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In our institution, total body irradiation (TBI) is performed by means of a sweeping beam technique. Toxicity of the procedure was evaluated according to the only grading system designed for high dose chemoradiotherapy. One hundred patients undergoing TBI and conditioned with a standard cyclophosphamide regimen before BMT were evaluated. Regimen-related toxicity was graded according to the Seattle transplantation toxicity system, from 0 to IV (fatal toxicity), in eight organs on days 0, 7, 14, 28 and 100 for lungs. Eighteen patients did not develop any toxicity. Grades III, IV toxicities were uncommon (9%) and were not influenced by dose of TBI, GVHD prophylaxis, disease status and allogenicity although no grade IV toxicity was observed among autologous marrow recipients. However, grade II toxicity was more common in patients receiving allogeneic vs autologous grafts (p < 0.01) because of increased mucosal (p = 0.002) and liver (p = 0.12) toxicities. Renal toxicity was unevaluable. When cumulative toxicity was equal or higher than 4, day 100 survival was worse (p = 0.05). These data confirm the safety of our TBI procedure and the validity of the grading system except for renal toxicity. We suggest that a more aggressive conditioning regimen may be tolerated by patients receiving autologous grafts.  相似文献   
Cystic meningiomas. Report of seven cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seven patients with cystic meningioma are reported. The computerized tomography appearance of these meningiomas may mimic that of a glial or metastatic tumor with cystic or necrotic changes, and lead to an incorrect presumptive diagnosis. Radiological evaluation and recognition are important for the surgical removal of these potentially curable neoplasms.  相似文献   
The course of respiratory exchange through arterial blood gas analysis after coronary bypass-grafting and valvular replacement has been investigated in a cohort of 62 patients. Arterial blood gases were measured at baseline (the day before surgery), and then 1, 2, 3 and 9 days after surgery; in a subset of 18 patients, randomly selected from the same population, pulmonary function tests were also performed at baseline and repeated on day 9. Arterial blood gases showed a remarkable prevalence of hypoxaemia (as defined as arterial PaO2 less than 60 mmHg): 31% on the first, 50% on the second, and 40% on the third post-operative day; anemia and desaturated mixed venous blood were also prominent findings during the first two days. Arterial PO2 resulted higher afterward, although its mean value then was significantly lower than baseline (81.5 +/- 8.8 vs 93.1 +/- 9 mmHg, p less than 0.005). Pulmonary function tests evidenced widespread restrictive changes, with alterated thoraco-pulmonary mechanics (loss of more than 40% of vital capacity and one second forced expiratory flow) and parenchimal lung damage (residual volume and CO diffusion capacity decrease). Some differences in PaO2 course between coronary patients and valvular patients have been releaved; the mean basal PaO2 value of valvular was significantly lower then the other one (86.7 +/- 10.8 vs 94.7 +/- 10.9, p less than 0.05).  相似文献   
Hypercalcaemia and pancreatic ultrastructure in cats.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE--To study the effects of local and systemic infusions of calcium on the ultrastructure of the pancreas in cats. DESIGN--Controlled study. INTERVENTIONS--Three groups of four cats each had local infusions (into the splenic artery) of calcium gluconate 0.6 mmol/kg.hour or potassium chloride 1.1 mmol/kg.hour, or sodium chloride 0.9%, for three hours. Two groups of eight cats each had systemic infusions (into the jugular vein) of either calcium gluconate 0.6 mmol/kg.hour or sodium chloride 0.9%, for twelve hours. In the group that was given calcium, the infusion rate was reduced after three hours to 0.3 mmol/kg.hour to maintain the hypercalcaemic state for a further nine hours. RESULTS--Local infusion of calcium caused destruction of acinar cells with hydropic degeneration of nuclei, discharge of cell organelles into the interstitial spaces, and extravasation of red blood cells but no apparent damage to the capillaries. There were no ultrastructural changes of any importance in the groups that received potassium or sodium chloride. Systemic infusion of calcium resulted in a 1.8 fold increase in the ionised calcium concentration in the serum, progressive signs of overstimulation of the Golgi apparatus with hypertrophy, fusion of condensing vacuoles, and disruption of the acinar cell polarization. This was followed by clumping of nuclear chromatin and destruction of acinar cells. CONCLUSION--Acute pancreatitis in cats can result from stimulation and destruction of acinar cells by hypercalcaemia.  相似文献   
Pleural mesotheliomas are rare, and their diagnosis and treatment not clear. The case observed in our Department leads us to an analysis of the literature. This showed that differential diagnosis with pulmonary carcinoma is very difficult, even in cases of parietal mesothelioma; however local treatment may be performed even in malignant mesothelioma.  相似文献   
