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小儿维生素D中毒三例误诊分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,随着人们对维生素D缺乏病的重视,临床已很难看到典型的维生素D缺乏的患儿,相反,因过量或错误使用维生素D而导致中毒的病例时有发生[1]。现将我院5年来误诊的3例维生素D中毒报告如下。1病例资料【例1】女,2岁。因夜尿、遗尿1周就诊。无发热、尿急、尿痛等不适。查体:心肺听诊未闻及异常,腹软,外生殖器无异常。尿常规正常。疑诊为尿路感染,服诺氟沙星治疗3天,症状无改善。再次追问病史,得知因急性结膜炎患儿奶奶给其服用鱼肝油治疗,至发病时已服1个月,总量约60万单位。考虑维生素D中毒,急查血钙3·2 mmol/L(正常参考值2·10~2·55 m…  相似文献   
Abstract: Background : Despite extensive literature on the topic, it is uncertain if grand (para ≥ 5) and great grand (para ≥ 10) multiparity are associated with adverse birth outcomes. We critically evaluate the evidence for and against the existence of adverse maternal and/or fetal outcomes in high parity women. Methods : An electronic search of MEDLINE and other bibliographic databases (Current Contents, EMBASE, and CAB) was conducted, and all relevant articles in English language were retrieved. Results : Findings on the association between high parity and maternal‐fetal birth outcomes are not consistent. Although the older literature tends to suggest that multiparity is a risk factor for negative birth outcomes, more recent reports are not supportive. Comparison across studies was further complicated by confounding factors like maternal age, socioeconomic status, and levels of prenatal care, as well as by variations in study designs and in the definition of parity itself. Furthermore, most studies that examined women of extreme parity (para ≥ 10) were handicapped by inadequate power. Conclusions : After accounting for quality, culture, and degrees of associations, the preponderance of evidence seems to point to possible existence of heightened risk for certain medical complications and placental pathologies among women of extreme parity. The literature also provides reasonable evidence for a higher‐than‐expected likelihood for occurrence of fetal macrosomia with advanced parity.  相似文献   
UVB对角质形成细胞产生细胞因子的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
角质形成细胞可产生多种细胞因子,这些细胞因子除介导炎症和免疫反应外,还参与组织细胞的生长和分化。UVB照射影响了角质形成细胞合成、分泌细胞因子,并影响细胞因子对角质形成细胞的作用及细胞因子之间的相互作用。概述角质形成细胞产生各种细胞因子的生物学效应。  相似文献   
目的 通过对已报道的全膝关节置换翻修术文献进行总结分析,讨探膝关节置换翻修术前后的膝关节功能、翻修的主要原因、主要并发症及不同假体的术后疗效.方法 按照以下标准收集和分析有关全膝关节置换翻修术的文献:①1990年至2002年间发表,②报告患者数大于10例,③采用通用的膝关节评分标准.一名骨科专科医生独立收集数据,一名医学统计学专家独立采用Meta统计方法分析数据.结果 共有33 篇符合条件的文献被收集.患者共1356 例,其中男429例,女611例(部分文献性别分类数据缺失),平均年龄67岁(45~49岁),加权平均随访时间57个月( 6~108 个月),加权平均术前膝关节功能总评分为49 分(15~94分),术后为84分( 58~109分),全膝关节置换翻修术前后的总评分、功能评分、活动范围等有显著性提高,差异有统计学意义(总评分t=12.507,P<0.01, 功能评分t=4.704,P<0.01,活动范围:t=5.346,P< 0.01).全膝关节置换翻修术的原因主要是假体松动(55%),其它包括聚乙烯磨损(11%)、假体不稳(10%)、感染(7%).翻修术后的主要并发症仍然为假体松动(18%),其它包括假体不稳(16% )、感染(16% )、髌骨问题( 15% )及不明原因的膝关节疼痛(13%).髌骨问题包括髌骨脱位、半脱位、髌韧带撕裂、髌股关节疼痛等.结论 可以认为膝关节置换后翻修术是一种安全有效的手术.假体松动是膝关节置换翻新的主要原因和并发症.  相似文献   
This report aims to encourage optometrists to reflect on the legal implications of clinical contact lens practice, with particular reference to the practice of orthokeratology (ortho-k), which has seen a recent revival of interest. A patient may claim compensation if an optometrist is negligent by breaching his duty to exercise reasonable care and skill in diagnosis, advice or treatment. However, the optometrist will only be liable for reasonably foreseeable harm to the patient, so practitioners need to be fully aware of the foreseeable risks. Failure to adequately inform the patient may lead to a claim for negligence, if disclosure of the risks would have influenced the patient's decision to undergo or forego the procedure. It is important that the professional bodies establish guidelines on acceptable practice, with particular emphasis on the provision of information to patients. Reasonable disclosure, use of appropriate information/consent forms, and proper documentation of cases, should all focus on the needs of, and benefits to, patients.  相似文献   
Purpose: The aim of the study was to provide information about the characteristics of three main types of orthokeratology (ortho‐k) lenses used in Hong Kong and to report on their performance based on the clinical impressions of a group of ortho‐k practitioners. Method: Twelve ortho‐k practitioners were interviewed between 1 March and 30 June 2001. Results: Most ortho‐k lenses were ordered from three manufacturers: DreimLens, Fargo and Contex. The median maximum myopia reduction reported for DreimLens, Contex and Fargo lenses were 6.25 D, 6.00 D and 4.50 D respectively. The time to reduce myopia by up to 4.00 D could be up to three weeks for Contex and DreimLens and up to four weeks for Fargo. For reduction of myopia by up to 4.00 D, the treatment usually required only one or two lenses per eye for all three types of lenses. The incidence of lens binding and lens tightening after achieving the optimal reduction was reported to be higher with the DreimLens design. Good centration, less lens binding, relatively lower incidence of complications and lens tightening after achieving the optimal reduction were reported with the Fargo lenses. Conclusions: DreimLens tended to be more effective for myopia reduction. However, some practitioners were concerned with the aggressiveness of myopia reduction using this lens design and the higher potential for ocular complications. Selection of the lens design is dependent on various factors, in particular, practitioners need to be comfortable with the design they choose and to consider the needs of their patients and the final goal of the treatment.  相似文献   
目的 探讨转移瘤致股骨近端病理骨折的治疗方法。方法 分析 1995年 5月至 2 0 0 2年 5月手术治疗的 16例的临床资料。结果 无手术并发症 ,术后疼痛明显缓解 ,伤口除 1例浅层感染外 ,余愈合良好。所有病例均存活在 3个月以上 ,14例术后继续原发肿瘤治疗。结论 股骨近端转移瘤所致的病理骨折应积极行手术治疗 ,内固定以带锁髓内钉加骨水泥为好。  相似文献   
病例:男,73岁,因发现原膀胱造瘘口处可复性肿块3年而入院.7年前因前列腺癌于外院行双侧睾丸切除加膀胱造瘘术.3年前无明显诱因下出现造瘘口外侧无痛性肿物,站立时出现,平卧后可自行回纳,肿块渐增大,无明显腹痛、腹胀等不适症状.半年前入院行前列腺电切术加造瘘口回纳术.  相似文献   
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