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取32只2~3个月的BALB/C小白鼠,随机分为4组,每组8只,第1组为对照组,其余3个组为实验组,实验组小白鼠左腿皮下注射苯0.3ml(15ml/kg体重).注射后分别于24h,48h,72h脱颈处死。观察中毒前、后末梢血象、骨髓细胞、骨髓细胞构成的变化。结果表明,苯中毒时骨髓变化先于末梢血象的变化,骨髓的病变为造血细胞变性、坏死,大量毛细血管扩张、充血,骨髓细胞构成降低,而且骨髓细胞构成中细胞成分降低早于外周血粒细胞减少。  相似文献   
笔者从事临床医疗工作20余年,自拟解毒消肿散治疗因阳热毒邪蕴蒸肌肤所致的多种外科疾患,屡获捷效,现报道如下。方药组成与使用方法蒲公英30g,紫花地丁30g,玄明粉50g,冰片6g,共研细末调和均匀,贮瓶密封备用。使用时,视肿疡面积大小,取适量药粉,用食醋调成糊状,摊敷在病变部位,厚约0.5~0.8cm,用塑料薄膜覆盖,外用胶布固定。药物干燥时,可再用食醋浸湿。每日换药2~3次。本方具有清热解毒、散瘀消肿、消炎止痛的作用。主治痈、疽、疔、疖、乳痈、痄腮、毒虫咬伤、痔瘘、肛裂、无名肿毒等证,凡红肿热痛属阳证、热证、实证者均可应用,阴证、寒证…  相似文献   
An animal model of chronic tympanic membrane perforation.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Previous investigations into the healing and reconstruction of tympanic membrane (TM) perforations have involved animal models with acute TM perforations. A problem with the acute TM perforation model is that most acute TM perforations will heal spontaneously, both in animals and human beings. A second inadequacy of acute perforation models is that they are not analogous to the salient problem in human beings: long-standing TM perforation. The ideal animal model must have a TM perforation that is permanent, well-epithelialized, and free from infection. The perforation must also be subtotal to preserve a rim of membrane for experimental manipulations. In the chinchilla, we have identified a hardy animal with a short, wide ear canal and relatively large tympanic membranes. Thermal myringectomy, followed by medial infolding of TM microflaps, has resulted in permanent, subtotal chronic TM perforations in the chinchilla animal model. Of the 19 chinchillas (38 TMs) perforated, chronic subtotal perforations were created in 32 ears, 6 to 8 weeks after the initial procedure (84% success). Persistent infection or TM regeneration despite reperforation was recorded in 6 ears (16%) failure). This model is currently being used to assess various biomembrane scaffolds impregnated with growth-promoting substances in the regeneration of a physiologically sound TM, initially in our animal model and then in human beings. We envision the development of a biomembrane disc impregnated with biorecombinant growth factors that may provide a simple office technique for the repair of chronic, non-infected TM perforations.  相似文献   
报道辐照氟银猪皮的制备、实验检测(弹性、创面粘附力和透水性测定,含银量测定)组织学检查细菌检测及抑菌试验研究,结果表明:辐照氟银猪皮除延伸度低于未辐照猪皮外,其撕裂强度、创面粘合力和透水性均与未辐照猪皮相似。组织学检查示:辐照氟银猪皮组织结构完整,表皮细胞部分空泡形成。组织细菌检测证明其无菌生长,达到无菌要求。抑菌试验证明对金黄色葡萄球菌、绿脓杆菌、大肠杆菌、变形杆菌、克雷伯氏菌均有极强的抑菌作用  相似文献   
电针改善硬膜外吗啡用于术后镇痛所引起的免疫抑制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为观察硬膜外吗啡和电针对术后患者免疫功能的影响,检测自然杀伤细胞(NKcell)活性和PHA诱导白细胞介素2(IL-2)水平在单纯胆囊切除术患者术前和术后第1、3、7天的动态变化情况。结果吗啡组NK活性在术后第1、3、7天抑制,手术组仅在术后第1、3天出现抑制,而抑制率低于同天的吗啡组,电针可拮抗吗啡引起的NK活性抑制加深状况。在术后第1天,手术组和吗啡组IL-2水平均下降,吗啡+电针组无明显变化,术后第7天吗啡+电针组IL-2升高接近正常人水平。表明电针能改善硬膜外吗啡引起的免疫抑制,促进术后机体的恢复。硬膜外吗啡结合电针是值得推荐的术后镇痛方法。  相似文献   
In order to clarify the reasons for the reduced Hb A2 levels in Sardinian delta beta-thalassemia, we characterized, both by cloning and sequence analysis and by direct sequencing of amplified DNA, the delta-globin gene from an individual of Sardinian descent who is a compound heterozygote for the beta zero-thalassemia codon 39 (C-->T) nonsense mutation and the Sardinian delta beta-thalassemia [codon 39(C-->T)/-196(C-->T)A gamma]. The analysis of the delta-globin gene from the delta beta-thalassemia chromosome revealed an entirely normal sequence. The defective function of the delta-globin gene in this determinant is thus likely related to a suppressive effect of the in cis nondeletional high persistence of fetal hemoglobin mutation of the A gamma gene, probably resulting from an increased capability of the relative promoter to interact with the locus control region.  相似文献   
应用聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测技术对118例颅内感染性疾病患者及37例无神神经系统疾病患者脑脊液(CSF)中的单纯疱疹病毒DNA(HSV-DNA)进行了检测及分型。结果提示:“散发性脑炎”组的阳性率为38.46%(20/52),细菌、真菌性脑膜炎、其它病毒性脑炎组以及无神经系统疾病组均为阴性。作者认为:①本检测是目前单纯疹病毒性脑炎(HSE)较为简便而准确的早期诊断方法之一;②HSV分型检测,对病原诊断更具有全面性;③两型单纯疱疹病毒均可引起HSE。  相似文献   
分析了1984~1993年期间47例经治的急性视神经炎患者。治疗应用地塞米松10mg、青霉素480万u静脉点滴7天,随后减量。结果治愈35例(74.47%),好转6例(12.76%),无效2例(4.26%),转院及自动出院各2例。47例中11例治疗效果不好者行筛窦开放术后,视力逐渐恢复正常,显示筛窦开放术有其临床实用价值。  相似文献   
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