This study analysed the possibilities of returning to work of professional drivers after a cardiac event and rehabilitation. The population comprised 94 consecutive patients, all men, average age 48.8 years (range 30 to 63 years) referred after coronary bypass surgery (N = 39), myocardial infarction (N = 38), angina (N = 4) or valve replacement surgery (N = 13). Advice on professional reinsertion was given after the rehabilitation program, authorization to drive being given in the absence of cardiac symptoms, residual myocardial ischaemia, severe left ventricular dysfunction and serious ventricular arrhythmias. After 35 months, 4 patients were lost to follow-up; of the 90 remaining patients, the frequency of return to work (maximal at the 9th month) was 65.6% with 84.7% obtaining a renewal of their driving licence. In this series, 81% of patients were asymptomatic, 2 died, 16.7% had further cardiovascular complications. The morbidity and mortality were significantly greater in the group who had to stop driving (N = 40) (32.5% vs 8%, p < 0.001). Non complications occurred during work in those who resumed driving. This study confirms the safety of allowing low risk professional drivers, identified during cardiac rehabilitation by simple, reliable clinical and paraclinical criteria, to return to work.  相似文献   
CASE REPORT: A pregnant woman who was a regular user of anxiolytics was admitted to the maternity ward at 38 weeks and 4 days amenorrhea after a massive overdose of clorazepate dipotassium, a benzodiazepine. The exact quantity ingested was undetermined. The infant, born at 39 weeks, presented no spontaneous breathing and tracheal intubation was necessary in the delivery room. The neonatal blood concentrations of the clorazepate metabolites were very high at delivery (26 mg/l nordiazepam and 3.5 mg/l oxazepam) and showed little change over the next 5 days (16 mg/l nordiazepam and 2.1 mg/l oxazepam, with an apparent half-life of 168 h for nordiazepam and 160 h for oxazepam). By day 6, the infant was still dependent on ventilator support and enterodialysis was begun with repeated doses of activated charcoal (1 g/kg every 6 h by gastric tube). Treatment was continued for 5 days and a spectacular diminution in the serum concentrations of the two metabolites was noted on day 11: 1.5 mg/l nordiazepam and less than 0.1 mg/l oxazepam. The nordiazepam and oxazepam half-lifes were reduced to 42 h and 30 h respectively. The concomitant clinical improvement authorized the weaning from ventilation on day 12. CONCLUSION: This is the first report of the use of enterodialysis to treat severe benzodiazepine poisoning in a neonate. Depuration of the toxin was accelerated and the duration of intensive care was shortened thanks to this technique.  相似文献   
Mg depletion is a type of Mg deficit due to a dysregulation of the Mg status. It cannot be corrected through nutritional supplementation only, but requires the most specific correction of the dysregulating mechanism. Among those, Biological Clock (BC) dysrhythmias are to be considered. The aim of this study is to analyze the clinical forms of Mg depletion with hypofunction of the Biological Clock (hBC). hBC may be due to either Primary disorders of BC [Suprachiasmatic Nuclei (SCN) and pineal gland (PG)] or Secondary with homeostatic response [reactive Photophobia (Pphi] to light neurostimulating effects [Nervous Hyper Excitability (NHE)]. The symptomatology is mainly diurnal and observed during fair weather (Spring,Summer). The elective marker of hBC is represented by a decrease in melatonin and in its metabolites in various fluids. The clinical forms of NHE due to Mg depletion with hBC are central and peripheral. The central forms associate anxiety, headaches and dyssomnia. The peripheral manifestations are neuromuscular: photosensitive epilepsia mainly. Three chronopathological forms of Mg depletion with hBC have been highlighted: 1. Headaches with Pphi: mainly migraine; 2. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS); 3. Multiple Sclerosis (MS).- Headaches with Pphi, migraine particularly. These cephalalgias are diurnal with Pphi and are aggravated during the fair seasons (particularly during midnight sun-summer). Migraine is their typical form with its dishabituation to visual stimuli and its occipital cortex hyperexcitability. Comorbidity with anxiety is frequent. In 2/3 of the cases, it appears first.- SIDS might be linked to an impaired maturation of both photoendocrine system and brown adipose tissue. MS may be associated with primary disorders of BC Clinical forms of Mg depletion with hBC in MS present diurnal exacerbations and relapses during fair seasons. They have been underestimated because they disagree with the dogma of the < latitude gradient >, presently questioned. Comorbidities with anxiety and migraine are frequent.hBC may be treated by using darkness therapy with a balanced Mg status. Absolute light deprivation should only be used only in acute indications and is time-limited. Partial substitutive therapy and chromatotherapy have not been validated yet and are still uncertain.  相似文献   
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