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The humoral immune responses to Trypanosoma brucei infection were examined in N'dama and in Zebu, two breeds of cattle recognized for their differing susceptibility to trypanosomiasis. Regardless of the clinical course, animals of both breeds produced antibodies to nonsurface trypanosome antigen(s) detectable by both immunodiffusion and immune fluorescence. As a new approach to assessment of the humoral response to trypanosome infection, protein antigens responded to were isolated by immune precipitation, and their molecular weights were determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This allowed the detection of differences in the immune response which correlated with the clinical course of the disease. All cattle of both breeds which exhibited a capacity to control the disease recognized at least one of three specific antigens: protein of 110,000, 150,000, and 300,000 daltons. The N'dama, which proved less susceptible to the disease, generally responded to more of the three identified trypanosome protein antigens than did the Zebu. Animals which died of trypanosomiasis failed to produce detectable antibodies to any of the three specific proteins, although they sometimes exhibited antibodies to another trypanosome antigen.  相似文献   
Fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) is a powerful tool for the evaluation of chromosomal alterations in formalin fixed paraffin wax embedded sections of colorectal cancer. However, initial experiments using a two-step detection system for digoxigenin labelled chromosome specific centromeric probes resulted in a complete lack of hybridisation signal from a number of colorectal tumour sections. This was due to high levels of background autofluorescence observed in this tissue, which masked any relatively weak hybridisations present. To overcome this problem, a biotinylated tyramide mediated amplification system was incorporated into the FISH detection protocol. This involves the use of horseradish peroxidase to activate the biotinylated tyramide, resulting in the deposition of a large number of biotin molecules at the site of bound peroxidase, which corresponds directly to the location of hybridised probe. Final detection was by means of a streptavidin-FITC conjugate. Using this technique, a panel of 11 colorectal tumour samples studied to date have shown strong, specific hybridisation signals to the nucleus of tumour cells. Amplification of FISH signals by biotinylated tyramide has the potential to improve weak hybridisation signals in cells from numerous sources, using a variety of probe types, including single copy gene probes as well as centromere specific probes.  相似文献   
1. The lateral part of the pericentral cortex of both hemispheres in three awake monkeys was explored with intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) using short trains (T/S; 200-microseconds pulses at 333 Hz for 35 ms, less than or equal to microA) and long trains (C/S; 200-microseconds pulses at 50 Hz for 3 s, less than or equal to 60 microA). In both hemispheres of one of these monkeys, the responsiveness of single cortical neurons to stimulation of the orofacial region was tested at the same intracortical sites where ICMS was applied. 2. Movements were evoked from four physiologically defined cortical regions: the primary face motor cortex (MI), the primary face somatosensory cortex (SI), the principal part of the cortical masticatory area (CMAp) which was located in the precentral gyrus lateral to MI, and a deep part of the cortical masticatory area (CMAd) which was located in the inferior face of the frontal operculum. 3. Two types of cortically induced movements were observed: a single twitch movement and EMG activity of the orofacial muscles that was evoked by T/S at a short latency (10-45 ms) and rhythmical jaw movements (RJMs) which were only evoked by C/S. 4. RJMs were evoked at C/S frequencies ranging from 20 to 300 Hz. At movement threshold, the frequency of the cortically induced RJMs varied from 0.7 to 1.5 Hz and usually increased with the increase of C/S intensity up to 2 times movement threshold. The vertical amplitude of RJMs was also stimulus dependent, and at movement threshold it ranged from 3 to 9 mm. 5. The movement patterns of the cortically induced RJMs remained constant during the course of C/S but could be differentiated in the frontal plane into ipsilateral- (RJMi), vertical-(RJMv), and contralateral- (RJMc) directed movements. These three different patterns of RJMs were associated with different patterns of masticatory muscle activity. 6. Each cortical region contained many sites from which RJMs could be induced (so-called RJM sites). The RJMi sites were more numerous than RJMc sites in all regions except SI and were located anterolateral or lateral to the RJMc sites in each region; the RJMv sites were scattered throughout each cortical region. 7. In MI, C/S elicited RJMs from 94 intracortical sites from which short-latency twitch movements could also be evoked by T/S.