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The purpose was to assess the sensitivity of a CAD software prototype for the detection of pulmonary embolism in MDCT chest examinations with regard to vessel level and to assess the influence on radiologists' detection performance. Forty-three patients with suspected PE were included in this retrospective study. MDCT chest examinations with a standard PE protocol were acquired at a 16-slice MDCT. All patient data were read by three radiologists (R1, R2, R3), and all thrombi were marked. A CAD prototype software was applied to all datasets, and each finding of the software was analyzed with regard to vessel level. The standard of reference was assessed in a consensus read. Sensitivity for the radiologists and CAD software was assessed. Thirty-three patients were positive for PE, with a total of 215 thrombi. The mean overall sensitivity for the CAD software alone was 83% (specificity, 80%). Radiologist sensitivity was 77% = R3, 82% = R2, and R1 = 87%. With the aid of the CAD software, sensitivities increased to 98% (R1), 93% (R2), and 92% (R3) (p<0.0001). CAD performance at the lobar level was 87%, at the segmental 90% and at the subsegmental 77%. With the use of CAD for PE, the detection performance of radiologists can be improved.  相似文献   


Physiological tibiofemoral kinematics have been shown to be important for good knee function after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of component rotation on tibiofemoral kinematics during knee flexion. We asked which axial component alignment best reconstructs physiological tibiofemoral kinematics and which combinations should be avoided.


Ten healthy cadaveric knees were examined. By means of a navigational device, tibiofemoral kinematics between 0° and 90° of flexion were assessed before and after TKA using the following different rotational component alignment: femoral components: ligament balanced, 6° internal, 3° external rotation, and 6° external rotation in relation to the posterior condylar line; tibial components: self-adapted, 6° internal rotation, and 6° external rotation.


Physiological tibiofemoral kinematics could be partly reconstructed by TKA. Ligament-balanced femoral rotation and 6° femoral external rotation both in combination with 6° tibial component external rotation, and 3° femoral external rotation in combination with 6° tibial component internal rotation or self-aligning tibial component were able to restore tibial longitudinal rotation. Largest kinematical differences were found for the combination femoral component internal and tibial component external rotations.


From a kinematic-based view, surgeons should avoid internal rotation of femoral components. However, even often recommended combinations of rotational component alignment (3° femoral external and tibial external rotation) significantly change tibiofemoral kinematics. Self-aligning tibial components solely restored tibiofemoral kinematics with the combination of 3° femoral component of external rotation. For the future, navigational devices might help to axially align components to restore patient-specific and natural tibiofemoral kinematics.  相似文献   


To investigate the prognostic relevance of different histopathological features and local tumour extension in patients with pT3b/c N0M0 renal cell carcinoma (RCC), as recently new proposals of reclassifying tumour fat invasion in pT3b/c RCC have been made but the effect of other histopathological tumour characteristics and combinations thereof with tumour invasion has yet to be determined in these patients.


Between 1990 and 2006, 1943 patients underwent surgical treatment for renal tumours in our institution, of which 175 patients (8.7%) had pT3b/c RCC. After exclusion of 57 patients (32.6%) with lymph node and/or distant metastases at the time of diagnosis, 118 (67.4%) remained for retrospective analysis. Different histopathological features and local tumour extension were studied for their association with cancer‐specific‐survival (CSS) and progression‐free‐survival (PFS) by univariate and multivariate analyses. Histopathology was reviewed and revised according to the 2002 Tumour‐Nodes‐Metastasis (TNM) classification system by one pathologist (S.B.). CSS and PFS were estimated by the Kaplan–Meier method.


Follow‐up data were obtained from 110 patients at a median (range) of 3.2 (0.3–16.1) years. In univariate analysis, microvascular invasion (MVI) and capsular invasion increased the risk of tumour progression by 2.05‐ and 2.72‐times (P = 0.037 and P < 0.001). Overall, tumour fat invasion (TFI) and the presence of areas composed by cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm were associated with a higher risk of progression (P = 0.001 and P = 0.011) and reduced CSS (P = 0.037 and P = 0.017). In multivariate analysis, MVI and capsular invasion were associated with a two‐fold increased risk of dying from cancer (hazard risk ratio, HR 2.22, P = 0.045 and HR 2.31, P = 0.011). TFI in general (P = 0.004) and specifically coexistent perirenal fat invasion (PFI) and renal sinus fat invasion (RSFI) were associated with a three‐fold increased risk of developing tumour progression (HR 3.36, P = 0.001). The 10‐year CSS and PFS rates were 39% and 36% for all patients, 47% and 45% for pT3b/c RCC with no PFI or RSFI, and 25% and 10% for PFI + RSFI.


