The aims were to investigate: (1) experiences of physical pain in elderly patients with hip fracture; (2) if background variables, confusion, experiences of pain and distress and interventions aimed at reducing pain and distress, functional ability, pain in the ambulance, and type of fracture varied between patients with more intense physical pain and patients with less intense physical pain. The sample included 49 patients, 70 years or older, with hip fracture. Structured instruments were used to interview and observe the patients on four occasions during the hospital stay. The patients’ experiences of physical pain decreased during the hospital stay. Physical pain at rest was lower than pain with movement. Patients who scored physical pain as more intense (group B) during the visit to the hospital had significantly more unfavourable experiences in the sensory, emotional, and existential dimensions the day before discharge from the hospital compared with the patients who scored pain as less intense (group A). The patients in group B perceived the interventions as less favourable than group A. Furthermore, group B had more intense physical pain in the ambulance than the patients in the other group. More patients in group B than in group A had additional health problems. 相似文献
Early stroke recognition optimizes patients' opportunities to benefit from therapeutic options. Prehospital stroke recognition is suboptimal. If 9-1-1 dispatchers used stroke-identification tools, prehospital stroke recognition might occur more rapidly and accurately. The Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale (CPSS) is a brief, effective tool used by emergency medical services and hospital personnel to identify stroke. The study's goal was to determine whether laypersons could be instructed to use the CPSS over the telephone.
Adult visitors (laypersons) to a tertiary care emergency department were enrolled. Using a mock patient, laypersons were instructed to use the CPSS via telephone by an investigator simulating a 9-1-1 dispatcher. The patient randomly portrayed clinically normal and abnormal patient types. The layperson's ability to convey CPSS instructions to the patient and relay findings to the investigator was scored.
Seventy laypersons were enrolled (35 each for normal and abnormal patient types). Average age was 48 years, 63% were female, and 40% never attended college. Facial droop and speech instructions were administered with 100% accuracy. Arm drift instructions were administered with 99% accuracy. Layperson accuracies for interpreting findings were 93% for facial droop, 93% for arm drift, and 97% for speech. Overall, stroke symptoms were detected with 94% sensitivity (95% CI 87, 100) and 83% specificity (95% CI 70, 95).
Laypersons correctly administered and interpreted the CPSS when directed to do so over the telephone by a trained investigator. These findings suggest that the CPSS may be a useful tool in early prehospital detection of stroke by dispatchers. 相似文献
Despite the global public health importance of resistance of microorganisms to the effects of antibiotics, and the direct relationship of consumption to resistance, little information is available concerning levels of consumption in Canadian hospitals and out-patient settings. The present paper provides practical advice on the use of administrative pharmacy data to address this need. Focus is made on the use of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification and Defined Daily Dose system. Examples of consumption data from Canadian community and hospital settings, with comparisons to international data, are used to incite interest and to propose uses of this information. It is hoped that all persons responsible for policy decisions regarding licensing, reimbursement, prescribing guidelines, formulary controls or any other structure pertaining to antimicrobial use become conversant with the concepts of population antibiotic consumption and that this paper provides them with the impetus and direction to begin accurately measuring and comparing antibiotic use in their jurisdictions.Key Words: Antibacterial agents, Drug utilization, Pharmacoepidemiology相似文献
Physical function is an important outcome in chronic kidney disease (CKD). We aimed to establish the reliability, validity, and the “minimal detectable change” (MDC) of several common tests used in renal rehabilitation and research. In a repeated measures design, 41 patients with CKD not requiring dialysis (stage 3b to 5) were assessed at an interval of 6 weeks. The tests were the incremental shuttle walk test (ISWT), “sit-to-stand” (STS) test, estimated 1 repetition maximum for quadriceps strength (e1RM), and VO2peak by cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). Reliability was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficient and Bland–Altman analysis, and absolute reliability by standard error of measurement and MDC. The ISWT, STS-60, e1RM, and CPET had “good” to “excellent” reliability (0.973, 0.927, 0.927, and 0.866), respectively. STS-5 reliability was poor (0.676). The MDC is ISWT, 20 m; STS-5, 7.5 s; STS-60, 4 reps; e1RM, 6.4 kg; VO2peak, 2.8 ml/kg/min. There was strong correlation between the ISWT and VO2peak (r = 0.73 and 0.74). While there was poor correlation between the STS-5 and e1RM (r = 0.14 and 0.47), better correlation was seen between STS-5 and ISWT (r = 0.55 and 0.74). In conclusion, the ISWT, STS-60, e1RM, and CPET are reliable tests of function in CKD. The ISWT is a valid means of exercise capacity. The MDC can help researchers and rehabilitation professionals interpret changes following an intervention. 相似文献
