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Pancreatic haemangiomas in infants are rare. Seven cases have been reported in the literature to date. We report two new cases. One of our cases had antenatal diagnosis and was associated with atypical portal vein thrombosis. The diagnosis was obtained by percutaneous biopsy without complication. For both cases, regression was observed without treatment.  相似文献   
D-dimer test combined with clinical probability assessment has been proposed as the first step in the diagnostic work-up of patients with suspected pulmonary embolism (PE). In a prospective management study we investigated the safety and efficiency of excluding PE by a normal D-dimer combined with a low or moderate clinical probability. Of the 202 study patients this combination ruled out PE in 64 (32%) patients. The 3-month thromboembolic risk in these patients was 0% (95% CI, 0.0-5.6%). The prevalence of PE in the entire cohort was 29% (59 patients), whereas in the low, moderate and high clinical probability groups this was 25%, 26% and 50%, respectively. We conclude that ruling out suspected PE by a normal D-dimer combined with a low or moderate clinical probability appears to be a safe and efficient strategy. The accuracy of the clinical probability assessment is modest.  相似文献   
Mutations in desmin gene have been identified in patients with cardiac and skeletal myopathy characterized by intracytoplasmic accumulation of desmin-reactive deposits and electron-dense granular aggregates. We characterized two new desminopathy families with unusual features of adult-onset, slowly progressive, diffuse skeletal myopathy and respiratory insufficiency. Progressive reduction of respiratory muscle strength became clinically detectable between the 3rd and the 8th years of illness and led to recurrent chest infections and death in one of the patients. Novel mutations, A357P and L370P, predicted to introduce proline residue into a highly conserved alpha-helical region of desmin, were identified. Proline is known to disrupt the alpha-helix. In addition, the A357P mutation distorts a unique stutter sequence that is considered to be critically important for proper filament assembly. Functional assessment in two cell-lines, one of which does and the other of which does not constitutively produce type III intermediate filaments, demonstrated the inability of mutant desmin carrying either the A357P or the L370P mutation to polymerize and form an intracellular filamentous network. The results of this study indicate that respiratory insufficiency is an intrinsic feature of disease associated with specific desmin mutations; in some patients, respiratory weakness may present as a dominant clinical manifestation and a major cause of disability and death.  相似文献   
The autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias (ADCAs) are a heterogeneous group of neurodegenerative disorders characterised by progressive cerebellar dysfunction in combination with various associated features. Since 1993, ADCAs have been increasingly characterised in terms of their genetic mutation and are currently referred to as spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs). The discovery of genetic abnormalities offers the opportunity to study the possible interaction between the identified gene mutation and cognitive function. In this study, we focus on the neuropsychological abnormalities in a Dutch ADCA family, in which a new locus was recently identified (SCA-19). The family members showed frontal-executive dysfunction, with global cognitive impairment occurring in some of the more severely affected patients. Interestingly, the neuropsychological profile of this new family seems to overlap that of individuals with various other SCAs. Apparently, similar pattern of neuronal degeneration in various SCA subtypes accounts for the neuropsychological dysfunction, which is thus not genotype specific.  相似文献   
alpha-chemokines, which control the activation and directed migration of leukocytes, participate in the inflammatory processes in host defense response. One of the alpha-chemokines, CXCL12 or stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1), not only regulates cell growth and migration of hematopoietic stem cells but may also play a central role in brain development as we discuss here. SDF-1 indeed activates the CXCR4 receptor expressed in a variety of neural cells, and this signaling results in diverse biological effects. It enhances migration and proliferation of cerebellar granule cells, chemoattracts microglia, and stimulates cytokine production and glutamate release by astrocytes. Moreover, it elicits postsynaptic currents in Purkinje cells, triggers migration of cortical neuron progenitors, and produces pain by directly exciting nociceptive neurons. By modulating cell signaling and survival during neuroinflammation, SDF-1 may also play a role in the pathogenesis of brain tumors, experimental allergic encephalitis, and the nervous system dysfunction associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.  相似文献   
Houser CR  Esclapez M 《Hippocampus》2003,13(5):633-645
Specific subunits of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)A receptors may be regulated differentially in animal models of temporal lobe epilepsy during the chronic stage. Although several subunits may be upregulated, other subunits may be downregulated in the hippocampal formation. The alpha5 subunit is of particular interest because of its relatively selective localization in the hippocampus and its potential role in tonic inhibition. In normal rats, immunolabeling of the alpha5 subunit was high in the dendritic layers of CA1 and CA2 and moderate in these regions of CA3. In chronic pilocarpine-treated rats displaying recurrent seizures, alpha5 subunit-labeling was substantially decreased in CA1 and nearly absent in CA2. Only slight decreases in immunolabeling were evident in CA3. In situ hybridization studies demonstrated that the alpha5 subunit mRNA was also strongly decreased in stratum pyramidale of CA1 and CA2. Thus, the alterations in localization of the alpha5 subunit peptide and its mRNA were highly correlated. The large decreases in labeling of the alpha5 subunit did not appear to be related to loss of pyramidal neurons in CA1 or CA2 since these neurons were generally preserved in pilocarpine-treated animals. No comparable decreases in labeling of the alpha2 subunit of the GABA(A) receptor were detected. These findings indicate that the alpha5 subunit of the GABA(A) receptor is capable of substantial and prolonged downregulation in remaining pyramidal neurons in a model of temporal lobe epilepsy. The results raise the possibility that presumptive extrasynaptic GABA(A) receptor subunits, such as the alpha5 subunit, may be regulated differently than synaptically located subunits, such as the alpha2 subunit, within the same brain regions in some pathological conditions.  相似文献   
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