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Amiodarone has multiple pharmacological effects in heart. Electrophysiological data suggest that among its other effects, amiodarone is a sodium channel blocker. Using a radioligand assay, we determined whether amiodarone interacted with a previously described receptor for type I agents associated with the cardiac sodium channel. The radioligand was [3H]batrachotoxinin A 20 alpha-benzoate ([ 3H]BTXB), a toxin that binds to the activated state of the sodium channel. We have previously shown that class I antiarrhythmic drugs inhibit [3H]BTXB binding. The purpose of this study was to assess whether amiodarone and other class III agents interact with this receptor. Amiodarone inhibited [3H]BTXB binding in a dose-dependent fashion, with an estimated IC50 value of 3.6 microM. This IC50 value is similar to reported clinically effective serum concentrations of amiodarone. In contrast to amiodarone, the IC50 values for other class III drugs (bretylium, sotalol, bethanidine, N-acetylprocainamide) were much higher than their therapeutic concentrations and bore no relation to them. Scatchard analysis of [3H]BTXB binding showed that amiodarone reduced the maximal binding for [3H]BTXB; this finding indicates irreversible inhibition or (more likely) allosteric inhibition by amiodarone. The latter agrees with electrophysiological data suggesting that amiodarone binds to inactivated sodium channels. Sodium channel blockade by amiodarone may contribute to its overall electrophysiological effect.  相似文献   
20 525 patients from general practitioners' lists were randomly allocated into test and control groups. The 10 253 test subjects were invited to perform haemoccult faecal occult blood testing over 3 days. 3613 (36 . 8%) of the 9807 who received their invitations completed the test. Compliance was improved by direct invitation from the general practitioner and by prior health education by letter or interview. 77 people (2 . 1%) had a positive test result, and 50% of these on investigation had neoplastic disease--12 had invasive carcinomas (9 Dukes' stage A, 2 stage B, 1 stage C) and 27 had 40 adenomas (12 over 2 cm, 2 of which contained areas of severe dysplasia). In the year following the screening test 1 carcinoma (stage C) has presented in the group which accepted the test, and 10 carcinomas (4 stage B, 4 stage C, 2 stage D) have presented in the control group. This respresents a 3 . 6 times greater detection rate per 1000 persons in the test group than in the control group. Only 8 adenomas have presented in the control and non-responding groups. Fibreoptic sigmoidoscopy identified the 10 carcinomas within its range and 39 of the 40 adenomas. Double-contrast barium enema identified only 9 of the 12 carcinomas and 24 (62%) of the 40 adenomas. All 3 carcinomas not identified by barium enema were polypoid Dukes' stage-A lesions.  相似文献   
Vascular calcification predicts atherosclerotic plaque rupture and cardiovascular events. Retrospective studies of women taking bisphosphonates (BiPs), a proposed therapy for vascular calcification, showed that BiPs paradoxically increased morbidity in patients with prior acute cardiovascular events but decreased mortality in event-free patients. Calcifying extracellular vesicles (EVs), released by cells within atherosclerotic plaques, aggregate and nucleate calcification. We hypothesized that BiPs block EV aggregation and modify existing mineral growth, potentially altering microcalcification morphology and the risk of plaque rupture. Three-dimensional (3D) collagen hydrogels incubated with calcifying EVs were used to mimic fibrous cap calcification in vitro, while an ApoE−/− mouse was used as a model of atherosclerosis in vivo. EV aggregation and formation of stress-inducing microcalcifications was imaged via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). In both models, BiP (ibandronate) treatment resulted in time-dependent changes in microcalcification size and mineral morphology, dependent on whether BiP treatment was initiated before or after the expected onset of microcalcification formation. Following BiP treatment at any time, microcalcifications formed in vitro were predicted to have an associated threefold decrease in fibrous cap tensile stress compared to untreated controls, estimated using finite element analysis (FEA). These findings support our hypothesis that BiPs alter EV-driven calcification. The study also confirmed that our 3D hydrogel is a viable platform to study EV-mediated mineral nucleation and evaluate potential therapies for cardiovascular calcification.