The profile and reach of physiotherapy has expanded in areas of extended scope of practice, and broader engagement with population needs beyond the individual treatment encounter. These changes raise increasingly complex ethical challenges evidenced by growth in physiotherapy-based ethics studies and discussions. This paper examines how a broad cross section of Australian physiotherapists perceive, interpret, and respond to ethical challenges in their work contexts and how professional codes of conduct are used in their practice. Using an interpretive qualitative methodology, purposive sampling of 88 members of national clinical special interest groups were recruited for focus group discussions. Narrative-based and thematic data analysis identified ethical challenges as emerging from specific clinical contexts, and influenced by health organizations, funding policies, workplace relationships, and individually held perspectives. Five themes were developed to represent these findings: (1) the working environment, (2) balancing diverse needs and expectation, (3) defining ethics, (4) striving to act ethically, and (5) talking about ethics. The results portray a diverse and complex ethical landscape where therapists encounter and grapple with ethical questions emerging from the impact of funding models and policies affecting clinical work, expanding boundaries and scope of practice and changing professional roles and relationships. Codes of conduct were described as foundational ethical knowledge but not always helpful for “in the moment” ethical decision-making. Based on this research, we suggest how codes of conduct, educators, and professional associations could cultivate and nurture ethics capability in physiotherapy practitioners for these contemporary challenges. 相似文献
Objective: To determine the frequency of physiotherapist-administered aerobic exercise testing/training, the proportion of physiotherapists who administer this testing/training, and the barriers that currently exist across different practice environments. A secondary objective is to identify the learning needs of physiotherapists for the development of an education curriculum in aerobic exercise testing and training with electrocardiograph (ECG) administration and interpretation. Design: National, cross-sectional survey. Participants: Registered physiotherapists practicing in Canada. Results: Out of 137 participants, most (75%) physiotherapists prescribed aerobic exercise on a regular basis (weekly); however, 65% had never conducted an aerobic exercise test. There were no significant differences in frequency of aerobic exercise testing across different practice environments or across years of physiotherapy experience. Physiotherapists perceived the main barriers to aerobic exercise testing as being a lack of equipment/space (78%), time (65%), and knowledge (56%). Although most (82%) were uncomfortable administering 12-lead ECG-monitored aerobic exercise tests, 60% stated they would be interested in learning more about ECG interpretation. Conclusion: This study found that physiotherapists are regularly implementing aerobic exercise. This exercise was infrequently guided by formal aerobic exercise testing, which could increase access to safe and effective exercise within the optimal aerobic training zone. As well, this could facilitate training in patients with cardiovascular diagnoses that require additional testing for medical clearance. Increased ECG training and access to equipment for physiotherapists may augment pre-screening aerobic exercise testing. This training should include learning the key arrhythmias for aerobic exercise test termination as defined by the American College of Sports Medicine. 相似文献
Background and aim: Cognitive impairments following brain injury, including difficulty with problem solving, can pose significant barriers to successful community reintegration. Problem-solving strategy training is well-supported in the cognitive rehabilitation literature. However, limitations in insurance reimbursement have resulted in fewer services to train such skills to mastery and to support generalization of those skills into everyday environments. The purpose of this project was to develop and evaluate an integrated, web-based programme, ProSolv, which uses a small number of coaching sessions to support problem solving in everyday life following brain injury.
Method: We used participatory action research to guide the iterative development, usability testing, and within-subject pilot testing of the ProSolv programme. The finalized programme was then evaluated in a between-subjects group study and a non-experimental single case study.
Results: Results were mixed across studies. Participants demonstrated that it was feasible to learn and use the ProSolv programme for support in problem solving. They highly recommended the programme to others and singled out the importance of the coach. Limitations in app design were cited as a major reason for infrequent use of the app outside of coaching sessions.
Conclusions: Results provide mixed evidence regarding the utility of web-based mobile apps, such as ProSolv to support problem solving following brain injury.
Implications for Rehabilitation
People with cognitive impairments following brain injury often struggle with problem solving in everyday contexts.
Research supports problem solving skills training following brain injury.
Assistive technology for cognition (smartphones, selected apps) offers a means of
supporting problem solving for this population.
This project demonstrated the feasibility of a web-based programme to address this need.
Mental illness is known to occur frequently in the general population and is more common within the general health care system. High-quality health care requires nurses to have the skills, knowledge and attitudes to provide care for people experiencing mental illness or mental distress. Research suggests health professionals, including nurses, tend to share similar negative attitudes to mental illness as the general population, and consequently, mental health nursing is not a popular career path. These two factors signify a need to influence more positive attitudes toward mental illness and mental health nursing among nursing students. A qualitative exploratory research study was undertaken to examine the experiences, opinions and attitudes of an academic and research team to the introduction of a consumer academic within an undergraduate mental health nursing subject. In-depth interviews were conducted with teaching and research team members. The importance of mental health skills emerged as a major theme and included sub-themes: mental health across the health care system; contribution of consumer academic to nursing skills; addressing fear and stigma, and inspiring passion in mental health nursing. Findings suggest academic input from people with lived experience of recovery from mental illness can influence the development of mental health nursing skills and enhance the popularity of mental health nursing as a career. 相似文献