel treatment for nonhealing diabetic wounds.  相似文献   


A relationship between myocardial fibrosis and ventricular dysfunction has been demonstrated using late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) in the pressure-loaded right ventricle from congenital heart defects. In patients with Eisenmenger syndrome (ES), the presence of LGE has not been investigated. The aims of this study were to detect any myocardial fibrosis in ES and describe major clinical variables associated with the finding.


From 45 subjects screened, 30 subjects (age 43 ± 13 years, 20 female) underwent prospective cardiovascular magnetic resonance with LGE to quantify biventricular volume and function as well as maximal and submaximal exercise during a single visit. Standard cine acquisitions were obtained for ventricular volume and function. Further imaging was performed after administration of 0.1 mmol/kg gadolinium contrast. Regions of LGE were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively by manual contouring of identified areas, with total area expressed as a percentage of mass. Patients were followed prospectively (mean follow up 7.4 ± 0.4 years) and any deaths recorded. Patients with LGE findings were compared to those without.


LGE was present in 22/30 (73%) patients, specifically in RV myocardium (70%), RV trabeculae (60%), LV myocardium (33%) or LV papillary muscles (30%), though in small amounts (mean 1.4% of total ventricular mass, range 0.16 – 6.0%). Those with any LGE were not different in age, history of arrhythmia, desaturation, nor hemoglobin, nor ventricular size, mass, or function. Exercise capacity was low, but also not different between those with and without LGE. Similarly no significant associations were found with amount of fibrosis. There were five deaths among patients with LGE, versus two in patients without, but no difference in survival (log rank =0.03, P = 0.85).


Myocardial fibrosis by LGE is common in ES, though not extensive. The presence and quantity of LGE did not correlate with ventricular size, function, degree of cyanosis, exercise capacity, or survival in this pilot study. More data are clearly required before recommendations for routine use of LGE in these patients can be made.  相似文献   
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