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Zusammenfassung Die vonMacracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus verursachten Läsionen im Dünndarm von experimentell infizierten Hausschweinen (7 Tage p.i. und 84 Tage p.i.) wurden licht- und elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Die Würmer der 84 Tage alten Infektion waren tiefer in die Darmwand eingedrungen als die 7 Tage alten Würmer. Ihr Präsoma wurde von Entzündungsbzw. Bindegewebe umhüllt, das zahlreiche Plasmazellen enthielt. Bei 7 Tage alten Infektionen wurde noch keine Fibrose nachgewiesen. Eosinophilen-ähnliche Granulozyten, die an den Proboscishaken akkumulierten, herrschten in der Läsion vor. Eine osmiophile Gleitflüssigkeit, die offenbar an der Basis der Proboscishaken ausgeschieden wurde, schien eine stark antigene Wirkung auf die Leukozyten des Schweins auszuüben. In keinem Fall wurden Würmer angetroffen, die die gesamte Darmwand perforiert hatten, wie es in China bei Menschen beschrieben wurde.
Light and electron microscopical investigation of the histopathogenicity ofMacracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus in experimentally infected swine
One and 12 weeks after infection the lesions in the small intestine of two domestic pigs caused byMacracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus were studied by means of light and electron microscopy. Worms of 7 d.p.i. were found to have penetrated with their presoma into the tunica propria and partly into the tunica muscularis where they had caused local mechanic destructions and heavy eosinophilic-like and hemorrhagic reactions. Most eosinophilic-like granulocytes were attracted to the proboscis hooks, at the base of which an osmiophilic substance apparently was excreted. Worms of 84 d.p.i. had penetrated with their proboscis deeply into the tunica muscularis. The presoma had become encapsulated by a solid capsule of necrotic/inflammatory tissue in its inner part and by filamentous connective tissue in its outer part. The predominant leucocytes in the inflammatory tissue now were plasma cells indicating a progressive immune reaction. No worms were found to have perforated the entire intestinal wall as was described from human patients in China.

Unterstützt durch ein Stipendium der VR China für Herrn Bin Zhao  相似文献   
Known brain manifestations of tuberous sclerosis (TSC) are cortical sclerotic tubera, giant cell astrocytomas, subependymal calcified nodules in the lateral walls of the lateral ventricles, and white matter heterotopias. In addition, small cyst-like lesions in the white matter have been described. We report on three TSC patients with hitherto undescribed large cyst-like cerebral lesions in subcortical and white matter locations. We emphasize that cystoid brain degeneration is a rare but typical cerebral manifestation of TSC and suggest that, in patients with such lesions, TSC should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   
Depth and field size dependence of the sensitometric curves of radiographic films have been studied by various groups. Limited information is, however, available on the magnitude of the variations in sensitometric curves applied in clinical practice in different institutions. In this study we assessed in a systematic way the effect of the various parameters influencing the shape of the sensitometric curve: batch composition, irradiation conditions, film processing, and film scanning. Two types of film, Kodak X-Omat V and CEA TVS, were irradiated, processed, and analyzed in three different institutions. The interinstitutional variation of the sensitometric curves, expressed as the OD variation at 50 cGy, can be up to 32% and is mainly caused by differences in film processing and to a lesser degree to differences in batch composition, film scanning, and irradiation conditions. For the Kodak films, the average OD difference at 50 cGy between the three institutions is 17% as a result of differences in batch composition and 25% due to differences in processing conditions. For the CEA films these data are 6% and 24%, respectively. The long-term variation of the sensitometric curves of KODAK films in one institution was smaller than the differences in batch composition between the three institutions. The sensitometric curves of CEA films showed in one institution a large variation with time; the shape gradually varied from sigmoidal to quasilinear. By using relative OD values rather than absolute OD values, variations in sensitometric curves of KODAK films can be reduced to 2%. Consequently, one sensitometric curve is sufficient to derive relative dose values. If processing conditions are well controlled, it might therefore be advantageous to determine the absolute OD only at one or two dose values, in combination with a "universal" relative sensitometric curve.  相似文献   
We describe two unrelated patients with cytogenetically visible deletions of 21q22.2-q22.3 and mild phenotypes. Both patients presented minor dysmorphic features including thin marfanoid build, facial asymmetry, downward-slanting palpebral fissures, depressed nasal bridge, small nose with bulbous tip, and mild mental retardation (MR). FISH and molecular studies indicated common deleted areas but different breakpoints. In patient 1, the breakpoint was fine mapped to a 5.2 kb interval between exon 5 and exon 8 of the ETS2 gene. The subtelomeric FISH probe was absent on one homologue 21 indicating a terminal deletion spanning approximately 7.9 Mb in size. In patient 2, the proximal breakpoint was determined to be 300-700 kb distal to ETS2, and the distal breakpoint 2.5-0.3 Mb from the 21q telomere, indicating an interstitial deletion sized approximately 4.7-7.3 Mb. The 21q- syndrome is rare and typically associated with a severe phenotype, but different outcomes depending on the size and location of the deleted area have been reported. Our data show that monosomy 21q of the area distal to the ETS2 gene, representing the terminal 7.9 Mb of 21q, may result in mild phenotypes comprising facial anomalies, thin marfanoid build, and mild MR, with or without signs of holoprosencephaly.  相似文献   