Atherosclerotic plaque rupture is the leading cause of myocardial infarction and stroke (1, 2). Studies assessing the correlation between calcium scores and cardiovascular events have demonstrated a predictive power that is superior to and independent from that of lipid scores (3, 4). Additionally, clinical imaging studies have revealed that the risk of plaque rupture is further heightened by the presence of small, “spotty” calcifications, or microcalcifications (5, 6), and cardiovascular risk is inversely correlated with the size of calcific deposits, quantified as a calcium density score (7). Indeed, computational modeling has demonstrated that, while large calcifications can reinforce the fibrous cap (8), microcalcifications (typically 5 to 15 μm in diameter) uniquely mediate an increase in mechanical stress of the relatively soft, collagen-rich fibrous cap (912).Histologic studies have revealed the presence of cell-derived vesicles within calcifying atherosclerotic lesions (1316). The inflammatory environment of the atherosclerotic lesion can induce vascular smooth muscle cells (vSMCs) to take on an osteochondrogenic phenotype and release calcifying extracellular vesicles (EVs) (1719). Macrophages have also been shown to release procalcifying vesicles (20, 21). Thus, just as bone formation is hypothesized to be an active, cell-driven process (22, 23), mediated by calcifying matrix vesicles, atheroma-associated calcification may similarly be initiated by the production and aggregation of calcifying EVs (11, 20, 2428).One proposed strategy for halting pathologic calcification has been the use of bisphosphonates (BiPs). BiPs are analogs of pyrophosphate (29), a naturally occurring compound derived in vivo from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (30). Pyrophosphate binds to calcium phosphate and inhibits calcification via physicochemical mechanisms, namely, by blocking calcium and phosphate ions from forming crystals, preventing crystal aggregation, and preventing mineral transformation from amorphous calcium phosphate to hydroxyapatite (29). BiPs were identified as pyrophosphate analogs that, unlike pyrophosphate itself, resist enzymatic hydrolysis. A second, distinct property of BiPs is the ability to inhibit bone resorption via biological activity directed against osteoclasts following osteoclast endocytosis of the BiP molecule adsorbed to the surface of bone (29, 31). First-generation, or nonnitrogen-containing BiPs, are incorporated into nonhydrolyzable ATP analogs, and induce osteoclast apoptosis by limiting ATP-dependent enzymes. In contrast, nitrogen-containing BiPs inhibit farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase and thereby induce osteoclast apoptosis (31).In vivo animal investigations have been performed to explore the potential for BiPs to inhibit cardiovascular calcification. Studies of first-generation BiPs revealed that the doses required to inhibit cardiovascular calcification also critically compromised normal bone mineralization (29, 32). However, newer, nitrogen-containing BiPs effectively arrested cardiovascular calcification in animal models at doses that did not compromise bone formation (32). Further, while it has been proposed that BiP treatment modifies cardiovascular calcification via its impact on bone-regulated circulating calcium and phosphate levels, a study in uremic rats demonstrated that BiP treatment inhibited medial aortic calcification with no significant change in plasma calcium and phosphate levels (33). The same study demonstrated that BiP treatment inhibited calcification of explanted rat aortas, indicating that BiPs can act directly on vascular tissue, independent of bone metabolism (33).Retrospective clinical data examining the effect of BiP therapy on cardiovascular calcification has demonstrated conflicting findings and intriguing paradoxes. In women with chronic kidney disease, BiP therapy decreased the mortality rate for patients without a prior history of cardiovascular disease (34), but for those patients with a history of prior cardiovascular events, BiP therapy was associated with an increased mortality rate (35). In another study, BiP therapy correlated with a lower rate of cardiovascular calcification in older patients (>65 y), but a greater rate in younger patients (<65 y) (36). These clinical findings motivated our study, in which we sought to further understand how BiP therapy impacts cardiovascular outcomes. Given that cardiovascular calcification, and especially the presence of microcalcification, is a strong and independent risk factor for adverse cardiac events, and BiPs are prescribed to modulate pathologies of mineralization, we hypothesize that BiPs modulate cardiovascular outcomes by altering the dynamics of cardiovascular calcification.EVs are smaller than the resolution limits of traditional microscopy techniques, hindering studies into the mechanisms