Patients with pT3b/c RCC with MVI, capsular invasion, TFI and especially PFI + RSFI, have a markedly reduced prognosis compared with patients with pT3b/c RCC without these features. When these results are corroborated by additional studies and external validation, modification of the TNM classification system would be a sensible consequence.  相似文献   
Introduction The purpose of the study was to determine the distribution and number of nerves inside the infrapatellar fat pad and the adjacent synovium, in particular with regards to nociceptive substance-P nerves.Materials and methods The infrapatellar fat pad of the knee was resected from 21 patients (4 male, 17 female, mean age 69 years) during the course of standard total knee arthroplasty operations performed in our clinic. The fat pad was dissected into five standardized segments, fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin. Immunohistochemical techniques using antibodies against S-100 protein and substance-P (SP) were employed to determine and specify the nerves.Results Studying all the detectable nerves present in 50 observation fields (200-fold magnification), we found an average of 106 S-100 versus 25 SP nerves (24%) in the synovium and 27 S-100- versus 7 SP nerves (26%) in the interior of the fat pad. The total nerve count was significantly ( P <0.001) higher in the synovium than in the fat pad for both marker types. The number of S-100 nerves was significantly ( P <0.05) higher in the central and lateral segments of the fat pad, while SP nerves were equally distributed throughout all segments of the fat-pad. SP nerves were significantly more frequently associated with blood vessels inside the fat pad (43%, P <0.05) than in the synovial tissue (28%).Conclusion The occurrence and distribution of SP nerves inside the infrapatellar fat pad suggest a nociceptive function and a neurohistological role in anterior knee pain syndrome. The data support the hypothesis that a neurogenous infection of the infrapatellar fat pad could contribute to anterior knee pain syndrome.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of urinary diversion using several types of intestinal segments on cortical and cancellous bone structure of growing rats with renal insufficiency. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In all, 110 female Sprague-Dawley rats (8 weeks old) had either a two-stage subtotal nephrectomy by removing five-sixths of the renal mass, or a sham operation. Except for a uraemic control group, all uraemic rats then had an enterocystoplasty using stomach, ileum or colon (20 animals per group). An additional group with colic augmentation received the bisphosphonate ibandronate. After 12 weeks, the left tibia was assessed using peripheral quantitative computed tomography and bone histomorphometry. RESULTS: After subtotal nephrectomy all groups had approximately 30% less endogenous creatinine clearance. Renal failure alone or in association with gastric or colic augmentation induced only negligible changes in the mass and structure of cortical and cancellous tibial bone. In contrast, rats after ileal augmentation and renal failure had a significant reduction in cancellous bone mineral density (P < 0.05) whereas the reduction in trabecular bone area and volume was not statistically significant. Furthermore, ileocystoplasty caused a decrease in trabecular number and perimeter, increased trabecular separation and enlarged bone marrow space, whereas ileocystoplasty had no effect on cortical bone. The changes were not associated with alterations in serum pH. Ibandronate treatment in the colonic cystoplasty group increased trabecular bone mass and structural variables over the untreated colonic cystoplasty group. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that cystoplasty using an ileal segment causes a decrease in bone mass and architecture in growing rats with mild uraemia. It remains open to question whether the results obtained from experimental animals can be directly extrapolated to the clinical situation.  相似文献   
