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In 1997, the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) established an Ad Hoc Outcomes/Cost Effectiveness Advisory Panel to consider the development of specifications for compiling, indexing, and evaluating outcomes research/cost-effectiveness literature on a disease-specific basis. Such a resource could be used to support pharmaceutical therapy choice decision making by a variety of potential users. The USP had developed a protype health outcomes and pharmacoeconomic annotated registry of the literature on the disease state, congestive heart failure. Other organizations have established and are marketing pharmacoeconomic and health outcome literature registries, with two examples being the HEED database (OHE-IFPMA Database Ltd.) and the University of York NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (DARE).
OBJECTIVE: To share experiences and to identify the needs of decision makers for outcome/pharmacoeconomic information and to discuss whether they are being met by currently available literature sources. Decision makers include health care practitioners, managed care organizations, third party payers, industry and governments.
WORKSHOP FORMAT: The USP congestive heart failure protype literature registry will be described and compared to currently available pharmacoeconomic/outcome databases. Participants will share their assessment of the currently available abstracting service/databases and determine if there is a role for further developments.
DESIRED OUTCOME: To determine if there is a need for a collaborative approach among interested parties to make relevant health outcome/pharmacoeconomic information more accessible to the drug therapy decision makers in a format that is "user friendly." 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To share experiences and to identify the needs of decision makers for outcome/pharmacoeconomic information and to discuss whether they are being met by currently available literature sources. Decision makers include health care practitioners, managed care organizations, third party payers, industry and governments.
WORKSHOP FORMAT: The USP congestive heart failure protype literature registry will be described and compared to currently available pharmacoeconomic/outcome databases. Participants will share their assessment of the currently available abstracting service/databases and determine if there is a role for further developments.
DESIRED OUTCOME: To determine if there is a need for a collaborative approach among interested parties to make relevant health outcome/pharmacoeconomic information more accessible to the drug therapy decision makers in a format that is "user friendly." 相似文献
常咯啉在实验性心律失常狗的药代动力学-药效动力学分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用Harris冠脉结扎法诱发的心律失常狗研究常咯啉药代动力学-药效动力学。7只狗按83.33μg·kg-1·min-1静脉滴注60min,在给药期间和停药后不同时间记录ECG及测定血药浓度。C-T数据用药代程序计算药代参数;药效数据用药代-药效同步分析模型计算药效动力学参数,K10, T1/2,Vd,Cl分别为0.0087min-1,78.03min,40.55ml·kg-1和0.421ml·kg-1·min-1;KeO和Ce(50)分别为0.0048min-1和2.01μg·ml-1. 相似文献
Valid, reliable and comparable measures of the health states of individuals and of the health status of populations are critical components of the evidence base for health policy. We need to develop population health measurement strategies that coherently address the relationships between epidemiological measures (such as risk exposures, incidence, and mortality rates) and multi-domain measures of population health status, while ensuring validity and cross-population comparability. 相似文献
背景:在亚洲、非洲和欧洲,致病性H5N1流感病毒引起禽流感在家禽和候鸟中爆发流行,还导致了人类发病和死亡。虽然目前H5N1毒株引起人与人之间的传染不太可能,但它仍可能是未来流感大范围流行的潜在威胁因素。本试验的目的就是评价针对H5N1病毒株的裂解病毒疫苗的安全性和免疫原性。方法:对300名志愿者(年龄为18岁~40岁)进行随机、开放标签的、无对照的Ⅰ期试验。300名志愿者被分为6组:7.5mg血凝素加佐剂组(n=50)、7.5mg血凝素不加佐剂组(n=49)、15mg血凝素加佐剂组(n=50)、15mg血凝素不加佐剂组(n=50)、30mg血凝素加佐剂组(n=51)、30mg血… 相似文献
表小檗碱对α受体的作用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
表小檗碱(epiberberine,EB)是从湖北产黄连(Coptis chinensis Franch)中提取的一种生物碱,属苯喹嗪类原小檗碱,对其药理作用的研究资料甚少,未见其对α肾上腺素体作用的报道。资料表明,许多原小檗碱类化合物有α受体阻滞作用,为从该类化合物中选择 相似文献
Human acute leukemia cell line with the t(4;11) chromosomal rearrangement exhibits B lineage and monocytic characteristics 总被引:18,自引:8,他引:18
A cell line, designated RS4;11, was established from the bone marrow of a patient in relapse with an acute leukemia that was characterized by the t(4;11) chromosomal abnormality. The cell line and the patient's fresh leukemic cells both had the t(4;11)(q21;q23) and an isochromosome for the long arm of No. 7. Morphologically, all cells were lymphoid in appearance. Ultrastructurally and cytochemically, approximately 30% of the cells possessed myeloid features. The cells were strongly positive for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. They were HLA-DR positive and expressed surface antigens characteristic for B lineage cells, including those detected by anti-B4, BA-1, BA-2, and PI153/3. Immunoglobulin gene analysis revealed rearrangements of the heavy chain and kappa chain genes. The cells lacked the common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen and antigenic markers characteristic of T lineage cells. The cells reacted with the myeloid antibody 1G10 but not with other myeloid monoclonal antibodies. Treatment with 12-O-tetradecanoyl- phorbol-13-acetate induced a monocyte-like phenotype demonstrated by cytochemical, functional, immunologic, and electron microscopic studies. The expression of markers of both early lymphoid and early myeloid cells represents an unusual phenotype and suggests that RS4;11 represents a cell with dual lineage capabilities. To our knowledge, RS4;11 is the first cell line established from t(4;11)-associated acute leukemia. 相似文献
The effectiveness of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) for malignant blood diseases remains limited by the inability of the preparative regimen to eliminate the disease without causing toxicity to normal organs. We have used 52Fe to deliver radiotherapy selectively to the BM. Fourteen patients with hematologic malignancies received 52Fe before a conventional BMT conditioning regimen. The median 52Fe dose was 58 mCi (range, 32 to 85 mCi). As evaluated by quantitative scanning, the median percentage of 52Fe taken up by the BM was 82% (range, 36% to 90%). This resulted in a median radiation-absorbed dose to the BM of 632 rad (range, 151 to 1,144 rad). The median uptake of 52Fe by the liver was 18% (range, 10% to 64%) and the median radiation- absorbed dose to the liver was 239 rad (range, 82 to 526 rad). The median whole body radiation-absorbed dose was 46 rad (range, 22 to 68 rad). No untoward effects were noted after the injections of 52Fe. The patients recovered hematopoiesis without toxicity in excess of that expected with conventional conditioning alone. The median follow-up was 8 months and three patients have relapsed. 52Fe should provide a way to boost the radiation dose to marrow-based diseases before marrow transplantation without increasing toxicity. 相似文献