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The present study examined dichotomies potentially relevant to parentchild and interparent agreement in the assessment of internalizing problems in youngsters. Specifically, 98 children and their parents completed the Daily Life Stressors Scale or a variant to examine child ratings of daily stress, parent ratings of their children's daily stress, and parent predictions of how their children would self-rate their stress. In addition, a distinction was made between subscores of negative affectivity and stressful life events. Results indicated moderate parent-child and interparent agreement, with the latter somewhat more influenced by a negative affectivity-stressful events dichotomy. Parent-child agreement appeared more enhanced for items involving more parental contact. Implications of these data for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
There have been few reports of relative rates of provision of dental health services in rural and urban settings, a comparative measure of access to care in these populations. One part of a statewide survey of active North Carolina general dentists (n=959, response rate=47%) was designed to quantify provision of prosthetic services. To determine contrasting rural and urban rates, responses were analyzed according to dentists'self-report of practice city size using analysis of covariance with percent of insured patients in the practice as the covariate. Mean per-patient-visit rates for crowns, fixed partial dentures, removable partial dentures, and extractions, as well as the distributions of treatment following tooth extraction, differed by city size, with practitioners in the smallest cities reporting treatment distributions reflecting more frequent loss of teeth and less frequent replacement. These differences in patterns of prosthetic care echo the limited existing information describing oral health status, provider supply, and receipt of care, all of which suggest that differential levels of access to care exist and lead to differences in oral health outcomes.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to test the inter-rater reliability of a revised oral assessment guide (ROAG) for patients residing in a geriatric rehabilitation ward. A consecutive sample of 140 patients was recruited for the study. Oral assessments were performed for 133 newly admitted patients by one registered nurse (RN) during a period of six months. A dental hygienist (DH) carried out 103 oral assessments during the same half-year. For 66 patients, the RN and the DH performed independent assessments. There was an agreement between the RN and the DH in the majority of the independent assessments, except for tongue and teeth/dentures. The percentage agreement exceeded 80 percent. Inter-rater agreement measured by Cohen's Kappa coefficient ranged from moderate to very good and percentage agreement had a range of 58 to 91 percent. The agreement was highest in assessment of voice and swallowing (91%). Assessments of teeth and dentures seemed to be most difficult for the RN to evaluate. ROAG was found to be a clinically useful assessment tool. Additional education and training is needed to improve the reliability of the oral assessments and should include continuous support from a dental hygienist as well as a pictorial manual on how to use the ROAG.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to determine whether a hypotonic additive containing a low concentration of glycerol as a membrane permeable solute would improve the liquid storage of red blood cells (RBCs). Packed RBCs were stored either with 200 ml of an experimental additive solution, EAS 25, containing (m M ): glycerol 150, adenine 2, glucose 110, mannitol 55, and NaCl 50, or with 100 ml/unit of a conventional additive solution Adsol®. The results show that the adenosine triphosphate values, hemolysis, potassium leakage, and the morphology scores of RBCs were significantly better with EAS 25 than with Adsol up to 84 days of storage. The ATP values were significantly different only after the first 42 days of storage. The mean corpuscular volumes (MCVs) of the RBCs were significantly higher throughout in the experimental additive accompanied by decreased microvesiculation as compared to Adsol. The total microvesicle membrane protein shed by 100 ml of RBCs was 47.92±12.31 mg in Adsol and 18.96±5.49 mg in EAS 25 (p<0.001). The larger MCVs of the RBCs in EAS 25 may have a favorable effect on maintaining membrane integrity by decreasing the loss of membrane by microvesiculation.  相似文献   
This paper describes a study in which 70 elderly patients were assessed for risk factors in their medication regimen They were separated into three study groups, including two levels of teaching intervention focused on the home medication administration system, and a control group The intervention utilizing a follow-up telephone call demonstrated a significant change in risk-related behaviours such as verbalization of the regimen, congruence between instructions and usage of medications, and taking of medicines not currently prescribed or over-the-counter  相似文献   
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