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无鼾老年人上气道及周围结构矢状面测量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的建立无鼾正常老年男女性上气道及周围结构矢状面52项测量项目的正常值范围并作比较。方法摄取无鼾正常老年男性38名、女性18名的X线头颅定位侧位片,测量分析上气道及周围结构52项测量项目,行统计学t检验。结果建立两组人群上气道及周围结构矢状面52项测量项目的正常值范围,老年男性上气道矢状面较宽,软腭、舌体较大,但软腭、舌体占口咽腔比例、上下颌骨关系、下颌平面角、软腭及舌的倾斜度、下气道咽后壁厚度两组差异无显著性。结论老年男女人群上气道及周围结构矢状面不尽相同,老年女性上气道矢状面宽度较男性窄。  相似文献   
Genetic influences are important in the determination of mandibular morphology, and growth hormone receptor (GHR) is believed to have an important influence on the growth of craniofacial bone. In this study, we used quantitative trait locus methods to evaluate the relationship between craniofacial morphology and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in GHR in an unselected healthy Chinese population. We systematically screened the 10 exons and nearby introns of GHR and identified 6 SNPs. Using 4 SNPs as markers, we studied the relationships between genotypes and craniofacial linear measurements. Individuals with the genotype CC of polymorphism I526L had a significantly greater mandibular ramus length (condylion-gonion/ articulare-gonion) than those with genotype AC or AA. Haplotype analysis showed that there were also significant differences between the long and short mandibular height groups in an extreme population. Our results indicate that the GHR gene polymorphism I526L is associated with mandibular height in the Chinese population.  相似文献   
Humoral immunity against Streptococcus mutans infection was analyzed in caries-active and caries-free young adults by immunoblotting. All volunteers from both groups had detectable salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA) and serum IgG antibodies, with similar profiles. They could be classified on the basis of relative intensity of the immunoblot bands into categories of high or low responders. Common protein antigens with molecular weight ranging from approximately 45 to 190 kDa could be found either extracellularly or associated with the cell wall of S. mutans cultured in vitro. The predominant reactive antigens recognized by both IgA and IgG were of proteins around 63 and 60 kDa. Detection of IgA antibodies to the various antigens of S. mutans in individual saliva samples did not always correlate with serum IgG antibody profiles. In addition, distinct bands, which reacted preferentially with either IgA or IgG, could be detected by antibodies from specific subjects. Differential reactivities of salivary IgA and serum IgG antibodies to two, cell-wall associated protein antigens around 33 and 36 kDa were found in caries-active and caries-free young adults; 30.8% of caries-free subjects and 12% of caries-active subjects (P < 0.01) exhibited detectable antibody response to these antigens. This difference was not attributable to variations in antibody levels, since antibody response to these proteins were still detectable in some caries-free but not caries-active individuals whose levels of antibodies to other antigens were low. Thus, a new antibody profile which correlates with dental caries disease activity has been identified in a selected population. Differences in mucosal and systemic immune responses to S. mutans seem to be both antigen and host dependent.  相似文献   
Two types of acinar cells were observed in human labial glands by conventional and analytical electron microscopic and light microscopic techniques. The predominant type contained large and prominent secretory granules that were strongly mucicarmine and PAS (with and without diastase) positive. The second type contained small, lacy, secretory granules, and these cells were faintly positive with these stains. The elemental contents of the two types of granules were measured by analytical electron microscopy using digital mapping and spot analysis applied to freeze-dried cryosections prepared from gland slices incubated in vitro under non-stimulated conditions. The large secretory granules had significantly higher Ca, S and Mg concentrations and significantly lower Cl and K concentrations than the small granules. The difference in elemental contents probably reflects differences in the content of secretory macromolecules. Specifically, the S content is thought to reflect the anionic properties of the secretory macromolecules, while the levels of divalent cations are thought to be determined by electroneutrality requirements for macromolecular folding and storage. No differences were found in nuclear or cytoplasmic elemental concentrations between the two cell types.