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Body fluid changes, thirst and drinking in man during free access to water   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To investigate whether human thirst and drinking during ad lib access to water occur in response to body fluid deficits, we obtained blood samples and visual analog scale thirst ratings from five healthy, volunteer, young men at hourly intervals and when they were thirsty during a normal working day. Although there were significant increases in ratings of thirst, pleasantness of drinking water, mouth dryness and unpleasantness of the taste in the mouth when subjects were thirsty enough to drink compared with intervening intervals, there were no concomitant changes in body fluid variables (microhematocrit, plasma osmolality and plasma sodium, potassium, protein and angiotensin II concentrations). Subjects drank mainly in association with eating and were not overhydrated as indicated by constantly hypertonic urine and significant tubular reabsorption of free water over the experimental period. The results indicate that during free access to water humans become thirsty and drink before body fluid deficits develop, perhaps in response to subtle oropharyngeal cues, and so provide evidence for anticipatory thirst and drinking in man.  相似文献   
The prenatal diagnosis of sickle cell anemia (hemoglobin SS) can be established by DNA analysis using two highly sensitive techniques (Southern blot and polymerase chain reaction [PCR]). Hemoglobin electrophoresis provides a third, simpler and more rapid, technique to analyze blood from a fetus at risk for sickle cell anemia. The authors present examples of prenatal diagnostic studies using both DNA analysis techniques and hemoglobin electrophoresis. Hemoglobin electrophoresis of fetal hemolysate can provide a simple and rapid alternative method to PCR analysis for the prenatal exclusion of sickle cell anemia, and it is especially useful in cases in which rapid results are needed because of advanced gestational age.  相似文献   
Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) administration reduces weight in leptin-resistant mice via the signalling pathway normally activated by leptin. A G>A null mutation in the CNTF gene results in complete absence of protein. We hypothesised that absence of CNTF could lead to diminished initiation of anorectic pathways, with consequent increase in body mass. In 575 Caucasian men aged 59-73 years, the A/A genotype (frequency 1.9%) was associated with a 10 kg increase in weight (P=0.03, 2 df) and 3 kg/m(2) greater BMI (P=0.02, 2 df). There was no effect in women. The CNTF G>A null mutation therefore confers a moderate effect on obesity in males of A/A genotype, who represent 1% of the general population.  相似文献   
Examined the adjustment of 6- to 18-year-old children and adolescents(n = 38) 2 to 5 years postdiagnosis of brain tumor with respectto standardized measures of anxiety and depression; self-perceptions;and adaptive living skills. Child, mother, and teacher reportdata were used. Maternal adjustment (anxiety and depression,parenting stress) was also assessed. Children and adolescentssurviving brain tumors reported themselves to be generally withinthe normal range. However, maternal ratings of social problemswere higher than normative scores and significantly lower thannorms on social problems, scholastic competence, and communicationskills. Teacher ratings on the Teacher Rating Form were allwithin normal limits. Maternal adjustment measures were withinthe normal range, although the Parent-Child Dysfunctional Interactionsubscale of the Parenting Stress Index was elevated. No differencesin scores were found between children in regular and specialeducation, or between children who had received radiation andthose who did not. This sample of survivors of pediatric braintumors and their mothers had relatively mild problems in adjustment,supporting a competency-based view of the adaptation of pediatricpatients and their families.  相似文献   
The possibility of a hypothalamo-pituitary involvement in the intracranial self-stimulation phenomenon was investigated. Threshold and optimal stimulation currents were identified by means of the method of limits, in rats with bipolar electrodes implanted in the lateral hypothalamus. Total or sham hypophysectomies were performed after the establishment of these current values, and found to have no effect on reinforcing brain stimulation. It was concluded that a hypothalamo-pituitary mechanism does not subserve reinforcing brain stimulation.  相似文献   
We conducted 2 studies to (a) establish the usefulness of the construct of home chaos, (b) investigate its correlates, and (c) determine the validity of the Confusion, Hubbub, and Order Scale (CHAOS) used to measure the construct in each study. Study 1 relied on a sample of European American preschoolers and their mothers and Study 2 on a sample of African American school-age children and their caregivers. Home chaos was associated with less effective parental discipline; elevated behavior problems, limited attentional focusing, and reduced ability to understand and respond to social cues in children; and reduced accuracy and efficiency in a cooperative parent-child interactional task, after controlling for potential confounds. It is concluded that (a) home chaos is not a proxy for adverse social or psychological circumstances but a useful construct in its own right; (b) home chaos is associated with multiple detrimental correlates in parents and children; and (c) the CHAOS scale provides an adequate and economical measure of home confusion and disorganization that should prove useful in clinical research with diverse populations.  相似文献   
Allogeneic and congenic post-irradiation chimeras were produced by bone marrow transfer from C′5 active donor mice into C′5 defective recipients. During the first 4 weeks after transfer many of the chimeras contained haemolytic complement activity in their sera. B6AF1→A chimeras developed higher levels of activity than did B10D2 (new line)→ B10D2 (old line).

Spleen tissue, but not liver tissue, taken from the chimeric animals during this time period incorporated [14C]amino acid into MuB1 as demonstrated by autoradiography of immunoelectrophoretic patterns, suggesting localization of the active donor cells in the spleen rather than in the liver. Formation of donor-type IgG remained demonstrable for a more extended period after induction of chimerism than formation of MuB1.

A transplantable hepatoma in C57L/J, a C′5 active mouse strain, also incorporated [14C]amino acid into MuB1.

Targeted recombination was carried out to select mouse hepatitis viruses (MHVs) in a defined genetic background, containing an MHV-JHM spike gene encoding either three heptad repeat 1 (HR1) substitutions (Q1067H, Q1094H, and L1114R) or L1114R alone. The recombinant virus, which expresses spike with the three substitutions, was nonfusogenic at neutral pH. Its replication was significantly inhibited by lysosomotropic agents, and it was highly neuroattenuated in vivo. In contrast, the recombinant expressing spike with L1114R alone mediated cell-to-cell fusion at neutral pH and replicated efficiently despite the presence of lysosomotropic agents; however, it still caused only subclinical morbidity and no mortality in animals. Thus, both recombinant viruses were highly attenuated and expressed viral antigen which was restricted to the olfactory bulbs and was markedly absent from other regions of the brains at 5 days postinfection. These data demonstrate that amino acid substitutions, in particular L1114R, within HR1 of the JHM spike reduced the ability of MHV to spread in the central nervous system. Furthermore, the requirements for low pH for fusion and viral entry are not prerequisites for the highly attenuated phenotype.  相似文献   
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