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Treatment effect in Huntington disease (HD) clinical trials has relied on primary outcome measures such as total motor score or functional rating scales. However, these measures have limited sensitivity, particularly in pre‐ to early stages of the disease. We performed a systematic review of HD clinical studies to identify endpoints that correlate with disease severity. Using standard HD keywords and terms, we identified 749 published studies from 1993 to 2011 based on the availability of demographic, biochemical, and clinical measures. The average and variability of each measure was abstracted and stratified according to pre‐far, pre‐close, early, mild, moderate, and severe HD stages. A fixed‐effect meta‐analysis on selected variables was conducted at various disease stages. A total of 1,801 different clinical variables and treatment outcomes were identified. Unified Huntington Disease Rating Scale (UHDRS) Motor, UHDRS Independence, and Trail B showed a trend toward separation between HD stages. Other measures, such as UHDRS Apathy, Verbal Fluency, and Symbol Digit, could only distinguish between pre‐ and early stages of disease and later stages, whereas other measures showed little correlation with increasing HD stages. Using cross‐sectional data from published HD clinical trials, we have identified potential endpoints that could be used to track HD disease progression and treatment effect. Longitudinal studies, such as TRACK‐HD, are critical for assessing the value of potential markers of disease progression for use in future HD therapeutic trials. A list of variables, references used in this meta‐analysis, and database is available at http://www.cmmt.ubc.ca/research/investigators/leavitt/publications . © 2013 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society  相似文献   
The authors report of 3 news of subtotal colectomy with immediate anastomosis in the treatment of neoplastic occlusion of the left colon. They review all the cases (153) actually published. The advantages of this technic are: treatment of the occlusion and of the cancer in one stage; quicker social rehabilitation (14.8 days) useful overall in patients whom survival is short, lower mortality rate (10.45%) lower morbidity rate (25.6%) and quite none sequellae.  相似文献   
The Heptest heparin assay has recently been introduced, and evaluated for the laboratory monitoring of patients receiving low molecular weight heparins (LMWH). The aim of the present study was to elucidate the relative role on the Heptest assay of the anti-factors Xa and IIa activities present in the three types of compounds that possess: 1. exclusively anti-Xa activity (LF1: LMWH fractions with MW ranging from 1,200 to 4,200 D.); 2. both anti-Xa and anti-IIa activities (LF2 with MW from 4,800 to 12,000 D.); 3. exclusive anti-IIa activity (Hirudin and Dermatan Sulfate). All compounds studied demonstrated dose-dependent activities in both amidolytic and clotting assays. The LF2 in contrast to the LF1, additionally enhanced the clotting times of Heptest. This enhancement was shown to be due to the anti-Factor IIa activity of the agents. Heptest does not exclusively reflect Anti-Xa activity since it is influenced by agents containing exclusive anti-IIa activity like Hirudin and Dermatan Sulfate. At low concentrations of LF2, Heptest measures predominantly the anti-factor Xa activity while at higher concentrations it is influenced by the combined activity of anti-factor Xa and anti-factor IIa. However, Heptest sensitivity to anti-factor IIa is significantly lower than for anti-Xa activity.  相似文献   
Venous clots: evaluation with MR imaging   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In vitro and in vivo studies were performed to determine the proton relaxation and imaging characteristics of static blood and acute and organized clot in canine jugular veins. In vivo, it was found that two inversion recovery sequences using a short inversion time (100 msec) demonstrated better differentiation of signal intensity of intravascular clot from surrounding soft tissues than did standard T1- and T2-weighted sequences. In vitro, quantitative measurements showed marked reduction of both T1 and T2 relaxation time of acute clot compared with stagnant blood. In addition, the T1 relaxation time, and to a lesser extent the T2 relaxation time, shortened as the clot aged, indicating a potential role for magnetic resonance imaging in determining the age of venous thrombi.  相似文献   
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