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OBJECTIVE: To assess risks factors and outcomes associated with nevirapine hypersensitivity reactions, and to determine the effect of hypersensitivity as a modifier of the association between hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and mortality among antiretroviral drug-naive patients. METHODS: The primary endpoint was hypersensitivity reactions in a population-based cohort of antiretroviral therapy-naive HIV-individuals, 18 years or older in British Columbia, Canada, who started triple antiretroviral therapy with nevirapine between May 1997 and June 2003. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify predictors of nonaccidental mortality in the subgroup of patients with known HCV serostatus. RESULTS: A total of 66 (9.6%) of 685 patients met the definition for hypersensitivity reactions. In the univariate logistic regression analysis, no variables were identified as risk factors. In multivariate survival analyses conducted to identify characteristics associated with nonaccidental mortality, patients with both HCV coinfection and hypersensitivity reactions had a higher risk of death (hazard ratio, 7.12; 95% confidence interval, 2.73-18.53; P < 0.001) compared with those who did not have HCV coinfection or hypersensitivity reaction. CONCLUSION: Results of this study suggest that the hypersensitivity reaction behaves as an effect modifier of the association between HCV infection and mortality in this cohort of antiretroviral drug-naive HIV-positive patients. These results support the current recommendation against the use of nevirapine in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The initial rate of plasma HIV-1 RNA (pVL) decline has been proposed as a marker of early efficacy of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and a possible predictor of late efficacy. We compared the rate of pVL decline in patients starting ART with nevirapine (NVP), efavirenz (EFV), or both drugs combined in addition to lamivudine (3TC) and stavudine (d4T). METHODS: Analysis of the viral decay constant (VDc) during the first 2 weeks of treatment in patients enrolled in the 2NN study who remained on allocated treatment. RESULTS: The median VDc (log10 copies per day, [interquartile range]) was similar for NVP (0.30 [0.25-0.36], EFV (0.31 [0.27-0.37]), and NVP + EFV (0.30 [0.27-0.36]). Patients with a baseline pVL >100,000 copies/mL were 8.7 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 6.2-12.3) times more likely to have a VDc >75th percentile. A high VDc was not associated with plasma drug concentration or with a decreased risk of virologic failure at week 48 after the start of therapy (hazard ratio = 0.8, 95% CI: 0.6-1.2). CONCLUSION: NVP, EFV, or NVP + EFV in combination with 3TC and d4T show similar rates of pVL decline during the first 2 weeks of treatment. The VDc with these regimens is not predictive of late virologic efficacy.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: We wished to characterize the epidemiological and clinical correlates of CXCR4-using human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) ("X4 variants") in a cross-sectional analysis of a large population of antiretroviral-naive individuals. METHODS: HIV-1 coreceptor use was determined in the last pretherapy plasma sample for 1191 individuals initiating triple-combination therapy in British Columbia, Canada. Baseline variables investigated included sociodemographic characteristics, plasma viral load (pVL), CD4 cell count, AIDS diagnosis, HIV-1 V3 loop sequence, and human CCR5 Delta 32 genotype. RESULTS: Individuals harboring X4 variants (n = 178 of 979 phenotyped samples; 18.2%) displayed a poorer baseline clinical profile than individuals harboring exclusively CCR5-using HIV-1 ("R5 variants") (median pVL, 175,000 vs. 120,000 copies of HIV-1 RNA/mL [P = .0006]; median CD4 cell count, 110 vs. 290 cells/mm(3) [P < .0001]). Individuals heterozygous for the CCR5 Delta 32 deletion (n = 128 of 967; 13.2%) were at 2.5 times higher risk of harboring X4 variants, compared with those without the deletion (multivariate P = .0005). The presence of basic amino acids at codon 11 and/or codon 25 of HIV-1 V3 (n = 109 of 955; 11.4%) was associated with a 9.1 times higher risk of harboring X4 variants (multivariate P < .0001), regardless of CCR5 Delta 32 genotype. In multivariate analyses adjusting for baseline parameters, HIV-1 coreceptor use was not found to be a significant predictor of survival or treatment response. CONCLUSION: Baseline CD4 cell count, pVL, HIV-1 V3 sequence, and CCR5 Delta 32 genotype were the strongest determinants of CXCR4-using HIV-1 in this population. After adjustment for baseline parameters, the presence of X4 variants before initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy was not independently associated with a poorer outcome of therapy.  