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高原地区CT导引经皮腰椎间盘髓核切吸术的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨高原地区CT导引经皮腰椎间盘髓核切吸术(CT-PLD)的临床应用价值。方法:对68例腰椎间盘突出症患者实施了CT-PLD。(1)术前扫描病变椎间盘,筛选病例,并研究手术方案;(2)于即时CT图像上选择最佳的穿刺层面,设计穿刺路径,记录穿刺参数,并于体表标记穿刺点;(3)按既定参数进行穿刺;(4)经CT扫描确认穿刺进入椎间盘,扩张进针路径,进行切吸;(5)术毕CT扫描,观察进针路径有无出血及椎间盘还纳情况。结果:68例共79个椎间盘均穿刺成功。经3-18个月的随访,28例症状完全消失,36例症状明显减轻且能正常工作及生活,椎间盘还纳为1-4mm,显效率为94.12%。结论:CT-PLD安全有效,并发症少,是高原地区腰椎间盘突出症的理想的治疗方法。  相似文献   
Immunotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis with monoclonal antibodies   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
Rapid and precise immunotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis was achieved by testing whole organisms (elementary bodies) in the microimmunofluorescence test with monoclonal antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies were produced with standard techniques by using an immunization schedule that encouraged the development of immunotype-specific antibodies. Fifteen monotypic or multitypic (subspecies) monoclonal antibodies were chosen for use in a two-step typing system that required strains of C. trachomatis to be tested against six to eight monoclonal antibodies for classification. Immunotyping with monoclonal antibodies was studied by testing 313 strains, typed with the previous method that utilized immunized mouse antisera, that represented each of the 15 established serovars. The two-step monoclonal antibody method resulted in a classification similar to the current one. Only one strain typed differently with the two methods. With the monoclonal antibody method, available lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) serovars L1 and L3 could not be differentiated from trachoma serovars E and G, respectively, unless the strains had been identified as LGV. Monoclonal antibody typing was simpler to perform and more precise; it allowed easy differentiation between closely related serovars. Three new types were discovered among the strains previously classified as serovars D, I, and L2. These are tentatively being considered subtypes and are labeled D', I', and L2'.  相似文献   
Mehta A  Baker TA  Shoup M  Brownson K  Amde S  Doren E  Shah S  Kuo P  Angelats J 《American journal of surgery》2012,203(3):303-6; discussion 306-7
BackgroundSurgical therapy for advanced-stage pressure ulcers recalcitrant to healing is a widely accepted practice. The present study examined the incidence of wound recurrence after reconstruction with fasciocutaneous versus combined (biplanar) muscle and fasciocutaneous flaps.MethodsA retrospective review identified 90 nonambulatory patients with spinal cord injury who underwent reconstruction for persistent decubitus ulcers from 2002 to 2008. Electronic medical records were surveyed for patient comorbidities and postoperative complications. Statistical methods included the Fisher exact test and the Mann–Whitney U test with a 2-sided P value of less than .05.ResultsAmong 90 patients reviewed, 33% (n = 30) received fasciocutaneous flaps and 66% (n = 60) underwent biplanar reconstruction. Comorbidities were the same between cohorts with the exception of a greater prevalence of diabetes in the biplanar group (27% vs 50%; P < .05). The incidence of recurrence for biplanar flaps (25%) was significantly lower than for fasciocutaneous reconstruction (53%; P < .01).ConclusionsBiplanar flap reconstruction should be considered for chronically immobilized patients at high risk for recurrent decubitus ulceration.  相似文献   
The overall prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in aboriginal male Taiwanese is very high. Many studies have found that those with cardiovascular disease and MS have a significantly higher risk of ED. In this study, we attempted to find the correlation among MS risk factor, atherosclerosis risk factors and low serum testosterone in relation to the development of ED. This was a cross-sectional study of 238 cases, and collected data included demographic data, lifestyle questionnaires, sexual desire scale, sexual satisfaction scale and International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) questionnaire. Among our 238 subjects, 146 had MS (61.3%) and 114 subjects with MS had ED (85.7%). Using age-adjusted multivariate logistic regressive analysis, this study showed that aboriginal males with ED had a significantly higher prevalence of MS (OR=12.02, 95% confidence intervals (CI): 6.33-22.83, P<0.001). Among the MS components, abnormal fasting blood sugar was the most significantly independent factor for ED in aboriginal males (OR=8.94, 95% CI: 4.71-16.97, P<0.001). The presence of MS had a significant correlation with lower IIEF-5 scores, lower sexual desire scores, lower testosterone serum level (P<0.01) and abnormal interleukin-6 (IL-6) and high sensitivity C-reactive protein (HsCRP). The results of this study support the idea that MS, low serum testosterone and HsCRP may predict ED in aboriginal Taiwanese males. Further studies with population-based and longitudinal design should be conducted to confirm this finding and design to compare rates of ED in aboriginal men with MS.  相似文献   
Wai PY  Guo L  Gao C  Mi Z  Guo H  Kuo PC 《Surgery》2006,140(2):132-140
