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As shown in clinical studies, combinations of first generation normothymics (carbamazepine - CBZ) with atypical neuroleptics (olanzapine - OLA) lead to improvements in approximately half of patients treated for relapses of bipolar affective disease. Our previous studies have shown OLA to have an antidepressant effect when administered at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg only upon single administration; the effect did not last throughout chronic administration, whereas CBZ administered at a dose of 30 mg/kg showed an antidepressant effect only after 7 days of administration. As shown in our previous studies, both OLA and CBZ improve memory in rats but only after chronic administration. The improved antidepressant effect of many drugs, including OLA and CBZ used in combined therapy - as observed in our clinic - as well as confirmed evidence of OLA's and CBZ's positive effects on cognitive functions in humans and animals substantiated commencement of research on defining the effect of combined administration of OLA and CBZ on sedation (tested in a locomotor activity test), antidepressant effect (Porsolt test) and spatial memory (Morris test) in animals. The tests were performed on male Wistar rats. It was found that in combined administration of CBZ and OLA for 7 and 14 days, OLA would completely prevent the CBZ's sedative effect. With combined administration of CBZ and OLA, both as a single dose and after prolonged treatment for 7 days, a significant reduction in immobility time was observed. Combined administration of CBZ and OLA did not improve memory in rats that received these drugs in a single dose, whereas statistically significant differences were observed in the chronic experiments. It can be assumed that the observed effects of combined administration of CBZ and OLA may be due to the pharmacokinetic interactions, but further studies are necessary to confirm these assumptions.  相似文献   
Pola J 《Vision research》2011,51(4):424-434
A large number of experiments show that perisaccadic flash mislocalization can vary according to the spatial location of the flash relative to the saccade, especially in the presence of background stimuli. The temporal attributes of this mislocalization suggest that, around the time of a saccade, a transient compression of visual space occurs. The present study offers a model to account for such compression. A basic aspect of the model is that the mislocalization is a consequence of flash retinal signal persistence interacting with an extraretinal signal. Of central importance, however, the model suggests that the extraretinal signal is different when a saccade occurs in the dark from when a saccade occurs with background stimuli. In the dark, the extraretinal signal begins to change with little or no time difference from one retinal locus to another, resulting in little or no compression. However, in the presence of background stimuli, the extraretinal signal begins at considerably different times across the retina, giving rise to a large amount of compression.  相似文献   
Despite the large number of individuals who speak Russian, only a limited number of high-quality speech audiometry materials are available in a standard dialect of Russian. Thus, the purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate speech audiometry materials that can be used to measure word recognition and SRT testing in quiet for native speakers of Russian. Familiar monosyllabic and bisyllabic words were digitally recorded by male and female talkers of Russian and subsequently evaluated by native listeners. Using logistic regression, psychometric functions were then calculated for all words. Selected monosyllabic words were digitally adjusted to create word recognition lists which are relatively homogeneous with respect to audibility and psychometric slope. Speech reception threshold materials were developed by selecting twenty-five bisyllabic words with relatively steep psychometric function slopes (12.1%/dB and 9.9 %/dB) and digitally equating their intensity to match the mean PTA of the native listeners. Digital recordings of the resulting psychometrically equivalent speech audiometry materials are available on compact disc.  相似文献   
The aim of this review was to investigate the association between attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or ADHD-related symptoms and industrial chemicals, such as organophosphates and organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), lead, mercury and manganese. Medline, PubMed and EBSCO searches were performed to identify the studies that analyzed the association of prenatal and postnatal child exposure to such toxicants and ADHD or ADHD-related symptoms. The review is restricted to human studies published in English in peer-reviewed journals since 2000. Most of the presented studies focused on pesticides, PCB and lead. The impact of mercury and manganese was investigated less frequently. The findings indicate that children’s exposure to organophosphate pesticides may cause symptoms consistent with pervasive developmental disorder, ADHD or attention problems. Exposures to organochlorine pesticides and PCBs were associated with ADHD-like behaviors such as alertness, quality of alert response, and cost of attention. The studies provided evidence that blood lead level below 10 μg/dl was associated with ADHD or ADHD-related symptoms. Information on the association between exposure to mercury and neurotoxicity is limited, and requires further confirmation in future research. Two studies indicated that exposure to manganese is related to ADHD; such exposure and its impact on children neurodevelopment need to be further investigated. Future studies should use a prospective design with multiple biological samples collected over time for better assessment of exposure and its critical windows. Additionally, inclusion of potential confounding factors and co-exposures is crucial.  相似文献   
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