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Lymphocytic hypophysitis is an uncommon condition that typically occurs during the last trimester of pregnancy or in the postpartum period. Presentation is of an anterior pituitary mass with varying degrees of pituitary dysfunction. We present a case in which there was dramatic resolution of the pituitary lesion on sequential MRI scanning. Despite this apparent resolution, however, the patient continues to have significant pituitary dysfunction.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: Obstructive sleep apnoea is a common childhood disorder. Adenotonsillar enlargement is most commonly implicated, with adenotonsillectomy representing an effective treatment in the majority of cases. Such children may develop respiratory compromise post-operatively, sometimes necessitating admission to the intensive care unit. We describe insertion of a nasopharyngeal "prong" airway and evaluate its benefits after adenotonsillectomy for obstructive sleep apnoea and milder forms of sleep-disordered breathing. METHODS: The prong is easily fashioned from a paediatric endotracheal tube. It is inserted once surgery is complete, remaining in situ overnight. We retrospectively examine its elective use over an 18-month period in selected children considered to be at high risk of post-operative respiratory compromise. Existing practice over the preceding 18-month period is also examined, by way of comparison. RESULTS: Forty-three children underwent adenotonsillectomy for sleep-disordered breathing/OSAS in the 18 months prior to introduction of the prong. Ten were considered "high risk" cases: post-operative intensive care beds were pre-booked for these, but none were eventually required. During the subsequent 18 months, 60 children underwent adenotonsillectomy for the same indication. Seventeen "high risk" cases received the prong post-operatively. No intensive care beds were pre-booked and all children were managed safely on the ENT ward, with minimal intervention. CONCLUSIONS: Use of a nasopharyngeal prong significantly improves the post-operative course of selected children who are at high risk of respiratory compromise after adenotonsillectomy. This largely avoids the need for medical intervention and intensive care admission.  相似文献   
目的:测定炎痛净乳膏中双氯芬酸钠和苯佐卡因的含量。方法:高效液想象以谱法,甲醇为提取溶剂,地西泮为内标,No-va-PakC18色谱柱,甲醇-水-冰醋酸(80:20:0.5)为流动相,检测波长为283nm。结果:双氯芬酸钠和苯佐卡因在5μg/ml-40μg/ml范围内,其浓度与峰面积均呈良好的线性关系(r=0.9999),平均回收率分别为101.0%,RSD=1.21%,99.8%,RSD=0.62%。结论:本法专属性强,操作简便,结果准确。  相似文献   
Glazer  HS; Gutierrez  FR; Levitt  RG; Lee  JK; Murphy  WA 《Radiology》1985,157(1):149-155
Thirty-three patients with a variety of disorders of the thoracic aorta (aneurysm, dissection, Marfan syndrome, coarctation/pseudocoarctation, L-transposition, and Takayasu disease) were evaluated with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. MR imaging delineated the presence and extent of thoracic aortic aneurysms and showed the relationship of the aneurysm to arch vessels; it also demonstrated intimal flaps and individual lumina in types A and B aortic dissection. Dilation of the ascending aorta in Marfan syndrome and focal narrowing of the aorta in coarctation were well visualized. The anteroposterior and side-to-side relationships of the aorta and pulmonary artery in L-transposition were demonstrated, as were aortic wall thickening and branch vessel narrowing in Takayasu arteritis. Initial experience suggests that MR imaging may provide a noninvasive method for evaluating thoracic aortic disease. Limitations include inferior spatial resolution, occasional difficulty in imaging the entire region of interest in one section, lack of signal from calcifications, and inability to monitor critically ill patients.  相似文献   
Is ACTH a key to understanding anticonvulsant action?   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Adrenocorticotrophin hormone (ACTH) has been used as an anticonvulsant for many years. In this paper, the use of ACTH in 23 children with intractable epilepsies is described. It was found that ACTH worked most effectively when the EEG showed benzodiazepine sensitivity. A mechanism of action of ACTH is proposed.  相似文献   
The efficacy of intra-articular glucocorticoid injections in the early phase of knee joint synovitis was studied in 79 children with juvenile chronic arthritis (42 girls and 37 boys). Half of the injections were given within the first six months from the onset of the disease. The probability of a patient staying in remission was much higher in triamcinolone-treated patients than in patients receiving methylprcdni-solone ( p <0.0005, Breslow statistics). Using multivariate analysis there was a significant association between the length of remission and the synovial fluid polymorphonuclcar leucocyte proportion (SF-PMN%. Patients with a high SF-PMN% tended to have shorter remissions than those with a low SF-PMN% (improvement of the fit in stcpwise model: chi-square = 8.81, p <0.005). The difference between triamcinolone and methylprednisolone groups was still clearly evident two years after injection.  相似文献   
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