BACKGROUND: Interactions between tumor cells and their host environment can play a major role in regulating survival programs required for tumor progression. Osteopontin (OPN) is a glycophosphoprotein overexpressed by tumors, and is a key molecule for tumor progression and metastasis. OPN also inhibits expression of autocrine and paracrine inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Given the cytotoxic effects of macrophage NO expression, we hypothesized that tumor-derived OPN inhibits expression of local macrophage iNOS to potentiate tumor survival. METHODS: We used a coculture system of murine CT26 colorectal cancer cells with RAW264.7 murine macrophage cells. CT26 expresses OPN at high levels. RNA interference was utilized to produce long-term specific silencing of OPN in CT26. RESULTS: Inhibition of constitutive OPN synthesis in CT26 upregulates local NO production with inhibition of CT26 proliferation and promotion of CT26 apoptosis. Macrophage iNOS expression is accompanied by increased binding activity of nuclear factor-kappaB DNA. When the CT26 culture media were examined for a panel of proinflammatory cytokines, elevated concentrations of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) were found. Subsequently, in CT26 cells treated with antisense-G-CSF, NO levels in CT26-RAW cocultures were significantly decreased. CONCLUSION: In our system of CT26-RAW264.7 coculture, we conclude that inhibition of OPN synthesis in CT26 results in G-CSF-mediated induction of macrophage iNOS expression with resultant inhibition of CT26 proliferation via increased apoptosis. Our results suggest that tumor-derived OPN may enhance tumor survival by down regulating expression of NO in the local microenvironment. This is one mechanism by which OPN may potentiate cancer survival and progression.  相似文献   
European Spine Journal - To determine risk factors increasing susceptibility to early complications (intraoperative and postoperative within 6&nbsp;weeks) associated with surgery to correct...  相似文献   
Surgical resection is standard treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma but is often not possible in the presence of cirrhosis or poor liver function. We present a method of performing limited hepatectomy in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis. We call this method laparoscopy-assisted mini-laparotomy (LAML). The site of the tumor is localized by ultrasound through a laparoscope, and a small skin incision is made over that site to facilitate removal of the portion of liver containing the tumor. Eleven patients underwent limited hepatic resection by LAML. The tumors were on the margin of the liver. There was no hospital mortality or serious complications. The average length of hospital stay was 6.4 days. LAML can be safely performed for hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients. It decreases operating time, length of hospital stay, and blood loss.  相似文献   
目的 探讨尿脱落细胞吖啶橙荧光染色(AO-F)检查在膀胱癌诊断中的应用价值.方法 回顾性分析1016例膀胱癌患者资料,按临床分期、病理分级、肿瘤大小、数目、部位,手术治疗方式及有无血尿症状,分别计算AO-F阳性率,并进行统计学分析.结果 1016例患者尿样AO-F阳性率78.05%(793/1016),表浅癌和浸润癌患者阳性率分别为74.69%(611/818)和91.92%(182/198);病理分级≤Ⅱ级和Ⅲ级患者阳性率分别为67.24%(351/522)和90.37%(413/457);有无血尿症状患者阳性率分别为80.30%(750/934)和52.44%(43/82);肿瘤直径≥2 cm和<2 cm患者阳性率分别为79.87%(710/889)和65.35%(83/127);多发和单发肿瘤患者阳性率分别为83.07%(363/437)和74.27%(430/579);肿瘤累及膀胱三角区或膀胱颈部者阳性率为77.21%(105/136),累及其他部位者为78.07%(687/880);治疗方法TURBt、膀胱部分切除和膀胱全切除患者阳性率分别为69.68%(393/564),87.87%(268/305)和91.74%(100/109).AO-F阳性率与膀胱癌临床分期、病理分级、手术治疗方式、肿瘤大小、数目及有无血尿症状等因素有明显相关性,且与其临床分期、病理分级间存在正相关(r值分别为0.99和0.97);患者性别及肿瘤发生部位等因素与AO-F阳性率之间无相关性.结论 尿脱落细胞AO-F榆查诊断膀胱癌阳性率高,且简便、无创、经济、准确性高,可反复进行,可提高膀胱癌患者的早期诊断率,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   
Surgical correction of pectus excavatum (PE) has been well established since Ravitch's publication in 1949. However, Ravitch's procedure, even if modified, was associated with the relatively radical nature of the operation. The aim of this study was to report our early experience and results in treatment of PE by a novel less invasive surgical technique through a small skin incision. From 1998 to 2003, a novel surgical correction through a small transverse incision was performed for 11 patients with PE, including 9 males and 2 females. The mean age was 9.2 years (range, 3 to 17 years). The less invasive surgical technique consisted of a small transverse skin incision over the deepest part of the PE deformity, subcutaneous dissection to the margin of the depressed deformity, elevation of pectoralis musculature from the midline toward the lateral border of the operative field, subperichondrial resection of the short segment (1 to 2 cm) of the involved costal cartilages, detachment of the xiphoid process and elevation of the sternum with sharp or blunt dissection, retrosternal titanium miniplate strutting, placement of drainage tubes in the mediastinum or pleural spaces, and closure of the operative wound. No sternal osteotomy was performed in this series. The average length of the skin incision was 3.2 cm. The number of the resected cartilages varied from 3 to 6 ribs on each side. The average blood loss was 41 mL (range, 10 to 80 mL), and the operation time was 3.1 hours. The duration of hospitalization was 4.4 days on average. There was no surgical complication or mortality. All patients were satisfied with their cosmesis, and no migration of the retrosternal strut was found in chest radiographs until the date of analysis. This less invasive surgical technique, which did not require osteotomy, could be effectively performed through a small skin incision and was associated with steady recovery of chest wall deformity, as well as excellent cosmetic results.  相似文献   
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