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: The aims of the present study were to evaluate the frequent clinical complaints of oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) and to develop a scoring system for early detection of the disease by a self-administered questionnaire. METHODS: A total of 296 subjects were recruited, including 123 OSF patients without oral cancer and 173 betel quid chewers without OSF or oral cancer. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the symptom profile from study subjects. Their maximal mouth opening (MMO) between upper and lower incisor edges was measured and recorded by well-trained nurses. A binary logistic regression model examining the likelihood of OSF based on the eight symptoms of interest was used to develop the scoring system. RESULTS: Among 79 OSF subjects with an MMO < 35 mm, the most frequent complaint was trismus (87.3%), followed by burning sensation (76.0%) and xerostomia (72.2%). Among 44 OSF subjects with an MMO > or = 35 mm, burning sensation (68.2%) was the most frequent complaint, followed by trismus (54.5%) and xerostomia (54.5%). Six frequent complaints including trismus, burning sensation, xerostomia, sore throat, numbness, and oral ulceration were utilized to develop a scoring system for the early detection of OSF. The scoring system had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.90. CONCLUSION: This study suggests a screening questionnaire of frequent complaints for the early detection of OSF.  相似文献   
Dental caries in adult and elderly Chinese   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports on a study of dental caries conducted among 1744 urban and rural Chinese (from 20 to 80 years old), who were selected by means of a systematic stratified sampling procedure. The prevalence of one or more decayed or filled teeth ranged from 48 to 90% in urban residents, and from 51 to 97% in rural residents, depending on age. The mean number of decayed or filled teeth ranged from 1.2 (+/- 1.9) among 20-29-year-olds, to 6.2 (+/- 5.5) among 70+-year-olds, and was highest among rural residents. Among 20-29-year-olds, the main components of the DFT were enamel lesions and fillings. Among 30-49-year-olds, the DFT consisted mainly of enamel lesions and filled teeth, as well as teeth with lesions involving the pulpal tissues. In subjects over the age of 50 years, lesions involving pulpal tissues were the predominant type, followed by root-surface lesions. In subjects below the age of 50 years, most of the caries experience derived from coronal surfaces, particularly occlusal surfaces. Root-surface caries was predominantly a feature of persons aged 50 years and above. Despite a large number of surfaces being at risk of root-surface caries, less than 10% of the surfaces were so affected. Although cross-sectional in nature, these data indicate that when the oral hygiene standards are poor, caries lesions continue to develop and progress throughout life. With age, dental caries becomes a substantial oral health problem in this population of adult and elderly Chinese, despite the availability of some dental services.  相似文献   
为探讨免疫应答在扁平苔藓发病过程中的作用及相互关系,本研究中应用ABC技术,用T3、T4、T8、IgG单抗及S-100蛋白标记病损已浸润细胞。结果表明:病损区以细胞免疫为主,淋巴细胞数量与上皮钉突的增殖程度呈正相关;病损区中郎罕氏细胞明显偏高;基底膜区损害与T细胞数量呈正相关;IgG阳性细胞散在分布于病损区,其阳性物质在基底膜区沉积。提示该疾病以细胞免疫为主,同时有体液免疫应答的参与。  相似文献   
While mineralized tissue is formed in the pulp cavity after tooth replantation or transplantation, little is known of this hard tissue formation. Therefore, we conducted histological and immunohistochemical evaluations of hard tissue formed in the pulp of rat maxillary molars after tooth replantation. At 5 days after replantation, degenerated odontoblasts were lining the pulp cavity. At 14 days, dentin- or bone-like tissue was present in the pulp cavity. Immunoreactivity for osteopontin (OPN) and bone sialoprotein (BSP) was strong in the bone-like tissue, but weak in the dentin-like tissue. Conversely, dentin sialoprotein (DSP) was localized in the dentin-like tissue, but not in the bone-like tissue. Cells positive for BMP4, Smad4, Runx2, and Osterix were found around the blood vessels of the root apex at 5 days. At 14 days, these cells were also localized around the bone-like tissue. Cells expressing alpha-smooth muscle actin (SMA) were seen around the newly formed bone-like tissue, whereas no such cells were found around the newly formed dentin-like tissue. In an experiment involving the transplantation of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic rat tooth into a wild-type rat tooth socket, GFP-positive cells were detected on the surface of the bone-like tissue and over all dentin-like tissue. These results indicate that the original pulp cells had the ability to differentiate into osteoblast-like cells as well as into odontoblast-like cells.  相似文献   
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