of calcification nucleation and growth. We previously developed an in vitro collagen hydrogel platform that allowed the visualization of calcific mineral development mediated by EVs isolated from vSMCs (24). Using superresolution microscopy, confocal, and electron microscopy techniques, we showed that calcification requires the accumulation of EVs that aggregate and merge to build mineral. Collagen serves as a scaffold that promotes associations between EVs that spread into interfibrillar spaces. The resultant mineral that forms within the collagen hydrogel appears spectroscopically similar to microcalcifications in human tissues and allows the study of these structures on the time scale of 1 wk. In this study, we utilized this three-dimensional (3D) acellular platform to examine the direct effect of ibandronate, a nitrogen-containing BiP, on the EV-directed nucleation and growth of microcalcifications, a process that cannot be isolated from cellular and tissue-level mechanisms in a more complex, in vivo system. In parallel, we utilized a mouse model of atherosclerosis to assess the effect of ibandronate therapy on plaque-associated calcification, comparing mineral morphologies between the in vitro and in vivo samples. We hypothesize that BiPs block EV aggregation and modify existing mineral growth, potentially altering microcalcification morphology and the risk of plaque rupture. Understanding the EV-specific action of BiPs is imperative both to develop anticalcific therapeutics targeting EV mineralization and to understand one potential mechanism driving the cardiovascular impact of BiPs used in clinical settings.  相似文献   
Diabetics have worse outcomes than nondiabetics after a variety of cardiac insults. We tested the hypothesis that impaired insulin receptor signaling in myocytes worsens cardiac remodeling and function following injury, even in the absence of hyperglycemia. Mice with cardiomyocyte-restricted knock out of the insulin receptor (CIRKO) and wild type (WT) mice were treated with isoproterenol (ISO) for 2 or 5 days. Heart rates and cardiac mass increased comparably following ISO in WT and CIRKO mice. After 5 days, WT hearts were hyperdynamic by echocardiographic and left ventricular pressure measurements. However, CIRKO hearts had a blunted increase in contractility and relaxation following ISO. Interestingly, single myocytes isolated from both CIRKO ISO and WT ISO hearts had increased cellular shortening with prolonged time to peak shortening vs. respective shams. Thus, loss of myocytes or extramyocyte factors, rather than intrinsic dysfunction of surviving myocytes, caused the blunted inotropic response in ISO treated CIRKO hearts. Indeed, CIRKO ISO mice had increased troponin release after 2 days and greater interstitial and sub-endocardial fibrosis at 5 days than did ISO WT. Apoptosis assessed by TUNEL and caspase staining was increased in CIRKO ISO compared to WT ISO hearts; however, very few of the apoptotic nuclei were clearly in cardiac myocytes. After 5 days of ISO treatment, VEGF expression was increased in WT but not in CIRKO hearts. In keeping with this finding, capillary density was reduced in CIRKO ISO relative to WT ISO. Basal expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha was lower in CIRKO vs. WT hearts and may explain the blunted VEGF response. Thus, absence of insulin receptor signaling in the cardiac myocyte worsens catecholamine-mediated myocardial injury, at least in part, via mechanisms that tend to impair myocardial blood flow and increase ischemic injury.  相似文献   
The neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine both have a critical role in the underlying neurobiology of different behaviors. With focus on the interplay between dopamine and serotonin, it has been proposed that dopamine biases behavior towards habitual responding, and with serotonin offsetting this phenomenon and directing the balance toward more flexible, goal-directed responding. The present focus paper stands in close relationship to the publication by Worbe et al. (2015), which deals with the effects of acute tryptophan depletion, a neurodietary physiological method to decrease central nervous serotonin synthesis in humans for a short period of time, on the balance between hypothetical goal-directed and habitual systems. In that research, acute tryptophan depletion challenge administration and a following short-term reduction in central nervous serotonin synthesis were associated with a shift of behavioral performance towards habitual responding, providing further evidence that central nervous serotonin function modulates the balance between goal-directed and stimulus-response habitual systems of behavioral control. In the present focus paper, we discuss the findings by Worbe and colleagues in light of animal experiments as well as clinical implications and discuss potential future avenues for related research.  相似文献   
