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Wrist ratio correlation with carpal tunnel syndrome in industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Employees from a large midwestern automobile manufacturing plant completed a preemployment evaluation which included a personal and family history, physical examination, and wrist ratio determinations obtained by dividing the anteroposterior diameter by the mediolateral diameter of the wrist. Over a 3-year period, 80 of these employees who developed symptoms compatible with carpal tunnel syndrome within 4-12 months of employment were entered into the study and were evaluated with standard electrodiagnostic techniques. The symptoms included nocturnal hand pain, paresthesia and weak grasp. Thirty-nine of the 80 employees had wrist ratios equal to or greater than 0.70. Twenty-four percent of the employees with wrist ratios less than 0.70 had abnormal electrodiagnostic studies compared with 74% of employees with wrist ratios greater than or equal to 0.70. Regression analysis performed on the data revealed a significant positive correlation between distal median motor latency and wrist ratio (P = 0.001). The study suggests the practical value of wrist ratio determination in job placement.  相似文献   
ADP plays a key role in thrombogenesis in rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relative importance of ADP, arachidonic acid metabolites and serotonin as thrombogenic factors was evaluated in rats by comparing, after oral administration, the effects of two inhibitors of ADP-induced platelet aggregation (ticlopidine and PCR 4099), three cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors (aspirin, triflusal and indobufen) and a selective serotonin 5HT2 receptor antagonist (ketanserin) on platelet aggregation, in four platelet-dependent thrombosis models and on bleeding time. Platelet aggregation induced by ADP and collagen was completely inhibited by ticlopidine and PCR 4099 whereas only the collagen aggregation was reduced by the cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors. Ketanserin or a depletion of platelet serotonin by reserpine did not affect platelet aggregation. Ticlopidine and PCR 4099 greatly prolonged rat tail transection bleeding time. This is probably related to their known ability to inhibit ADP-mediated platelet aggregation. In contrast, the cyclooxygenase inhibitors did not affect bleeding time at all. Reserpine and ketanserin prolonged bleeding time by interfering with the action of serotonin on the vascular wall. Ticlopidine and PCR 4099 were very potent antithrombotics in all the models. Aspirin, only at a high dose, inhibited poorly thrombus formation on a silk thread in an arterio-venous shunt, suggesting that the inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase was not responsible. Triflusal was inactive in all models while indobufen slightly reduced thrombus formation in the silk thread and metallic coil models. Ketanserin and reserpine reduced thrombus only in the metallic coil model. Thrombus formation was greatly reduced in fawn-hooded rats, which lack ADP in their platelet dense granules because of a genetic storage pool deficiency.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
To determine whether pulsatile hypothermic perfusion with University of Wisconsin preservation solution is superior to topical cooling as a method for the preservation of amputated limbs, six pairs of amputated canine limbs were preserved for twelve to fifteen hours. One limb of each pair was subjected to topical cooling and the other, to pulsatile hypothermic perfusion with University of Wisconsin solution. The bioenergetic status of the limbs was monitored by 31phosphorus magnetic-resonance spectroscopy, and histological evaluation was performed to assess ischemic changes in the preserved tissue. The pH and tissue levels of adenosine triphosphate declined three times more slowly in the limbs that were preserved by pulsatile hypothermic perfusion than in the topically cooled limbs. Consistent with these findings, the perfused limbs also had less histological evidence of ischemic injury. The data from this in vitro study show that pulsatile hypothermic perfusion with University of Wisconsin solution, in combination with an optimum degree of topical cooling, is superior to topical cooling alone as a method of preserving the bioenergetic status of amputated limbs.  相似文献   
Motor units of the cat tibialis posterior muscle were selectively activated by prolonged electrical stimulation of functionally isolated motor axons in situ. During the activation, the glucose analog 2-deoxyglucose (DG) was administered systemically. Single muscle fibers were subsequently examined for accumulation of the metabolite 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate (DG6P) by an analytical assay and for depletion of glycogen by a PAS glycogen-specific staining reaction (periodic acid Schiff; PAS). In general, levels of DG6P were 20 times greater in unstained (PAS-negative) fibers compared with stained (PAS-positive) fibers. However, some glycogen-depleted fibers, particularly in putative ischemic fascicles of the muscle, did not have elevated DG6P, suggesting that depletion of glycogen is not always a reliable indicator of fiber activation. Furthermore, the PAS-staining reaction was not necessarily indicative of quantitative glycogen levels in single fibers. Thus, this report shows that DG6P accumulation enhances the identification of motor-unit fibers selectively activated via their common motor-nerve axon. Evidence is also presented for differential glucose uptake in muscle fibers of different phenotype, thereby indicating that the DG6P measurement in muscle has broad applicability to the investigation of cellular glucose utilization.  相似文献   
