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BACKGROUND Wound healing is a biologic process that is altered in patients affected by chronic venous ulcers. The wound microenvironment is reflected in the chronic wound fluid (CWF), an exudate containing serum components and tissue-derived proteins.
OBJECTIVES We investigated the effects of increasing doses of CWF collected from patients suffering from chronic venous ulcers on human adult dermal fibroblasts cultured in vitro and the relationship among CWF effects and treatment length.
METHODS Fibroblasts were treated with 60, 240, and 720 μg/mL CWF for 3 and 7 days. We evaluated cell proliferation and viability by MTT and Trypan blue assay, cell morphology by light microscopy, F-actin microfilaments organization by tetramethylrhodamine B isothiocyanate-conjugated phalloidin, α-smooth muscle actin expression by immunofluorescence, and senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity.
RESULTS CWF induced an increase in cell proliferation in the first 3 days of treatment. In contrast, at 7 days, a strong decrease in cell viability was observed. These changes were related to a cytoskeletal F-actin reorganization and not to fibroblast–myofibroblast differentiation nor to changes in cellular senescence.
CONCLUSIONS This study shows a dose-dependent and biphasic effect of CWF on dermal fibroblasts, suggesting that a continuous exposure to chronic wounds microenvironment may induce late cellular dysfunctions possibly involved in the delayed wound healing.  相似文献   
The composition of the excitable gap (EG) in common atrial flutter (AFI) was determined before and during infusion of procainamide (PA) in 9 patients (6 men and 3 women; age 70 ± 7 years). The EG was determined by introducing a premature stimulus after every 20th AFI complex detected using a quadripolar electrode catheter placed just above the tricuspid valve. Diastole was scanned in 2- to 4-ms decrements to the atrial effective refractory period (ERP). The relationship between the coupling interval and the return cycle length (CL) determined a reset-response curve (RRC), which described the EG. PA (15 mg/kg) was administered during AFl over 30 minutes and RRC was repeated at maximum AFI CL. PA prolonged AF1 CL from 227 ± 29 to 296 ± 62 ms (P < 0.01) but did not terminate AFI. ERP during AFl prolonged from 169 ± 24 to 219 ± 41 ms (P < 0.01). Control EG was 57 ± 16 ms or 25%± 6% of AFl CL and on PA EG was 77 ± 30 ms (P = 0.01), which was still 26%± 7% of the CL. Without drug, RRC was mixed in eight cases demonstrating an EG composed of fully excitable tissue (10 ± 4 ms or 19%± 10% of the EG) and partially refractory tissue (48 ± 18 ms), PA did not change the duration of the fully excitable region (13 ± 10 ms or 19%± 15% of EG). Peak PA plasma concentration was 47 ± 20 μmol/L. PA prolonged AFI CL, ERP, and EG duration but did not change the proportion of AFI CL occupied by the EG. The persistence of fully excitable tissue at the head of the wavefront in the presence of PA may largely explain its inefficacy in the acute termination of common AFl.  相似文献   
Abstract. The endocrine-metabolic plasma pattern and the capacit of isolated perfused livers to produce triglcerides and ketone bodies have been studied in geneticall and diet-acquired obese rats (Zucker and Sprague-Dawle obese rats), and in control groups of the same strains.
An increased plasma insulin/glucagon molar ratio with hperinsulinaemia and hpoglucagonaemia was associated with hpertriglceridaemia, normal ketonaemia, elevated free fatt acids and normal or slight hperglcaemia in obese rats.
During oleate perfusion, the livers of Zucker and Sprague-Dawle obese rats showed an increase in triglceride output and liver triglceride content. The ketone bod output as well as the mitochondrial carnitine palmitol transferase activit were normal or slightl decreased.