Changes of adiponectin oligomer composition by moderate weight reduction   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Adiponectin affects lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity. However, adiponectin circulates in three different oligomers that may also have distinct biological functions. We aimed to analyze the role of these oligomers in obesity and lipid metabolism after weight reduction. A total of 17 obese volunteers (15 women and 2 men) participated in a weight reduction program. Individuals were characterized before and after 6 months of a balanced diet. Adiponectin was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and oligomers were detected by nondenaturating Western blot. BMI decreased (35.1 +/- 1.2 to 32.8 +/- 1.1 kg/m(2), P < 0.001), which was associated with an improved metabolite profile. Total adiponectin increased from 5.3 +/- 0.5 to 6.1 +/- 0.6 microg/ml (P = 0.076). High (HMW) and medium molecular weight (MMW) adiponectin oligomers significantly increased during weight reduction (HMW: 0.37 +/- 0.07 to 0.4 +/- 0.08 microg/ml, P = 0.042; MMW: 2.3 +/- 0.2 to 2.9 +/- 0.3 microg/ml, P = 0.007), while low molecular weight (LMW) did not significantly change. Body weight inversely correlated with HMW (r = -0.695, P = 0.002) and positively with LMW (r = 0.579, P = 0.015). Interestingly, HDL cholesterol and HMW were strongly correlated (r = 0.665, P = 0.007). Indeed, HMW and free fatty acids before weight reduction predicted approximately 60% of HDL changes during intervention. In conclusion, weight reduction results in a relative increase of HMW/MMW adiponectin and a reduction of LMW adiponectin. Total adiponectin and especially HMW adiponectin are related to circulating HDL cholesterol.  相似文献   
Background Substrate modification guided by CARTO system has been introduced to facilitate linear ablation of ventricular tachycardia (VT) after myocardial infarction (MI). However, there is no commonly accepted standard approach available for drawing these ablation lines. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to practically refine this time consuming procedure.
Methods Substrate modification was performed in 23 consecutive patients with frequent VTs after MI using the CARTO system. The initial target site (ITS) for ablation was identified by pace mapping (PM) during sinus rhythm and/or entrainment pacing (EM) during VT. According to the initial target site, two approaches were used. The initial target site in approach one has a similar QRS morphology as VT and an interval from the stimulus to the onset of QRS cmplex (S-QRS) of ≥50 ms during PM in sinus rhythm or a difference of the post pacing interval and VT cycle length ≤30 ms during concealed entrainment pacing of VT; The initial target site in approach two has an similar QRS morphology as VT and an S-QRS of 〈50 ms during PM in sinus rhythm.
Results Overall, 50 lines were performed with a length of (35±11) mm. Procedure time averaged (232±56) minutes, fluoroscopy time (10±8) minutes. Sixteen patients were initially involved into approach one. After completion of 3±1 ablation lines, no further VT was inducible in 13 patients. The remaining 3 patients were switched to use the alternative approach. However, in none of them the alternative approaches were successful. Approach two was initially used in 7 patients. After completion of 3±1 ablation lines, no further VT was inducible in only 2 patients. The remaining 5 patients were switched to approach one, which resulted in noninducibility of VT in 4 of them. The initial successful rate was significantly higher in the group of approach one compared to that in the group of approach two (13/16 patients vs 2/7 patients, P=-0.026).
Conclusions The approach for  相似文献   
Globally suppressed T-cell function has been described in many patients with cancer to be a major hurdle for the development of clinically efficient cancer immunotherapy. Inhibition of antitumor immune responses has been mainly linked to inhibitory factors present in cancer patients. More recently, increased frequencies of CD4+CD25hi regulatory T cells (Treg cells) have been described as an additional mechanism reducing immunity. We assessed 73 patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and 42 healthy controls and demonstrated significantly increased frequencies of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA4+)-, Forkhead box P3 (FOXP3+)-, glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor-related protein (GITR+)-, CD62L+-, transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1+)-, interleukin 10 (IL-10+)-Treg cells in patients with CLL, with highest frequencies in untreated or progressing patients presenting with extended disease. Most surprisingly, in the majority of patients with CLL treated with fludarabine-containing therapy regimens the inhibitory function of Treg cells was decreased or even abrogated. In addition, frequencies of Treg cells were significantly decreased after therapy with fludarabine. In light of similar findings for cyclophosphamide the combination of fludarabine and cyclophosphamide might be further exploited in strategies reducing immunosuppression prior to cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   
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