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Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis (ARAS) may cause hypertension, progressive renal failure, and recurrent pulmonary edema. It typically occurs in high risk patients with coexistent vascular disease elsewhere. Most patients with ARAS are likely to die from coronary heart disease or stroke before end-stage renal failure occurs. Recent controlled trials have shown that most patients undergoing angioplasty to treat renovascular hypertension still need antihypertensive agents 6 or 12 months after the procedure. Nevertheless, the number of antihypertensive agents required to control blood pressure adequately is lower following angioplasty than for medication alone. Trials assessing the value of revascularization for preserving renal function or preventing clinical events are only in the early recruitment phase. Revascularization should be undertaken in patients with ARAS and resistant hypertension or heart failure, and probably in those with rapidly deteriorating renal function or with an increase in plasma creatinine levels during angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition. With or without revascularization, medical therapy using antihypertensive, hypolipidemic and antiplatelet agents is necessary in almost all cases.  相似文献   
We report the case of a patient with a 13-year history of pemphigus vulgaris (PV) treated with immunosuppressive agents, prednisone and mycophenolate mofetil who had developed lesions of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) on a sole plaque of PV that had been previously treated with intralesional injections of steroids. The lesions were surgically removed and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) demonstrated human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) DNA. There were neither recurrences nor later dissemination of KS following gradual decrease of the immunosuppressive therapy. We suggest that the treatment with intralesional steroids may have influenced the local reactivation of a latent infection of the virus, determining the appearance of this localized KS.  相似文献   
Relationship-centered care reflects both knowing and feeling: the knowledge that physician and patient bring from their respective domains of expertise, and the physician’s and patient’s experience, expression, and perception of emotions during the medical encounter. These processes are conveyed and reciprocated in the care process through verbal and nonverbal communication. We suggest that the emotional context of care is especially related to nonverbal communication and that emotion-related communication skills, including sending and receiving nonverbal messages and emotional self-awareness, are critical elements of high-quality care. Although nonverbal behavior has received far less study than other care processes, the current review argues that it holds significance for the therapeutic relationship and influences important outcomes including satisfaction, adherence, and clinical outcomes of care.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of adding combined estradiol/norethisterone acetate therapy (CENT) to goserelin acetate treatment (GA) of dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) in perimenopausal women. METHODS: In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial followed by an open follow-up study, 31 perimenopausal women with DUB were recruited from gynecological outpatient departments of two Dutch hospitals and randomized for treatment with either GA/placebo or GA/CENT for 6 months followed by 18 months of GA/CENT for all. The main outcome measures were abdominal pain, number of bleeding days, double-layer endometrial thickness (DET), Greene climacteric score (GCS), visual analog scale for well-being, bone mineral density (BMD) and mammographic density (BI-RAD score). RESULTS: Abdominal pain, number of bleeding days and DET decreased in both groups, the between-group difference in decrease not being statistically significant. GCS initially showed significant improvement in the GA/CENT group. BMD decreased significantly in the GA/placebo group (-4.1%) compared with the GA/CENT group (-0.3%). Another 18 months of GA/CENT did not result in a lasting difference in BMD between groups. BI-RAD scores did not differ significantly between or within the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Adding CENT to GA treatment for DUB in perimenopausal women initially prevented BMD loss and improved climacteric complaints, while having no negative impact on vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain or BI-RAD scores. However, prolonged treatment did not result in a lasting prevention of bone loss.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: To identify and describe current women's thoughts about the menopause, hormone treatment (HT) and perceptions about breast cancer. METHODS: Between December 2004 and January 2005, 4201 postmenopausal women in seven European countries were interviewed via a standardized computer-aided telephone interview protocol. RESULTS: Almost all women reported to have experienced climacteric symptoms, and 63% of the women rated them as being severe. Only 52% of women were aware of the benefits of HT for relief of climacteric symptoms. Although 84% felt that severe symptoms should be treated, only 40% had used HT at some point in time. Thirty-four percent of the women preferring treatment with natural products did so because of the risk of breast cancer associated with HT. HT was recognized by 59% of the women as one of the most important contributors to an increased breast cancer risk. Most women received their information about HT and breast cancer risk from the media. CONCLUSIONS: This European survey reveals that the majority of women experience climacteric symptoms but that their decision whether or not to use HT is highly dependent on their concern about breast cancer risk. An increase in knowledge of the benefits and risks of HT is required for women to make appropriate decisions about hormone use.  相似文献   
Rehabilitative and palliative measures in the follow-up care of pancreatic cancer patients will remain the dominant medical focus as long as potentially curative measures (recurrence prophylaxis, early detection and therapy of recurrence) have failed to show a significant survival benefit. Rehabilitative measures are possible for patients undergoing potentially curative as well as palliative treatment. Their aim is to alleviate the negative effects of the cancer and its therapy, not only physically, but also psychologically, socially and vocationally. The spectrum of possible somatic handicaps ranges from metabolic disorders, malnutrition and under-nutrition, as well as gastrointestinal symptoms to pain. Assistance in coping with illness, alleviating fears and depression and strengthening compliance are the main areas which are dealt with in psycho-oncology. Assessment of vocational fitness and the capacity to work depends on tumor location, whether R0 or R1 resection has taken place, the extent of pancreas resection, accompanying illnesses, whether or not adjuvant therapy has been given, and the physical condition of the patient  相似文献   
The aim of our study was to determine the incidence, timing, and severity of vaginal stenosis in patients with carcinoma of the cervix who had received pelvic and/or vaginal radiotherapy as part of their treatment. We also sought to determine if there were any predisposing factors for the development of stenosis. A retrospective chart review was undertaken for all the patients diagnosed with carcinoma of the cervix between January 1, 1990, and December 31, 2000 and treated with pelvic and/or vaginal radiation at Westmead Hospital. Since January 1, 1990, data regarding vaginal stenosis has been prospectively recorded on all the patients. Data collected included patient demographics, stage of disease, treatments administered, and incidence, timing, and severity of vaginal stenosis. One hundred and eighty-eight patients were treated. Mean age was 58.6 years. Thirteen percent of patients had stage IB disease, 45% had stage II disease, 39.5% had stage III disease, and 1.5% had stage IV disease. One hundred and seventy-nine patients returned for follow-up, and data regarding vaginal toxicity were available in 98%. Twenty-seven percent had grade 1 toxicity (partial stenosis or shortening but not complete occlusion), and 11% had grade 2 (complete occlusion). Stenosis of any grade was noted at a mean of 9.6 months and median of 7.5 months (range, 26 days-5.6 years) from completion of treatment. The only prognostic factor associated with increased risk of stenosis was age greater than 50 years (odds ratio 2.26). Vaginal stenosis is a common complication of pelvic and vaginal radiotherapy, occurring in 38% of patients. Stenosis occurs most often in the first year after treatment. Patients over the age of 50 are most at risk.  相似文献   
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