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Clinical review 110: Diagnosis and treatment of pituitary tumors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We are fortunate to have multiple safe and effective therapeutic options available for the treatment of pituitary tumors. These options include medical therapy, transsphenoidal surgery and radiotherapy. The treatment of choice depends on the type of pituitary tumor. The majority, of PRL-secreting tumors can be effectively treated with dopamine agonists. Transsphenoidal surgery is also an effective option for patients who are resistant to or intolerant of these drugs. Transsphenoidal surgery remains the treatment of choice for the majority of patients with GH, ACTH, and TSH-secreting tumors and for large nonsecreting tumors. Medical therapy with somatostatin analogs and/or dopamine agonists should be undertaken in patients with persistent elevations of GH and IGF-I levels; radiotherapy should be considered for patients with significant residual tumor in whom medical therapy is unsuccessful. Radiotherapy is also indicated for ACTH-secreting tumors not cured by surgery; medical therapy with ketoconazole and other adrenal enzyme inhibitors can be used as adjunctive therapy to lower cortisol levels. Postoperative radiotherapy for nonsecreting tumors is also an option if there is considerable residual tumor or evidence of tumor growth on follow-up MRI. Evaluation and treatment of hypopituitarism is an important part of the management of all patients with pituitary tumors. Patients also should be monitored for the development of new deficits, particularly after radiotherapy. The development of new medical therapies, such as GH antagonists, as well as refinements of surgical, radiotherapy, and imaging techniques should continue to improve our management of pituitary tumors.  相似文献   
Multiple defects are often encountered in the treatment of malignant skin tumors. Nearby defects can present a reconstructive challenge since the closure of one defect may impact the closure of the other defect. The double O to Z flap design is ideally suited to combine the closure of adjacent defects into one technique. This flap technique and design is illustrated and described. Examples include defects on the forehead, temple, cheek, and nose following Mohs micrographic surgery.  相似文献   


To investigate the moderating role of resilience in the relationship between affective disorders and Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) for adolescents and young adults with multiple sclerosis (MS).


A quantitative methodology was adopted. Fifty-three adolescents and young adults were interviewed to assess resilience as a personality trait (Ego-Resiliency Scale) and resilience as an interactive competence (CYRM-28), Health-Related Quality of Life (PedsQL 4.0), depression and anxiety (BDI-II and STAI-Y).


Affective disorders, both depression (β = ?.38, p < .001) and anxiety (State β = –.35, p < .001; Trait β = ?.41, p < .001), were negatively associated with HRQoL. Data also showed that the resilience competencies using Individual (β = .22, p < .001) and relational resources (β = .12, p < .05) are significantly associated HRQoL. According to the regression analyses, we tested the moderating role of resilience competence using individual resources on the relationship between the Depression Cognitive Factor and Emotional Functioning. Data show that in step 2 of the regression analysis, we obtained a variation of β = ?.45 (p < .001) to β = ?.30 (p < .001) in the dimension for the Depression Cognitive Factor. The Sobel test showed that the moderating effect of resilience was significant regarding the increase in R2 (p < .01).


Resilience competence using individual resources moderates the relationship between the Depression Cognitive Factor and Emotional Functioning in adolescents with MS. Our study suggests that to improve well-being for adolescents with MS resilience could play a key role.
The effectiveness of nutritional interventions to prevent and maintain cognitive functioning in older adults has been gaining interest due to global population ageing. A systematic literature review was conducted to obtain and appraise relevant studies on the effects of dietary protein or thiamine on cognitive function in healthy older adults. Studies that reported on the use of nutritional supplementations and/or populations with significant cognitive impairment were excluded. Seventeen eligible studies were included. Evidence supporting an association between higher protein and/or thiamine intakes and better cognitive function is weak. There was no evidence to support the role of specific protein food sources, such as types of meat, on cognitive function. Some cross-sectional and case-control studies reported better cognition in those with higher dietary thiamine intakes, but the data remains inconclusive. Adequate protein and thiamine intake is more likely associated with achieving a good overall nutritional status which affects cognitive function rather than single nutrients. A lack of experimental studies in this area prevents the translation of these dietary messages for optimal cognitive functioning and delaying the decline in cognition with advancing age.  相似文献   


Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have an increased risk to develop severe diabetes related complications, especially cardiovascular disease (CVD). The risk to develop CVD can be estimated by means of risk formulas. However, patients have difficulties to understand the outcomes of these formulas. As a result, they may not recognize the importance of changing lifestyle and taking medication in time. Therefore, it is important to develop risk communication methods, that will improve the patients' understanding of risks associated with having diabetes, which enables them to make informed choices about their diabetes care.  相似文献   
We employed the research-to-practice consensus workshop (RTP; workshops held in New York City and Tompkins County, New York, in 2013) model to merge researcher and practitioner views of translational research priorities in palliative care. In the RTP approach, a diverse group of frontline providers generates a research agenda for palliative care in collaboration with researchers. We have presented the major workshop recommendations and contrasted the practice-based research priorities with those of previous consensus efforts. We uncovered notable differences and found that the RTP model can produce unique insights into research priorities. Integrating practitioner-identified needs into research priorities for palliative care can contribute to addressing palliative care more effectively as a public health issue.Over the past 2 decades, palliative care has become established as a promising approach for addressing the needs of individuals with life-threatening illnesses from a holistic, interdisciplinary perspective. For this project, we defined palliative care as an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and families facing the problems encountered in life-threatening illness by preventing and relieving suffering. Core components of palliative care include providing relief from pain and other distressing symptoms, affirming dying as a normal process, integrating psychological and spiritual aspects of care, enhancing the quality of life of patients, and offering support systems to patients and their families to help them live as fully as possible until death occurs.Research suggests that palliative care results in positive patient outcomes, greater patient and family satisfaction, and significant cost savings.1,2 The American Public Health Association, the World Health Organization, and the Institute of Medicine3–6 have identified the development of a robust palliative care delivery system as a key public health issue because of the documented ability of palliative care to deliver effective and efficient patient- and symptom-focused care to a growing population in need.In its 2013 report the American Public Health Association specifically detailed the public health implications of palliative care, acknowledged the growing burden of advanced chronic illness and disease in older adults, and recommended key steps to address the problem. This policy statement called for federal, state, and local efforts to promote effective symptom management in populations with serious illness or at the end of life. Other recommended initiatives included the development of a palliative care workforce, educational programs to improve uptake and use of palliative and hospice care, and research funding to support the expansion of palliative care initiatives. Achieving these goals will require moving beyond traditional medical practices to include both policies and initiatives at the public health level.Despite the potential of palliative care to address the mental and physical health needs of individuals with advanced illness, significant knowledge gaps impede its reach and effectiveness. Reports from scientific bodies and consensus workshops have highlighted weaknesses in the literature and called for more research on palliative care and improved research methods.7–10 Thus, although both interest in and demand for palliative care are increasing, reviews of the knowledge base continue to lament the lack of research on many key issues.11,12Especially urgent is a research agenda that fits most closely with the needs of providers who deliver palliative care. The systematic engagement of community practitioners in a consensus process can lead to particularly useful and actionable recommendations for research,13–15 which are greatly needed at this stage in the development of the field. Therefore, to shed new light on research priorities in palliative care, we used a structured, participatory method designed to solicit practitioner input on research priorities: the research-to-practice consensus workshop (RTP) model.16We employed the RTP approach to identify knowledge gaps and types of studies that should be conducted to improve providers’ ability to deliver palliative care most effectively. This model harnesses practice wisdom by engaging clinicians, agency staff, and other practitioners with researchers in a process of articulating and refining research questions and research priorities that honors scientific expertise and practice wisdom.  相似文献   
Purpose: Rural residents are at greater risk of obesity than urban and suburban residents. Failure to meet physical activity and healthy eating recommendations play a role. Emerging evidence shows the effectiveness of environmental and policy interventions to promote physical activity and healthy eating. Yet most of the evidence comes from urban and suburban communities. The objectives of this study were to (1) identify types of environmental and policy interventions being implemented in rural communities to promote physical activity or healthy eating, (2) identify barriers to the implementation of environmental or policy interventions, and (3) identify strategies rural communities have employed to overcome these barriers. Methods: Key informant interviews with public health professionals working in rural areas in the United States were conducted in 2010. A purposive sample included 15 practitioners engaged in planning, implementing, or evaluating environmental or policy interventions to promote physical activity or healthy eating. Findings: Our findings reveal that barriers in rural communities include cultural differences, population size, limited human capital, and difficulty demonstrating the connection between social and economic policy and health outcomes. Key informants identified a number of strategies to overcome these barriers such as developing broad‐based partnerships and building on the existing infrastructure. Conclusion: Recent evidence suggests that environmental and policy interventions have potential to promote physical activity and healthy eating at the population level. To realize positive outcomes, it is important to provide opportunities to implement these types of interventions and document their effectiveness in rural communities.  相似文献   
Comorbidity weights have become an important tool in longitudinal outcome studies. They should be tailored toward the population and the disease state under investigation.
OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the study were to develop and validate a comorbidity index for ischemic stroke patients for use in longitudinal studies.
METHODS: A 5-year retrospective review of all Georgia Medicaid claims data from 1990 to 1994 was used to detect first time ischemic stroke patients. Ischemic strokes were defined by three ICD-9-CM code series (433.XX, 434.XX, and 436.XX). Comorbid conditions were measured from all claims submitted within 12 months prior the first ischemic stroke event. Half of the stroke cohort was randomly selected, and multivariate logistic regression was used to derive a mortality stroke-specific weighted-index, controlling for age and gender. The Charlson and stroke-specific indexes were then tested on the second half of the stroke cohort for their ability to predict risk of death.
RESULTS: We identified 3,784 ischemic stroke patients with a mean age of 65 years (range 40 B 102). Of all patients, 40% died within the 3-year follow-up and 73% were women. A more concise index with 7 comorbid disease states was identified. The original Charlson index has 16 comorbidities. The stepwise multiple logistic regression integer weights for the 7 comorbidities were 2 for CHF, dementia, neoplasia, and renal disease, and 6 for metastatic solid tumor, liver diseases, and AIDS. Finally, when tested on the second group, the stroke-specific index showed stepwise increases in the cumulative mortality attributable to comorbid diseases (p log rank ÷ 2 < 0.001), whereas the Charlson index did not.
CONCLUSION: This shorter stroke-specific index allows for the development of more highly discriminant comorbidity models for risk adjustment.  相似文献   


In patients with type 2 diabetes, the risk for cardiovascular disease is substantial. To achieve a more favourable risk profile, lifestyle changes on diet, physical activity and smoking status are needed. This will involve changes in behaviour, which is difficult to achieve. Cognitive behavioural therapies focussing on self-management have been shown to be effective. We have developed an intervention combining techniques of Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Problem Solving Treatment (PST). The aim of our study is to investigate if adding a combined behavioural intervention to managed care, is effective in achieving changes in lifestyle and cardiovascular risk profile.  相似文献   
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