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Women with breast cancer often face a variety of decisions regardingtheir treatment at diagnosis and in follow-up. When consideringendocrine therapy, whether for early or advanced breast cancer,there are several options available, with differing side-effectsand routes of administration, from which a woman and her healthcare providers must choose. In this issue of Annals of Oncology,Professor Fallowfield and colleagues elucidate preferences ofwomen with breast cancer regarding endocrine therapy, consideringbetween tablet and injection formulations. Through interviewswith 208 women with a history of early or stable advanced breastcancer, the investigators found that most women (63%) preferredtablet therapy to injections,  相似文献   
The German Infectious Disease Control Act of 2001 includes a modified regulation for reporting infectious diseases and infectious pathogens and new clauses for surveillance and infection control in medical institutions. For the first time, all health care facilities are obliged to conduct surveillance of nosocomial infections and multiresistant pathogens. This legal regulation including mandatory monitoring by local health departments aims at reducing the rates of nosocomial infection and frequency and dissemination of highly resistant pathogens. This article describes the effect of the Disease Control Act on surgical departments. Surveillance of postsurgical wound infection should lead to better understanding of the cause and effect of nosocomial infection and greater acceptance of high-quality hospital hygiene management.  相似文献   
Tuberculosis involving the soft tissue from adjacent bone or joint is well recognized. However, primary tuberculous pyomyositis, tuberculous bursitis, and tuberculous tenosynovitis are rare entities constituting 1% of skeletal tuberculosis. Tuberculous tenosynovitis involves most commonly the tendon sheaths of the hand and wrist, and tuberculous bursitis occurs most commonly around the hip. The greater trochanteric bursa and the greater trochanter are the most frequent sites of tuberculous bursitis. Cases of primary tuberculous pyomyositis and tenosynovitis of the tendons of the ankle and foot are seldom reported in the radiology literature. All imaging modalities-plain radiography, bone scan, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)--provide information that is helpful in determining therapy. MRI in particular, with its multiplanar capabilities and superb contrast of soft tissue, can demonstrate the extent of the soft tissue mass and access the adjacent bones and joints. However, MRI has no diagnostic specificity in regard to tuberculosis, and in nonendemic areas, biopsy is strongly recommended. All patients in this review were permanent residents of North America or Western Europe and were immunocompetent. Examples of atypical presentations of the above entities are demonstrated.  相似文献   
The adequate treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) osteomyelitis has intrigued clinicians for some time. As the resistance of these pathogens, coupled with the increase in community-acquired cases, continues steadily to rise, clinicians are finding it useful to employ multi-modal approaches for efficacious treatment. The authors present a single case report of a patient with recurrent MRSA osteomyelitis, lumbar paraspinal and epidural abscess. He was found to have decreased muscle strength and was hyporeflexic in the involved extremity. Serum testing demonstrated MRSA bacteremia. Neuroimaging studies revealed evidence of paraspinal abscess and a presumed herniated nucleus pulposus at the L5/S1 interspace with significant nerve root compromise. Despite antimicrobials, his symptoms persisted, necessitating surgical exploration. At surgery, paraspinal and epidural abscesses were encountered and debrided; however, no herniated disc was visualized. This case demonstrates the diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas with which these lesions present. We postulate that the MRSA osteomyelitis/discitis pathogens were walled off in the disc space and subsequently inoculated the soft tissues with ensuing bacteremia. We concur that antimicrobial treatment should be the first line of therapy for these patients; however, surgical debridements and cautious spinal instrumentation should be employed where appropriate.  相似文献   