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate the intestinal anti-inflammatory effect and mechanism of a probiotic Lactobacillus salivarius ssp. salivarius CECT5713 in the TNBS model of rat colitis. METHODS: Female Wistar rats (180-200 g) were used in this study. A group of rats were administered orally the probiotic L. salivarius ssp. salivarius(5×108 CFU suspended in 0.5 mL of skimmed milk) daily for 3 wk. Two additional groups were used for reference, a non-colitic and a control colitic without probiotic treatment, which received orally the vehicle used to administer the probiotic. Two weeks after starting the experiment, the rats were rendered colitic by intracolonic administration of 10 mg of TNBS dissolved in 0.25 mL of 500 mL/L ethanol. One week after colitis induction, all animals were killed and colonic damage was evaluated both histologically and biochemically. The biochemical studies performed in colonic homogenates include determination of myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, glutathione (GSH) content, leukotriene B4 (LTB4) and tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-α) levels, as well as inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression. In addition, the luminal contents obtained from colonic samples were used for microbiological studies, in order to determine Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria counts. RESULTS: Treatment of colitic rats with L salivarius ssp. salivarius resulted in amelioration of the inflammatory response in colitic rats, when compared with the corresponding control group without probiotic treatment. This anti-inflammatory effect was evidenced macroscopically by a significant reduction in the extent of colonic necrosis and/or inflammation induced by the administration of TNBS/ethanol (2.3±0.4 cm vs 53.4±0.3 cm in control group, P<0.01) and histologically by improvement of the colonic architecture associated with a reduction in the neutrophil infiltrate in comparison with non-treated colitic rats. The latter was confirmed biochemically by a significant reduction of colonic MPO activity (105.3±26.0 U/g vs 180.6±21.9 U/g, P<0.05) a marker of neutrophil infiltration. The beneficial effect was associated with an increase of the colonic GSH content (1 252±42 nmol/g vs 1 087±51 nmol/g,P<0.05), which is depleted in colitic rats, as a consequence of the oxidative stress induced by the inflammatory process. In addition, the treatment of colitic rats with L. salivarius resulted in a significant reduction of colonic TNF-α levels (509.4±68.2 pg/g vs 782.9±60.1 pg/g, P<0.01) and in a lower colonic iNOS expression, when compared to TNBS control animals without probiotic administration. Finally, treated colitic rats showed higher counts of Lactobacilli species in colonic contents than control colitic rats, whereas no differences were observed in Bifidobacteria counts. CONCLUSION: Administration of the probiotic L. salivarius ssp. salivarius CECT5713 facilitates the recovery of the inflamed tissue in the TNBS model of rat colitis, an effect associated with amelioration of the production of some of the mediators involved in the inflammatory response in the intestine, such as cytokines, including TNF-α and NO. This beneficial effect could be ascribed to its effect on the altered immune response that occurs in this inflammatory condition.  相似文献   
To evaluate the effects of substantial weight loss on tissue Doppler imaging parameters of right ventricular (RV) and left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic function, we performed standard echocardiography and tissue Doppler imaging in 17 patients with severe obesity before and after gastric bypass. Patients lost 39 +/- 10 kg over 7.6 +/- 3.6 months. Adjusted LV mass decreased (134 +/- 41 to 119 +/- 31 kg/m, p = 0.031). After weight loss, the ratios of early-to-late diastolic mitral and tricuspid inflow velocities increased (1.3 +/- 0.2 to 1.6 +/- 0.5, p = 0.02; 1.0 +/- 0.1 to 1.6 +/- 0.3, p = 0.003). Early diastolic tissue Doppler velocities increased at both the lateral and septal mitral annulus (7.6 +/- 1.5 to 9.3 +/- 2.5 cm/s, p = 0.009; and 6.6 +/- 1.4 to 7.7 +/- 1.7 cm/s; p = 0.028, respectively) and for their 2-site average (7.2 +/- 1.0 to 8.5 +/- 1.7 cm/s, p = 0.007). Early diastolic tricuspid annular velocity increased (7.2 +/- 2.8 to 10.6 +/- 2.3 cm/s, p <0.001) as did the ratio of early-to-late tricuspid annular diastolic velocity (0.9 +/- 0.4 to 1.1 +/- 0.2, p = 0.038). Tricuspid annular systolic velocity increased (8.6 +/- 2.5 to 10.3 +/- 2.7 cm/s, p = 0.037). In patients with severe obesity, significant weight loss results in an increase in tricuspid annular systolic and early diastolic velocities and mitral annular early diastolic velocities.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effectiveness of endovenous treatment of symptomatic varicose veins using the endovenous laser (EVL) or radiofrequency (RF) energy over a >3-year follow-up. METHODS: From February 2002 to August 2005, 981 consecutive patients (770 women; mean age 51 years, range 15-90) with symptomatic varicose veins in 1250 lower limbs underwent endovenous ablation of 1149 great saphenous veins (GSV) and 101 small saphenous veins (SSV) under tumescent anesthesia without intravenous sedation or regional anesthesia. There were 990 GSV and 101 SSV procedures using EVL; 159 GSVs were treated with RF energy. An ultrasound evaluation was performed within 2 weeks of the procedure to evaluate occlusion of the vein, wall thickness, and clot extension into the deep venous system. Follow-up from the first 200 procedures in the series included clinical evaluation and duplex ultrasound scanning at 6 and 12 months and annually thereafter. RESULTS: Of the 1149 GSVs treated, 39 (3.4%) recanalizations were seen in 33 of the EVL and 6 of the RF procedures for inadequate treatment as judged by ultrasound. There were 9 (9.0%) failures among the 101 SSVs treated with EVL. Overall, both EVL and RF procedures were well tolerated, with only minor complications. One obese patient with ulcer developed pulmonary embolus on the fourth postoperative day. There were no differences between EVL and RF in efficacy or complications. Follow-up at a mean 3 years (range 30- 42 months) in 143 treated limbs showed no neovascularization in the groin. CONCLUSION: Outcomes with EVL and RF were good, with low complication rates that may be related to the use of local tumescent anesthesia without intravenous sedation.  相似文献   
