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Diplopia, a common symptom in spinocerebellar ataxia 3/Machado-Joseph disease (SCA3/MJD) cases, is not always due to asymmetric ophthalmoplegia. We found a Japanese SCA3/MJD family, in which three patients clearly had an impairment of divergence eye movement. We thus quantitatively examined the vergence ranges in eight Japanese SCA3/MJD cases using the synoptophore test. An impairment of the vergence eye movements was found in all patients, and the vergence impairment pattern, but not the ophthalmoplegia pattern, was found to be compatible with the diplopia pattern. The diplopia in SCA3/MJD cases is, therefore, attributed, at least in part, to the impairment of the vergence eye movements.  相似文献   
Gender difference of alcohol intake and laboratory data was investigated in 165 Japanese patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Mean age of first drinking and habitual drinking were higher in female. Duration of drinking was shorter in female. Although cumulative alcohol intake was larger in male, mean daily alcohol intake did not differ in both gender. Moreover, daily alcohol intake adjusted to body weight was significantly larger in female. Body mass index, serum levels of total protein, albumin and cholinesterase were significantly decreased in female. Platelet counts on admission did not differ in both gender. However, it was significantly increased in female after one month abstinence. C reactive protein, ammonia and serum levels of total bilirubin were significantly higher in female as compared to male. In conclusion, female alcoholics seems to progress to liver cirrhosis earlier because of high daily alcohol intake adjusted to body weight, poor nutritional condition and inflammation caused by endotoxin.  相似文献   
Steno-Occlusive Changes in the External Carotid System in Moyamoya Disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To evaluate the steno-occlusive changes in the external carotid system in moyamoya disease, cerebral angiograms of 39 moyamoya patients were retrospectively reviewed. There were 26 females and 13 males, age ranged from 4 to 62 years with a mean of 26 years. Initial symptoms were ischaemia in 27 patients, haemorrhage in 9, and none in 3. Stenosis, occlusion, and dilatation in the external carotid system were analysed angiographically. No stenosis or occlusion of the superficial temporal artery, middle meningeal artery, or occipital artery was observed in either preoperative or postoperative follow-up angiograms in any patients. Steno-occlusive changes do not occur in the external carotid system, but are confined in the internal carotid system in moyamoya disease.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of hypothermia on the vasodilatory response of pial arterioles to hemorrhagic hypotension. The cranial window technique was combined with microscopic video recording in an experiment involving 20 cats anesthetized with pentobarbital. The animals were randomly assigned to either a normothermic or a hypothermic group (32 degrees C). Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was reduced in stepwise increments of 10 mm Hg (from 100 to 50 mm Hg) by blood withdrawal. The diameter of small (50-100 microm) and large (100-200 microm) pial arterioles was measured. In the normothermic group (n = 9), small and large arterioles dilated at a MAP of 60 and 50 mm Hg, and at a MAP of 70, 60, and 50 mm Hg, respectively, compared with baseline values obtained at a MAP of 100 mm Hg. In contrast, in the hypothermic group (n = 11), vasodilation of either small or large arterioles was absent. The percentage diameter of small and large arterioles (percentage of control) was significantly lower at a MAP of 70, 60, and 50 mm Hg in the hypothermic group than the normothermic group. Our in vivo study demonstrates that hypothermia impairs autoregulatory vasodilation of pial arterioles in response to hemorrhagic hypotension. IMPLICATIONS: Deliberate mild hypothermia has been proposed as a means of providing cerebral protection during neurosurgical procedures. Our results suggest that cerebral blood flow autoregulation in response to hemorrhagic hypotension may be impaired during hypothermic conditions, indicating the importance of maintaining perfusion pressure during hypothermic therapy to prevent cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   
The antitumor 3'-ethynyl nucleosides, 1-(3-C-ethynyl-beta-D-ribopentofuranosyl)cytosine (ECyd) and 1-(3-C-ethynyl-beta-D-ribopentofuranosyl)uridine (EUrd), are potent inhibitors of RNA polymerases and show excellent antitumor activity against various human solid tumors in xenograft models. ECyd is being investigated in phase I clinical trials as a novel anticancer drug possessing a unique antitumor action. ECyd and EUrd require the activity of uridine/cytidine kinase (UCK) to produce the corresponding active metabolite. The UCK family consists of two members, UCK1 and UCK2, and both UCKs are expressed in many tumor cells. It was unclear, however, whether UCK1 or UCK2 is responsible for the phosphorylation of the 3'-ethynyl nucleosides. We therefore established cell lines that are highly resistant to the 3'-ethynyl nucleosides from human fibrosarcoma HT-1080 and gastric carcinoma NUGC-3. All the resistant cell lines showed a high cross-resistance to ECyd and EUrd. As a result of cDNA sequence analysis, we found that UCK2 mRNA expressed in EUrd-resistant HT-1080 cells has a 98-base pair deletion of exon 5, whereas EUrd-resistant NUGC-3 cells were harboring the point mutation at nucleotide position 484 (C to T) within exon 4 of UCK2 mRNA. This mutation was confirmed by genome sequence analysis of the UCK2 gene. Moreover, the expression of UCK2 protein was decreased in these resistant cells. In contrast, no mutation in the mRNA or differences in protein expression levels of UCK1 were shown in the EUrd-resistant HT-1080 and NUGC-3 cells. These results suggest that UCK2 is responsible for the phosphorylation and activation of the antitumor 3'-ethynyl nucleosides.  相似文献   
Background: Although more children with cancer continue to be cured, these survivors experience various late effects. Details of the medical visit behaviors of childhood cancer survivors (CCS) in adulthood remain to be elucidated. Methods: In order to examine medical visits in the past and future of CCS, we performed a cross‐sectional survey with self‐rating questionnaires on medical visits of CCS compared with control groups (their siblings and the general population). Results: Questionnaires were completed by 185 CCS, 72 of their siblings and 1000 subjects from the general population and the results were analyzed. Mean ages at this survey and the duration after therapy completions of CCS were 23 and 12 years, respectively. We found that the previous treatment hospitals (where CCS were treated for their cancer) were the most commonly visited medical facilities for the CCS group (74% for female patients and 64% for male patients) and more than half of the CCS preferred to continue visiting the previous treatment hospital with enough satisfaction in Japan. The multivariate analysis showed that female sex and relapse were significantly associated with the past visits to the previous treatment hospital and that the CCS with brain tumors or bone/soft tissue sarcomas and CCS with any late effects tended to continue the relationships with the hospital. In addition female sex was also significantly associated with desired future visits to the previous treatment hospital. On the other hand, the married CCS tended to be disinclined to visit the hospital it in the future. Conclusions: In order to optimize risk‐based care and promote health for CCS after adulthood, we should discuss the medical transition with CCS and their parents.  相似文献   
During the past 8 years 1501 colposcopies were performed paying a special attention to cervical glands for diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and carcinoma. Normal openings could exclude these diseases at the error rate of only 5.1%, while atypical openings could identify them at the high confidence rate of 96.3%. False positive evaluations were mostly attributable to a marked degree of squamous metaplasia in the glands. The absence of gland openings in the main portion of the lesions amounted to 88.6% in invasive carcinomas but to only 12.4% in CIN. Adenoma malignum was a highly characteristic exception.  相似文献   
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