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Although the detection of fungemia has been improved by the use of vented or biphasic blood culture bottles, the best recovery and earliest detection have been reported in the Isolator lysis-centrifugation system. It was recently demonstrated that improved detection of both bacteria and fungi was accomplished by mechanically agitating blood culture bottles for the first 24 h of incubation. In this study the detection of fungemia by use of the Isolator system was compared with that of an agitated biphasic system. A total of 182 fungi were isolated from blood specimens inoculated into both culture systems. No difference in the overall recovery of fungi or individual species of yeasts was observed between the two systems. However, all seven isolates of Histoplasma capsulatum were recovered in the Isolator system only. The time required to detect fungemia with each of the two systems was also compared. No statistically significant difference was observed. From the data collected during this 18-month study, it can be concluded that the overall recovery and time of detection of yeasts are equivalent in the lysis-centrifugation system and the agitated biphasic blood culture system. The lysis-centrifugation system is still superior for the detection of filamentous fungi such as H. capsulatum.  相似文献   
A previous study has suggested that Fusobacterium nucleatum FN-2 contains a galactose-binding protein (lectin) on the cell surface (P. A. Murray, V. Matarese, C. I. Hoover, and J. R. Winkler, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 40:123-127, 1987). In the present study, the molecular specificity and size of this lectin were investigated by several techniques. Whole-cell affinity chromatography with asialofetuin covalently coupled to Sepharose 6MB demonstrated that 81% of 3H-labeled F. nucleatum were specifically eluted by 0.5 M galactose. Specific binding was calcium dependent and did not occur in the presence of calcium chelators. Binding was inhibited by preincubation with galactose. Agglutination of human parotid saliva by F. nucleatum was also inhibited by galactose and its structural analogs. Inhibition by lactose was 2 times that of galactose, inhibition by p-aminophenyl galactosides was 4 times that of galactose, and inhibition by asialoglycopeptides was 100 times that of galactose. Similar inhibition results were obtained for hemagglutination of neuraminidase-treated erythrocytes. These findings suggest that the binding specificity of F. nucleatum FN-2 is more complex than simply the recognition of the monosaccharide galactose. This is consistent with the concept that lectins considered identical in terms of monosaccharide specificity can recognize fine differences in more complex structures. To identify the specific bacterial component(s) involved in galactose recognition, proteins of F. nucleatum FN-2 were separated on a 4 to 11% gradient sodium dodecyl sulfate slab gel, transferred to nitrocellulose paper to renature bacterial binding sites, and then incubated with 125I-labeled asialofetuin. Autoradiographs of the nitrocellulose revealed a band at a range of Mr 300,000 to 330,000 which was not present when the blots were preincubated with galactose. These data support the concept that F. nucleatum FN-2 possesses a lectin that recognizes galactose and galactose-containing substrates.  相似文献   
We used a two-chamber system to study transcytosis of Enterococcus faecalis across monolayers of human colon carcinoma-derived T84 cells, which show structural resemblance to the native intestine. Among 16 E. faecalis isolates from different sources, the well-characterized strain OG1RF and 8 other isolates (2 endocarditis isolates, 1 urine isolate, and all 5 fecal isolates) showed translocation in this assay, while 6 clinical isolates (3 endocarditis and 3 urine isolates), the recipient strain JH2-2, and the control, Escherichia coli DH5alpha, had no detectable translocation. Of two OG1RF mutants involving the previously studied epa (enterococcal polysaccharide antigen) gene cluster, known to be needed for virulence and resistance to killing by polymorphonuclear leukocytes, one epa mutant (TX5179) was unable to translocate, while TX5180, with an epa disruption farther downstream, showed a moderate decrease in translocation relative to that of the wild-type strain OG1RF (P < 0.01), indicating that the epa gene cluster is important for translocation across a T84 monolayer. This observation was confirmed by complementation of the epa mutant (TX5179) with epa genes and restoration of its translocation ability. In conclusion, we have demonstrated translocation of at least some strains of E. faecalis across T84 monolayers, although strains differ considerably in this ability, and we have demonstrated that epa mutations can cause marked changes in successful translocation. These results suggest that this model may be a useful in vitro system for studying the process of translocation from the intestinal tract.  相似文献   