Ranheim  EA; Cantwell  MJ; Kipps  TJ 《Blood》1995,85(12):3556-3565
Crosslinking the CD27 antigen on T cells provides a costimulatory signal that, in concert with T-cell receptor crosslinking, can induce T- cell proliferation and cellular immune activation. We find that chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) B cells from most patients coexpress both membrane-bound and soluble CD27, along with its newly identified ligand, CD70. The expression of soluble CD27 may preclude leukemic B cells from stimulating T cells via CD70, thereby potentially impairing their ability to function as effective antigen-presenting cells. We find that leukemic B-cell expression of soluble and membrane-bound CD27 can be downmodulated through a CD40-dependent signal. This signal also induces enhanced expression of CD70 on both normal and leukemic B cells. We find that tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, or the Th1 cytokine interferon (IFN)-gamma, also can induce downmodulation of CD27, whereas Th2-associated cytokines interleukin-4 (IL-4) or IL-10 can enhance leukemic B-cell expression of this accessory molecule. The modulation of CD27 induced by these conditions is accompanied by reciprocal changes in the expression levels of CD70, suggesting that these accessory molecules may be engaged in reciprocal receptor-ligand downmodulation. Consistent with this, we observe that co-culture of CLL B cells with transfected murine plasmacytoma cells that express human CD70 affects downmodulation of CD27 and enhanced expression of CD70 on leukemic B cells, but does not affect expression of CD27 mRNA. However, we find that CD40-crosslinking, in addition to reducing the level of CD27 protein, also reduces leukemic B-cell expression of CD27 mRNA. This argues that the changes in the expression levels of CD27 following CD40-signaling are not simply due to induced increases in the expression levels of CD70. Finally, we demonstrate that reciprocal changes in expression of CD27 and CD70 may contribute to the enhanced antigen-presenting capacity of CLL B cells after CD40-dependent leukemic B-cell activation. These findings expand the understanding of the regulation of costimulatory molecules important in antigen presentation and also have implications for the immunobiology of and therapy for CLL.  相似文献   

Purpose of Review

This review highlights the importance of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) in headache sufferers. OMT is a viable option for patients who either do not wish to use pharmaceuticals or who have contraindications to pharmaceuticals. Patients with headaches that are refractory to other treatment options may also be candidates for OMT. Multiple headache etiologies are amenable to this non-invasive treatment option and they will be reviewed here. Although there are advantages to using this treatment method, there are also shortcomings in the literature, which will be discussed.

Recent Findings

Roughly 45 million Americans suffer from headaches every year. Many headache sufferers are unable to find relief through conventional treatment options. OMT is a useful non-invasive treatment option with little to no side effects. There are multiple headache types. Migraine, tension-type headache, combat-related events, post-traumatic headache, sinusitis, tooth extraction, concussions, and others have all shown benefit from OMT.


OMT is a non-invasive treatment option for individuals suffering from various types of headaches. This treatment option is tailored to the individual needs of the patient and is delivered by licensed and experienced osteopathic physicians. This review of literature also highlights where there is need for further research in the field.
Patient-specific transfusion-related acute lung injury   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) is one of the leading causes of transfusion-associated mortality. The inadvertent transfusion of neutrophil antibodies can cause pulmonary transfusion reactions and TRALI. However, not all patients transfused with neutrophil antibodies experience transfusion reactions. A 22-year-old man with severe aplastic anaemia (SAA) experienced TRALI after a platelet transfusion. The donor was found to be alloimmunized to human neutrophil antigen (HNA)-3a, an antigen expressed by neutrophils from approximately 90% of Caucasians. Eleven other platelet components from this donor were transfused prior to this event and two caused reactions: one chills and one TRALI. Both episodes of TRALI occurred in the same male patient with SAA. The fact that one patient experienced TRALI following both exposures to anti-HNA-3a from the same donor whereas nine other recipients did not adds evidence to the observation that patient factors make a significant contribution to neutrophil antibody-mediated transfusion reactions.  相似文献   
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