In our rat population, a positive correlation between the insulin/glucagon molar ratio and triglceride output has been found.  相似文献   
In this study, we used Holter pacemakers in a group of 13 patients affected by severe carotid sinus syndrome in order to evaluate its evolution. All the patients had one to three syncopal episodes and frequent other symptoms such as fainting, dizziness, lightheadedness and pre-syncope interferring with their daily activity so that pacemaker therapy was considered necessary. Patient selection criteria were: presence of the isolated cardioinhibitory type, absence of associated sinus dysfunction and absence of symptomatic WI pacemaker effect. All the patients received a Micropacer 1 device; among special functions, bradycardia events counter was activated and programmed so that each sequence of three consecutives beats at a cycle length 1.5 sec (i.e., 4.5 sec total interval) could he recognized and stored in its memory. The follow-up lasted 13±7 months. Brady events occurred in eight out of 13 patients (62%), during this period. Syncope and major symptoms disappeared in ail the patients; mild dizziness recurred rarely in two patients and were not linked to brady-events recording. In conclusion, disappearance of severe symptoms observed after pacemaker implant in cardioinhibitory carotid sinus syndrome seems to depend from pacing therapy, in most cases, yet from the benign natural course of the disease in some other cases.  相似文献   
The effects of a 20-mg IV, bolus of adenosine 5'triphosphate (ATP) on the heart rhythm was studied in 79 patients affected by neurally-mediated syncope (26 cases) or sick sinus syndrome (22 cases) or both syndromes (31 cases) and in 31 healthy control subjects in order to examine the sensitivity of cardiac purinoceptors in such circumstances. During ATP infusion, the sinus cycle lengthened to > 2 seconds in no control, in 1 (4%) patient with neurally-mediated syncope, in 5 (23%) patients with sick sinus syndrome, and in 13 (42%) patients with both neurally-mediated and sick sinus syndromes (P = 0.01). Atrioventricular block occurred in 14 (45%) of controls, in 10 (38%) patients with neurally-mediated syncope, in 4 (18%) patients with sick sinus syndrome, and in 13 (42%) patients with both neurally-mediated syncope and sick sinus syndrome (n.s.). Thus, exogenous ATP exerts different effects on patients with neurally-mediated syncope and patients with sick sinus syndrome. In fact, intrisic disease of the sinus node is necessary to modulate an abnormal adenosine-mediated sinus arrest, whereas patients affected by neurally-mediated syncope alone show a normal sensitivity to the drug administration. The effect of ATP on atrioventricular conduction is greater than that on sinus node and is of similar magnitude in patients and controls; thus the clinical meaning of ATP induced atrioventricular block remains uncertain.  相似文献   
Modifications in heart rate variability (HRV) parameters occur after acute myocardial infarction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the trend of HRV change during the acute phase and the first month after myocardial infarction, and establish whether they were affected by the anterior or inferior location of the infarction. The time-domain HRV measures of 59 patients with a first uncomplicated acute myocardial infarction were computed from 24-hour ECG recordings made on days 1, 2, 10, and 28 after hospital admission. At day 1, the mean RR cycle length (NN), the standard deviation of the NN intervals (SDNN), and the root mean square successive difference of NN intervals (RMSSD) were lower in the patients with anterior myocardial infarction. Although the parameters were similar in all of the patients at day 28, their behavior over time was different (P = 0.01): the SDNN in the patients with inferior myocardial infarction had decreased to the values found in anterior myocardial infarction patients by day 2 but, at day 10, both NN and SDNN tended to recover in both groups; RMSSD had diminished in both groups by day 2, but at day 10, had increased in the patients with anterior, but not in those with inferior myocardial infarction. These findings suggest that (1) in the very early phase of myocardial infarction, HRV is different in the two locations, (2) during the first hours of myocardial infarction patients with inferior location showed a greater vagal activity than patients with anterior location that became lower at day 10, and (3) the recovery of HRV is an early phenomenon in both groups, being already evident by the second week after myocardial infarction.  相似文献   
The persistence of false lumen after surgical repair of aortic dissection is frequent. This event has a negative impact on the prognosis and is secondary to the persistence of unrepaired entry sites and of dissected major aortic branches. We describe three cases in which visualization of a dissected celiac trunk with an anomalous flow pattern was possible with transesoghageal echocardiography. Two of these cases died in the early postoperative period and the echo findings were confirmed at necropsy. We suggest that visualization of anomalous pattern flow in the celiac trunk is of prognostic relevance because it plays a major role in mantaining the false lumen persistence and, therefore, should be part of the routine examination after surgical repair of aortic dissection.  相似文献   
Ivabradine is indicated in cardiac failure and ischemia to reduce sinus rate by inhibition of the pacemaker I(f) current in sinoatrial node. We report a case of an 18‐year‐old woman with left atrial tachyarrhythmia resistant to several antiarrhythmic drugs and to electric cardioversion who responded only to ivabradine, which significantly reduced heart rate without abolishing the arrhythmia itself. An ectopic focus in the ostium of left pulmonary veins was found and the patient was successfully ablated. We suggest that ivabradine might be therefore useful in the treatment of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias due to an enhanced automaticity.  相似文献   
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