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Golytely肠道清洁法应用292例分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本院自 1 993年初以来 ,用Golytely液对2 92例结、直肠手术及纤维结肠镜检查病人作术前准备均取得较清单效果 ,现介绍如下。1 临床资料1 .1  一般资料 本组患者共 2 92例 ,其中男性 1 85例 ,女性 1 0 7例。结、直肠手术 1 2 7例 ,诊断结肠肿瘤 72例 ,直肠肿瘤 5 5例。纤维结肠镜检查 1 6 5例。1 .2 配方及使用方法 Golytely液配方〔1〕:聚乙二醇 40 0 0 5 9.1 g,硫酸钠 5 .6 g,氯化钠0 .75 g,碳酸氢钠 1 .3g加水至 1 0 0 0ml。使用方法 :术前 1d下午服Golytely ,饮速大于1 5 0 0ml/h ,至排出清液止 …  相似文献   
 The expression of the pyruvate kinase (PK) isoenzymes L and M2 was analysed in the livers of rats treated with the hepatocarcinogenic agent N-nitrosomorpholine (NNM) in the drinking water. In control animals L-PK expression was restricted to liver parenchymal cells, whereas M2-PK was detected in bile duct epithelial, blood vessel wall, endothelial and Kupffer cells. In rats treated with NNM proliferating oval cells were consistently L-PK negative and M2-PK positive, while the ductal cells of cholangiofibroses were clearly L-PK positive and coexpressed M2-PK. However, no morphological differentiation of ductal cells into hepatocyte-like cells was observed. In the clear and acidophilic cell foci storing glycogen in excess strong staining for L-PK was observed. In glycogen-poor foci induced by NNM a shift from L-PK to M2-PK expression takes place. Received: 24 March 1998 / Accepted: 13 November 1998  相似文献   
通过动态力学参数温度谱,研究了尼龙1010/6、尼龙1010/66两个共聚物系列的动态力学参数与组成的关系。研究表明尼龙1010/6、尼龙1010/66在测试温度范围内出现三个明显的松驰转变:α、β、γ,其中各共聚物的β、γ松驰温度相差不大,而α松驰温度随组成改变有明显改变。一般均聚物的α松驰温度较高,共聚物的α松驰温度均低于均聚物,二个系列以尼龙1010/6(29.8/70.2)、尼龙1010/  相似文献   
Form May to September, 1996, 20 mg/L lidocaine-uterocervica-injection was performed before operation of induced abortion to expand uterocervica. By using single blind, the women of 6—12 week pregnancy without cardiovascular diseases who required to end the pregnancy were selected and randomly divided into two groups of A and B. 125 cases in group A served as lidocaine-treated group and 120 cases in group as control group. The results showed that the successful rate, effective rate and invalid rate in anesthetic effect in group A were 90 %, 6.4 % and 3.2 % respectively. There was a significant difference in the incidence in induced-abortion syndrome between the two groups (P<0.01). There was no significant difference in bleeding volume between the two groups (P>0.05).  相似文献   
熊伟 《医学新知杂志》1999,9(4):209-211
Q-T离散度(Q-Tdispersion,Q-Td)是指体表12导联心电图不同导联的最长QT问期(Q-Tmax)与最短QT问期(Q—Tmin)之间的差异程度[1],这一概念由Compbell早在1985年提出。近年来对于Q-Td的研究国内外均在深入开展。对其临床的评价褒贬不一。有的学者认为:心电图各导联Q-T之间差异并非由测量技术上的伪差所致[1];有的学者则认为应用Q-Td的大小来预测病情的预后是错误的,它将会引起更多的不必要的惊慌[2]。现报道我院1996~1997年内科住院患者190例心电图分析的结果,旨在探讨Q-Td产生机理及其临床诊断意义。1资料和方…  相似文献   
Mice transgenic for human APOE2, E3, and E4 alleles express native 34-kDa human apoE and two sialylated apoE isoproteins with approximate molecular weights of 37 kDa (apoEs) and 39 kDa (apoEs2) in brain. These multiple apoE/apoEs/apoEs2 band patterns on Western blot are also observed in human brain, but are not seen in wild-type mouse brain. Both the 37-kDa apoEs and 39-kDa apoEs2 are coprecipitated with native 34-kDa apoE by antibody to human apoE. Neuraminidase digestion eliminates the 37- and 39-kDa forms and results in a downward shift in the bands to the position of the 34-kDa native form. These sialylated apoE isoproteins are found preferentially associated with neurons and contribute significantly (50-60%) to the total neuronal apoE in neuronal cultures from transgenic mice, while only 5-10% of total apoE is sialylated in cultures enriched in glial cells. In situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry demonstrate apoE mRNA and apoE immunoreactivity are predominantly located in cell soma of neurons, not in neuronal processes.  相似文献   
This periodic report includes intermittent results of consecutive pancreaticoduodenal (Pd) and kidney (Kt) transplants in inbred rats and results on double kidney transplants that did not follow sequential transplant protocol. Eight 24-month-old Lewis pancreas, kidney, and aorta served histological controls showing normal histological architecture with no atherosclerosis developed in the aorta. Thirty-four month old pancreas and thirty-two month old kidneys, which resided in young hosts for at least three occasions, appeared as youthful Pd and Kt grafts. They show normal histological appearance for more than the expected life span of a Lewis rat. The fact that not only pancreases but also kidneys outlived their host leads to the study of other different organs' viability as aged valuable grafts. Nevertheless, the threats by the development of atherosclerosis in graft-associated aortas resulted in slow progression of the follow-ups.  相似文献   
徐伟  杨昌金 《广东药学院学报》1999,15(4):245-247,264
目的:探讨可乐定能否缓解脑缺血大鼠单胺类神经递质和内皮素水平的紊乱。方法:大鼠ip苯巴比妥30mg/kg麻醉,结扎双侧锁骨下动脉及颈总动脉致全脑缺血,采用荧光法及放免法测定单胺类神经递质和内皮素水平。结果:大鼠缺血30min再灌60min,与假手术组相比,缺血组脑中去甲肾上腺素(NE),5-羟色胺(5-HT)水平明显减少42%及24%,但DA水平明显上升33%,同时,脑与血浆中内皮素水平分别升高9  相似文献   
Several microbes were isolated from the contaminated fuel-oil in Taiwan and the microbial corrosion of aluminum alloy A356-T6 was tested by MIL-STD-810E test method. Penicillium sp. AM-F5 and Cladosporium resinac ATCC 22712 had significant adsorption and pitting on the surface of aluminum alloy, Pseudomonas acruginosa AM-B5 had weak adsorption and some precipitation in the bottom, and Candida sp. AM-Y1 had the less adsorption and few cavities formation on the surface. pH of the aqueous phase decreased 0.3 to 0.7 unit for 4 months of incubation. The corrosion of aluminum alloy was very significant in the cultures of Penicillium sp. AM-F2, Penicillium sp. AM-F5 and C. resinac ATCC 22712. The major metabolites in the aqueous phase with the inoculation of C. resinac were citric acid and oxalic acid, while succinic acid and fumaric acid were the minors.  相似文献   
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