Coenzyme Q(10) supplementation on age-related changes in oxidative stress and function of heart mitochondria in rats fed a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-rich diet was investigated. Two groups of rats were fed for 24 months on a PUFA-rich diet, differing in supplementation or not with coenzyme Q(10). Animals were killed at 6, 12, or 24 months. Fatty-acid profile, hydroperoxides, alpha-tocopherol, coenzyme Q, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities, and cytochromes a+a(3), b, c+c(1) and cytochrome c oxidase activity were measured. Coenzyme Q(10)-supplemented animals showed lower hydroperoxide levels; higher content and/or activity of alpha-tocopherol, coenzyme Q, and catalase; and a slightly lower decrease in mitochondrial function. According to that, previously reported positive effects of coenzyme Q supplementation on the life span of rats fed a PUFA-rich diet might be a consequence, at least in part, of a lower oxidative stress level and perhaps, to a minor extent, of a smaller decrease in mitochondrial function.  相似文献   
In the current work, we have demonstrated that both rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) interleukin 8 (IL-8), a CXC chemokine, and CK-6, a CC chemokine, are able of efficiently attracting RTS11, a rainbow trout established macrophage-monocyte-like cell line. Interestingly, two sub-populations of non-adherent cells are distinguishable by flow cytometry that could be identified as immature monocyte- and mature macrophage-like populations, respectively, and the two chemokines studied exert their effects on different populations. Although IL-8 specifically attracts the monocyte-like sub-population, CK-6 specifically attracts the macrophage-like cell sub-population. We have also determined the effects of both of these chemokines on RTS11 phagocytosis, respiratory burst and the expression of other immune-related genes. We found that IL-8 inhibited the phagocytosis capacity of RTS11 cells belonging to the macrophage-like profile. No effect was observed, however, on the respiratory burst, immune function that has been considerably affected throughout the establishment of the cell culture. Concerning the effect that IL-8 and CK-6 have on the expression of other immune genes, we found that IL-8 significantly induced the levels of expression of CK-6, IL-8, pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1beta and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) of RTS11 cells. On the other hand, CK-6 induced the levels of expression of IL-8, iNOS and the integrin CD-18, while it had very faint effect on pro-inflammatory cytokines. These results constitute one of the very few studies in which the effect of IL-8, a CXC chemokine, on monocyte-like cells is described. Moreover, it demonstrates that different monocyte-macrophage sub-populations have different reactivity to different chemokines.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine if immunological response is associated with disease progression in patients with virological suppression after initiating HAART. DESIGN: A cohort study of 1084 treatment-naive participants in the British Columbia HIV/AIDS Drug Treatment Program who had achieved viral loads < 500 copies/ml at 3-9 months after initiating triple-drug therapy. METHODS: Cox proportional hazards was used to model the association with disease progression of baseline variables, change in CD4 cell counts and CD4 cell count strata at 6 months. Logistic regression analysis was used to examine associations with two definitions of poor immunological response. RESULTS: Patients were followed for a median of 51.4 months. In univariate analyses, increases in CD4 cell counts of < 25 cells/microl and absolute CD4 cell counts of < 200 cells/microl were associated with an increased risk of death or new AIDS events. Two mulitivariate models, one including baseline CD4 cell count and change in CD4 cell count from baseline and the other including only absolute CD4 cell counts at 6 months, were found to predict disease progression in this setting. Increases in CD4 cell count of < 25 cells/microl were associated with increasing age and inversely associated with low baseline CD4 cell counts, high baseline viral loads and good adherence to therapy. CD4 cell counts of < 200 cells/microl at 6 months were associated with low baseline CD4 cell counts and having AIDS at baseline. CONCLUSION: Patients with virological suppression are still at risk for HIV disease progression if adequate immunological responses are not achieved.  相似文献   
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