Dynamic three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound imaging of the fetal heart is difficult due to the absence of an electrocardiogram (ECG) signal for synchronization between loops. In this study we introduce tissue Doppler gating (TDOG), a technique in which tissue Doppler data are used to calculate a gating signal. We have applied this cardiac gating method to dynamic 3D reconstructions of the heart of eight fetuses aged 20-24 weeks.The gating signal was derived from the amplitude and frequency contents of the tissue Doppler signal. We used this signal as a replacement for ECG in a 3D-volume reconstruction and visualization, utilizing techniques established in ECG-gated 3D echocardiography.The reliability of the TDOG signal for fetal cardiac cycle detection was experimentally investigated. Simultaneous recordings of tissue Doppler of the heart and continuous wave (CW) spectral Doppler of the umbilical artery (UA) were performed using two independent ultrasound systems, and the TDOG signal from one system was compared to the Doppler spectrum data from the other system. Each recording consisted of a two-dimensional (2D) sector scan, transabdominally and slowly tilted by the operator, covering the fetal heart over approximately 40 cardiac cycles. The total angle of the sweep was estimated by recording a separate loop through the center of the heart, in the elevation direction of the sweep.3D reconstruction and visualization were performed with the EchoPAC-3D software (GE Medical Systems). The 3D data were visualized by showing simultaneous cineloops of three 2D slices, as well as by volume projections running in cineloop.Synchronization of B-mode cineloops with the TDOG signal proved to be sufficiently accurate for reconstruction of high-quality dynamic 3D data. We show one example of a B-mode recording with a frame rate of 96 frames/s over 20 seconds. The reconstruction consists of 31 volumes, each with 49 tilted frames. With the fetal heart positioned 5-8 cm from the transducer, the sampling distances were approximately 0.15 mm in the beam direction, 0.33 degrees approximately 0.37 mm azimuth and 0.45 degrees approximately 0.51 mm elevation. From this single dataset we were able to generate a complete set of classical 2D views (such as four-chamber, three-vessel and short-axis views as well as those of the ascending aorta, aortic and ductal arches and inferior and superior venae cavae) with high image quality adequate for clinical use.  相似文献   
The component of a composite prosthesis, which makes contact with the visceral peritoneum, can be reabsorbable or non-reabsorbable, and laminar or reticular. This study was designed to determine whether the composition of this second, barrier component could improve its behavior at this interface. Abdominal wall defects in rabbits were repaired using a polypropylene prosthesis (PP), or the composites Sepramesh (PP+h) or Vicryl (PP+v). Fourteen days after surgery, the implants were evaluated by light and scanning electron microscopy, and immunohistochemistry. Prosthetic areas occupied by adhesions (PP: 71.08±5.09, PP+h: 18.55±4.96, P+v: 69.69±16.81%), neoperitoneal thickness (PP: 256.17±21.68, PP+h: 83.11±19.63, PP+v:213.72±35.90 μm) and macrophage counts (PP: 8.73±1.16, PP+h: 27.33±4.13, PP+v: 31.24±3.08%) showed significant differences (P<0.05). The tested biomaterials induced an optimal recipient tissue infiltration. Least adhesion formation was observed on the PP+h implants. This suggests that the second component, although reabsorbable, should be smooth in structure.  相似文献   
Objectives  Porphyromonas gingivalis is one of the microorganisms that most actively produce CH3SH and we have reported that subjects with P . gingivalis have higher CH3SH levels than subjects without P .  gingivalis . However, little is known about the relationship between P . gingivalis levels in saliva and the condition of oral malodor. In this study, we evaluated the association between the relative amount of P . gingivalis in saliva and halitosis in mouth air.
Methods  All of the subjects were patients at the Preventive Dentistry and Breath Odor Clinic of Kyushu Dental College, where they received a periodontal examination. Volatile sulfur compounds (VSC: hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan) were measured using gas chromatography. Saliva samples were collected in a sterile plastic tube over a period of 5 min while the subject chewed on paraffin wax, and were then immediately stored at –80°C until use. Template DNA was obtained from the stored saliva using an Easy-DNA Kit (Invitrogen, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Conventional PCR assays were used to confirm the presence of P . gingivalis . A 5' nuclease TaqMan PCR was used to quantify P . gingivalis in saliva. The relative numbers of bacteria were measured using the comparative threshold cycle method.
Results  We found a quantitative relationship between the P . gingivalis levels in saliva and the condition of halitosis in mouth air.
Conclusion  We analyzed the relationship between the relative amount of P . gingivalis in saliva and oral malodor.  相似文献   
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