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Perivascular astrocyte processes (PAP) surround cerebral endothelial cells (ECs) and modulate the strengthening of tight junctions to influence blood–brain barrier (BBB) permeability. Morphologically altered astrocytes may affect barrier properties and trigger the onset of brain pathologies. However, astrocyte-dependent mediators of these events remain poorly studied. Here, we show a pharmacologically driven elevated expression and release of growth/differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) in rat primary astrocytes and cerebral PAP. GDF15 has been shown to possess trophic properties for motor neurons, prompting us to hypothesize similar effects on astrocytes. Indeed, its increased expression and release occurred simultaneously to morphological changes of astrocytes in vitro and PAP, suggesting modulatory effects of GDF15 on these cells, but also neighboring EC. Administration of recombinant GDF15 was sufficient to promote astrocyte remodeling and enhance barrier properties between ECs in vitro, whereas its pharmacogenetic abrogation prevented these effects. We validated our findings in male high anxiety-related behavior rats, an animal model of depressive-like behavior, with shrunk PAP associated with reduced expression of the junctional protein claudin-5, which were both restored by a pharmacologically induced increase in GDF15 expression. Thus, we identified GDF15 as an astrocyte-derived trigger of astrocyte process remodeling linked to enhanced tight junction strengthening at the BBB.  相似文献   
Many synthesized semiconductor QDs materials are formed using trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) but it requires high temperature, is very expensive and is also hydrophobic. Our study deals with selective syntheses of CdSe and core–shell CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) in aqueous solution by a simple heating and refluxing method. It is more hydrophilic, needs less temperature, is economically viable and is eco-friendly. Bio-ligands, such as thioacetamide, itaconic acid and glutathione, were used as stabilizers for the biosynthesis of QDs. A simplified aqueous route was used to improve the quality of the colloidal nanocrystals. As a result, highly monodisperse, photoluminescent and biocompatible nanoparticles were obtained. The synthesized QDs were characterized by XRD, FTIR, confocal microscopy, ultraviolet (UV) absorption and photoluminescence (PL). The size of synthesized QDs was observed as 5.74 nm and the core–shell shape was confirmed by using XRD and confocal microscopy respectively. The QD nanoparticles showed antibacterial activity against pathogenic bacteria. The QDs could be applied for biological labelling, fluorescence bio-sensing and bio-imaging etc.

Mystristic capped CdSe QDs with schematic diagram and formation mechanism of bio-taggable CdSe@ZnS QDs.  相似文献   
While initial therapies have become highly effective with introduction of lenalidomide and bortezomib and patients may opt for delayed stem cell transplantation, it is important to collect stem cells for future transplant. Given its increasing use as initial therapy, we examined if lenalidomide had any impact on the ability to collect peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC). We studied the entire cohort of patients with myeloma undergoing PBSC mobilization at our institution during a 5-year period, comparing the results between patients receiving different initial therapies. Among those mobilized with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) alone, there was a significant decrease in total CD34(+) cells collected (P<0.001), average daily collection (P<0.001), day 1 collection (P<0.001) and increased number of aphereses (P=0.004) in patients treated with lenalidomide compared to those receiving dexamethasone, thalidomide-dexamethasone or VAD. A similar trend was seen in those mobilized with chemotherapy and G-CSF. A trend was seen towards decreased PBSC yield with increasing duration of lenalidomide therapy as well as increasing age (P=0.002). There was no effect on quality of PBSC collected based on similar engraftment across all groups. We recommend collection of PBSC within 6 months of initiation of therapy with lenalidomide containing regimens to minimize the risk of mobilization failures.  相似文献   
Primary systemic amyloidosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Opinion statement Primary amyloidosis is a plasma cell dyscrasia in which insoluble immunoglobulin light chain fragments are produced and polymerize into fibrils that deposit extracellularly, causing visceral organ dysfunction and death. The disorder is rare. Its recognition requires understanding the association between nephrotic syndrome, cardiomyopathy, peripheral neuropathy, and hepatomegaly with amyloidosis. The most important screening test for amyloidosis is immunofixation of the serum and urine to detect a monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain. All patients need the diagnosis confirmed histologically. The least invasive source of tissue for amyloid detection is the subcutaneous fat. The most important prognostic factor is whether there is cardiac involvement, which is best assessed by echocardiography with Doppler studies. Therapies used include oral melphalan/prednisone and high-dose corticosteroids. High-dose chemotherapy followed by stem cell reconstitution seems to provide the highest reported response rates. Transplant is associated with unique morbidities not seen in the transplantation of patients with other hematologic malignancies.  相似文献   
Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels and occurs physiologically during embryonal growth, wound healing and during the menstrual cycle. It is essential for the proliferation and metastases of most malignant neoplasms. Recent evidence suggests that angiogenesis is increased in multiple myeloma and has prognostic value in the disease. Angiogenic cytokines such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor are expressed by myeloma cells and appear to play a role in the increased angiogenesis seen in myeloma. In addition, VEGF may serve as a paracrine growth factor for myeloma cells.Based on the increased angiogenesis observed in myeloma, thalidomide has been studied as antiangiogenic therapy. Although its mechanism of action in myeloma is still unclear, thalidomide appears to be active in 25-30% of patients with refractory myeloma. Major toxicities include constipation, sedation, skin rash, fatigue, and peripheral neuropathy. Studies are ongoing to determine its role as initial treatment for myeloma. This paper reviews the available data on angiogenesis in myeloma, and summarizes the role of thalidomide therapy in this disease. The pharmacology and toxicity of thalidomide are also discussed.  相似文献   
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