Clinical evaluation of three urine screening tests   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Evaluations of screening tests for bacteriuria have traditionally compared the test results with those of quantitative urine cultures. However, many patients with symptomatic urinary tract infections can have less than 10(5) CFU/ml in their urine. Therefore, the results of urine culture and three screening tests (Bac-T-Screen, Chemstrip LN [which tests for leukocyte esterase and nitrate reductase], and Gram stain) were correlated with the clinical classification of urinary tract infection. The Bac-T-Screen test detected 98, 93, and 100% of the infections classified as probable, possible, and asymptomatic, respectively. In contrast, the Gram stain, leukocyte esterase, and nitrate reductase tests were all insensitive screening tests for infection. Additionally, only 45% of the patients with probable infections had greater than or equal to 10(5) CFU/ml. Thus, the majority of infected patients would not have been detected if quantitative urine cultures were used alone.  相似文献   
We compared histomorphological features and molecular expression profiles of adrenocortical adenomas (ACAd) and carcinomas (ACCa). A critical histopathological review (mean, 11 slides per patient) was conducted of 37 ACAd and 67 ACCa. Paraffin-embedded tissue cores of ACAd (n = 33) and ACCa (n = 38) were arrayed in triplicate on tissue microarrays. Expression profiles of p53, mdm-2, p21, Bcl-2, cyclin D1, p27, and Ki-67 were investigated by immunohistochemistry and correlated with histopathology and patient outcome using standard statistical methodology. Median follow-up period was 5 years. Tumor necrosis, atypical mitoses, and >1 mitosis per 50 high-power fields were factors that were highly specific for ACCa (P <.001). Number (0 to 4) of unfavorable markers [Ki-67 (+), p21 (+), p27 (+), mdm-2(-)] expressed was significantly associated with mitotic activity and morphologic index (i.e., number of adverse morphologic features) and highly predictive of malignancy (P <.001). Ki-67 overexpression occurred in 0 ACAd and 36% ACCa (P <.001) and was significantly associated with mitotic rate and unfavorable morphologic index (P <.001). Tumor necrosis, atypical mitoses, >5 mitoses per 50 high-power fields, sinusoidal invasion, histologic index of >5, and presence of more than two unfavorable molecular markers were associated significantly with metastasis in ACCa. Well-established histopathologic criteria and Ki-67 can specifically distinguish ACCAd from ACCa. Tumor cell proliferation (Ki-67) correlates with mitotic activity and morphologic index. Tumor morphology is a better predictor of metastatic risk in ACCa than current immunohistochemistry-detected cell cycle regulatory and proliferation-associated proteins.  相似文献   
HER-2/neu peptides have recently been shown to induce a proliferative response by peripheral CD4(+) T cells in breast cancer patients. To investigate potential differences in the local cellular immune response between breast cancer patients with and without nodal metastases, lymphocytes were isolated from axillary lymph nodes from patients with breast cancer, and proliferative and cytokine responses to HER-2/neu peptides were determined. Freshly isolated lymphocytes from lymph nodes of 7 women undergoing surgery for invasive breast cancer were plated at 20 x 10(5) cells per well in triplicate. Cells were stimulated with HER-2/neu peptides at 50 microg/ml and with control antigens. Incorporation of tritium-labeled thymidine was determined 4 days later. The levels of the cytokines interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), interleukin-4 (IL-4), and IL-10 were determined at priming and at restimulation with HER-2/neu peptides using a cytokine-specific, double-sandwich, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Lymphocytes isolated from the axillary lymph nodes of the patients mounted significant cellular immune response to HER-2/neu peptides, manifested by proliferation and specific cytokine elaboration. Proliferative responses to HER-2/neu peptides were seen in lymphocytes of patients with and without overexpression of HER-2/neu in the primary tumor. In some patients, the proliferative response to HER-2/neu peptides in lymphocytes from lymph nodes with metastases was absent or blunted compared with the response in lymphocytes from lymph nodes without metastases from the same patient (p < 0.05). HER-2/neu peptides induced a predominantly T helper type 1 (Th1) pattern of cytokine response in nodal lymphocytes isolated from breast cancer patients. A Th1-specific cytokine production pattern was maintained at priming and restimulation with HER-2/neu peptides and was amplified with IL-12 costimulation. These results indicate that HER-2/neu peptides can activate T cells in draining lymph nodes from women with invasive breast cancer. This activation is associated with a predominantly Th1 cytokine response, which suggests that conditioning with HER-2/neu peptides may be of value in the development of breast cancer vaccines.  相似文献   
Acid phosphatases (APs) are a family of enzymes that are widespread in nature, and can be found in many animal and plant species. Mystery surrounds the precise functional role of these molecular facilitators, despite much research. Yet, paradoxically, human APs have had considerable impact as tools of clinical investigation and intervention. One particular example is tartrate resistant acid phosphatase, which is detected in the serum in raised amounts accompanying pathological bone resorption. This article seeks to explore the identity and diversity of APs, and to demonstrate the relation between APs, human disease, and clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   
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