Microorganisms cause varying degrees of stimulation of superoxide (O2-) production (respiratory burst [RB]) in macrophages but in some cases apparently inhibit the RB induced in the same monolayers by a conventional stimulator. We have explored these differences. A mycobacterium model, the slowly multiplying mouse pathogen Mycobacterium microti, induced a modest RB in resident macrophage monolayers, compared with the substantial RB induced by opsonized zymosan (Zy). However, if the 1-h M. microti pulse immediately preceded the Zy assay (instead of being concurrent), the RB was consistently less than that elicited by the Zy alone. Cytochalasin (an inhibitor of phagocytosis) enhanced Zy-induced RB, supporting the view that the burst is cell surface mediated, but this agent apparently eliminated the inhibition of the Zy-induced RB caused by prior M. microti exposure, suggesting that this inhibition may have an intracellular origin. The inhibition described extended not only to another mycobacterium (Mycobacterium bovis BCG) but also to a previous application of Zy itself. The general implications for macrophage functions of these observations on timing and sites of initiation are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Spontaneous apoptosis in germinal-centre (GC) B cells can be prevented by treatment with anti-immunoglobulin (Ig). By contrast, susceptible group-I Burkitt lymphoma (BL) cells can be driven to apoptosis by anti-Ig. The second-messenger pathways involved in the regulation of apoptosis in GC B lymphocytes and in BL cell lines were studied using pharmacological agonists or inhibitors of intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) and protein kinase C (PKC). Anti-Ig was found to mobilize Ca2+ in group-I cells. Pre-incubation with the Ca2+ chelator EGTA partially reduced apoptosis induced by anti-Ig or by Ca2+ ionophore in group-I BL cells. Activation of PKC with phorbol ester reduced such Ca(2+)-driven programmed cell death (PCD) to control levels of apoptosis. Apoptosis in group-I BL cell lines could also be triggered by the kinase inhibitors staurosporine and Ro-31-8220 at concentrations selective for PKC activity. Expression of the bcl-2 protein in BL group-I cells following gene transfer affords protection from apoptosis induced by ionomycin or anti-Ig. In the present study, bcl-2 was additionally found to protect from apoptosis driven by staurosporine. The high levels of spontaneous apoptosis exhibited by normal GC B cells were reduced, but not abrogated, by co-culture with phorbol ester. These results indicate that, in group-I BL cells, imbalance in the phosphoinositide pathway of signalling, in favour of [Ca2+]i and away from PKC, results in apoptosis: constitutive phosphorylation of key proteins by PKC may therefore suppress apoptosis in BL as well as in GC B cells.  相似文献   
Leukemic cells from a series of patients with chronic B-lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) were analyzed for their buoyant density on discontinuous Percoll gradients. The density profile varied markedly between different patients and also between samples from different body compartments within the same patient. A good correlation was observed between buoyant density and maturation stage of the leukemic clones as judged by Ig-expression and their reactivity with a panel of monoclonal antibodies. Phorbol-ester-induced changes in the leukemic cells were found to be accompanied by a general decrease in their buoyant density. No correlation between density and clinical parameters such as cell counts, clinical stage and survival could be noted. Buoyant density characterization of leukemic B-cell populations is seen as a useful, rapid and simple marker of compartmentalization within the B-lymphocyte maturation spectrum but its clinical relevance remains to be established.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to explore whether intervention withheparin and aspirin (H/A) in selected patients undergoing in-vitrofertilization (TVF) and embryo transfer could improve fecundityrates. Specifically, it explored the possibility that womendiagnosed with organic pelvic disease who demonstrated antiphospholipidantibodies (APA) could benefit from H/A administration in asimilar manner to that used in patients with recurrent pregnancyloss. We used an enzyme–linked immunosorbent assay forsix different phospholipids to identify patients who expressedAPA before they underwent IVF/embryo transfer. This study wasconfined to the first IVF/embryo transfer cycle that followedassessment of APA status and accordingly, the number of IVF/embryotransfer cycles corresponds with the number of patients treated.APA seropositive patients were treated with aspirin, 81 mg orallyq.d., and heparin 5000 IU s.c. b.i.d., beginning on day 1 ofcontrolled ovarian stimulation. The endpoint for success wasa live birth or an ultrasound confirming fetal cardiac activity(a viable pregnancy). The prevalence of APA in patients diagnosedwith organic pelvic disease (53%) was much higher than in thosewithout female pathology (14%). The administration of H/A toAPA seropositive patients significantly (P < 0.05) improvedthe viable pregnancy rate (49%) compared to the untreated APAseropositive group (16%). The viable pregnancy rate for APAseropositive women treated with H/A was also significantly (P< 0.001) higher than for untreated APA seronegative patients(27%). We conclude that all women undergoing IVF/embryo transfershould be tested for APA prior to initiating ovarian stimulation,and those with APA seropositivity should be treated with H/A.  相似文献   
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