Five TLRs are thought to play an important role in antiviral immunity, sensing viral products and inducing IFN-alpha/beta and -lambda. Surprisingly, patients with a defect of IRAK-4, a critical kinase downstream from TLRs, are resistant to common viruses. We show here that IFN-alpha/beta and -lambda induction via TLR-7, TLR-8, and TLR-9 was abolished in IRAK-4-deficient blood cells. In contrast, IFN-alpha/beta and -lambda were induced normally by TLR-3 and TLR-4 agonists. Moreover, IFN-beta and -lambda were normally induced by TLR-3 agonists and viruses in IRAK-4-deficient fibroblasts. We further show that IFN-alpha/beta and -lambda production in response to 9 of 11 viruses tested was normal or weakly affected in IRAK-4-deficient blood cells. Thus, IRAK-4-deficient patients may control viral infections by TLR-3- and TLR-4-dependent and/or TLR-independent production of IFNs. The TLR-7-, TLR-8-, and TLR-9-dependent induction of IFN-alpha/beta and -lambda is strictly IRAK-4 dependent and paradoxically redundant for protective immunity to most viruses in humans.  相似文献   
Summary The possible role of microtubules and microfilaments in the secretory process of the rat exocrine pancreas was analysed in vitro using isolated pancreatic lobules. Colchicine and vinblastine as microtubule inhibitors, hexylene glycol as a microtubule stabilizer, and cytochalasin B as a disruptive agent for microfilaments were used in increasing concentrations to test their effects on protein synthesis, intracellular transport, zymogen discharge, and cellular respiration.Colchicine only at 10–2 M concentrations inhibits protein synthesis, while vinblastine inhibits at 10–6 and 10–5 M by 20% and at 10–4 M by 55%. A similar inhibition is observed with 1.5% concentrations of hexylene glycol while cytochalasine B at 1,5 and 10 g/ml is without effect on protein synthesis. Colchicine and vinblastine have their major effects on intracellular transport both in secretion studies and cell fractionation experiments. Colchicine in concentrations between 10–3 to 10–5 M inhibits discharge of newly synthesized proteins by 50%, while vinblastine shows a dose-response relationship of 40% inhibition at 10–6 M to 90% at 10–4 M. Discharge of amylase is uniformly reduced by 30% by both colchicine and vinblastine in the whole dose range. The pronounced effect of colchicine and vinblastine is evident in cell fractionation studies: both drugs inhibit the disappearance of protein radioactivity from microsomes and its appearance in zymogen granules; similarly the peak radioactivity in smooth microsomes (Golgi) appears delayed. No differential effect on the secretory process was observed with 1.5% concentrations of hexylene glycol or cytochalasin B at 1.5 and 10 g/ml concentrations. A fines tructural analysis of microtubules and microfilaments in the exocrine pancreatic cell reveals their distribution in all parts of the cytoplasm and in relation to all cell organelles. Both systems (microtubules, microfilaments) seem to be connected, at least in certain areas of the cytoplasm and at the plasma membrane.The reduction of transport efficiency by microtubule inhibitors results in a deposition of secretory material in the cisternal space of the rough endoplasmatic reticulum, which leads to the formation of paracrystals. Colchicine at 10–3 M concentrations leads to an enlargement of condensing vacuoles in the Golgi complex.A short communication on the same subject was presented at a Symposion on Stimulus-Secretion-Coupling in the Gastro-intestinal Tract, Titisee (May 27–29, 1975).Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ke 113/8).  相似文献   
Chemotherapy of fish parasites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are few agents on the market that control fish parasites. These are substances that are mainly used in other hosts; due to the different metabolism of fish, they often have only moderate effects on fish parasites. Therefore, the research and development of fish-specific antiparasitic compounds is needed to avoid the high losses suffered by commercial fish hatcheries. Drugs similar to toltrazuril would perhaps be promising, due to their broad spectrum of efficacy.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die im Verlaufe antirabischer Vaccinationen gelegentlich auftretenden paralytischen Komplikationen sind nicht virusbedingt, sondern die Folge einer Antigen-Antikörperreaktion nach Sensibilisierung mit dem organspezifischen Hirnantigen, das in den nicht ätherisierten Tollwutvaccinen enthalten ist. Diesbezüglich von einer Impfwut zu sprechen, erscheint nicht gerechtfertigt. Vielmehr sollte dieser Terminus für die postvaccinalen Komplikationen reserviert bleiben, bei denen der Ausbruch der Erkrankung in direktem Kausalzusammenhang zu dem in einer Vaccine enthaltenen lebenden Virus fixe steht.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Prüfung der Paraty-B-Phagentypen zeigt im Saarland einen hohen Anteil des in Deutschland seltenen Typs Dundee. Ein Vergleich mit den Phagentypen in Frankreich, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung der departementalen Verteilung, legt es nahe, Über die zweifellos bestehenden engen Verkehrskontakte hinaus ein einheitliches endemisches Vorkommen dieses Typs im Saarland und in Lothringen anzunehmen.  相似文献   
To maintain the intracellular concentration of ions and small molecules on osmotic challenges, nature has developed highly sophisticated transport systems for regulating water and ion content. An ideal measurement technique for volume changes of cells during osmotic challenges has to fulfil two requirements: it has to be osmotically inert, and it should allow online monitoring of cell volume changes. Here, a simple fluorescence microscopy-based approach is presented. Using fluorescein as a negative stain, it is possible to monitor cell volume changes without affecting the functionality of cell membranes and cell osmolarity. Measurement of Madine-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells after hypo- and hyperosmotic challenges reveals the main advantages of this approach: besides providing precise and reproducible quantitative data on reversible cell volume changes, the viability of the cells can be assessed directly by the appearance of stain in the cytoplasm. This becomes evident especially after hypo-osmotic challenge of glutaraldehyde-treated cells, which become leaky after fixation, followed by a massive volume change. This new approach represents a very sensitive measurement technique for cell volume changes resulting from water or ion flux, and thus seems to be an ideal tool for studying cell volume regulatory processes.  相似文献   
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