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Legal regulations concerning infection protection have been repeatedly revised in the last few years. At the national level the regulations for notifable diseases were recently broadened to include the suspicion of disease, the disease and death due to mumps, pertussis, rubella including congenital rubella and varicella (chickenpox). In addition notification deadlines were shortened in the new regulations and the information to be reported was expanded. At the “Bundesländer” level, there are also new regulations which expand notification concerning diseases and are extended to other contagious diseases. In addition, infection protection also includes measures to prevent and combat contagious diseases.


This article describes the current legal situation.  相似文献   
目的建立人血浆中醋酸环丙孕酮的HPLC—ESI—MS测定方法和丹酰氯衍生化血浆中炔雌醇的HPLC—APCI—MS测定方法,测定女性志愿者口服复方醋酸环丙孕酮片1片后的药代动力学参数,并对受试制剂和参比制剂的生物等效性进行评价。方法血浆样品中的炔雌醇以乙酸乙酯提取后,与丹酰氯发生衍生化反应,进行HPLC—APCI—MS分析,流动相为10mmol·L-1乙酸铵缓冲液(1%甲酸)-甲醇(3:97)。检测离子分别为m/z530.3(炔雌醇的丹酰氯衍生物)、m/z404.3(内标,对羟基联苯的丹酰氯衍生物1。结果在10.43~625.8Pg·ml-1范同内炔雌醇的丹酰氯衍生物与内标的丹酰氯衍生物峰面积比值与浓度呈良好的线性关系,最低定量限为10.43pg·ml-1结论本实验建立的分析方法灵敏、准确、简便,且统计学结果表明两种制剂生物等效。  相似文献   
A human malignant melanoma cell line (M3Dau) was observed by electron microscopy to interact directly with human platelets and induced platelet aggregation. Fab fragments of a monoclonal antibody MoAb (LYP18), directed against the platelet glycoprotein (GP) IIb-IIIa complex, inhibited platelet-melanoma interactions and platelet-platelet aggregation. M3Dau melanoma cells bind LYP 18 and synthesize IIb-IIIa- like GPs. When the melanoma cells were preincubated with LYP 18, tumor- platelet interaction did not occur, suggesting that the interaction may be mediated by the IIb-IIIa-like GPs present on the melanoma cell surface. Glanzmann's thrombasthenic platelets, lacking GPIIb and IIIa, did not interact with melanoma cells, indicating that the platelet GPIIb-IIIa complex is also necessary for the platelet-melanoma cell interaction. This work demonstrates the importance of the IIb-IIIa-like GPs, present on M3Dau melanoma cells, in mediating tumor-platelet interactions.  相似文献   
LL Patton 《Oral diseases》2014,20(3):223-225
Over the last 30 years, there have been significant advances in our scientific knowledge of HIV disease, including prevention, detection, medical management, and attempts at cure. Investigations and observations of the oral cavity in individuals with HIV disease have contributed substantially to scientific discovery and innovation. Challenges remain for managing existing and emerging oral diseases associated with HIV and understanding the contribution of latent oral mucosal reservoirs to HIV eradication.  相似文献   
Chen  LL; Dean  A; Jenkinson  T; Mendelsohn  J 《Blood》1989,74(7):2368-2375
The effects of transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) on proliferation and hemoglobinization in K-562 cells, a human multipotential hematopoietic cell line, were studied. We found that TGF- beta 1 could induce hemoglobin accumulation in K-562 cells. Various clones were selected on the basis of the inducibility of hemoglobinization by TGF-beta 1. One high response clone (no. 1) and one low response clone (no. 8) were studied in detail. Hemoglobin accumulation peaked on day 5 of culture in the presence of TGF-beta 1 (0.5 ng/mL, 20 pmol/L), when 90% of clone 1 cells, 55% of parent line cells, and less than 10% of clone 8 cells contained hemoglobin. There was a concomitant reduction in proliferation of 60% for clone 1, 40% for the parent line, and 30% for the clone 8 on day 5 of culture. Quantitative analysis showed that the hemoglobin contents in clone 1 after 5-day induction by TGF-beta 1 and hemin were 1.0 pg/cell and 2.9 pg/cell, respectively. The hemoglobin induced by TGF-beta 1 showed the same electrophoretic characteristics as the hemoglobin induced by hemin. The expression of epsilon-globin mRNA was minimally detectable in control cells and was induced in both TGF-beta 1 and hemin treated cells. Other cytokines with potential effects on K-562 cell proliferation and differentiation were also studied. Interleukin-1, interleukin-3, interferon alpha, interferon gamma, and inhibin, tested as single agents, showed minimal effects on proliferation. None of these agents could induce hemoglobinization or inhibit the hemoglobinization induced by TGF-beta 1.  相似文献   
邹立  陈声池 《吉林医学》2014,(35):7786-7788
目的:比较甲地孕酮联合NP方案和单用NP方案化疗对晚期非小细胞肺癌生活质量的影响,评价甲地孕酮的临床疗效。方法:将60例晚期非小细胞肺癌患者随机分为治疗组与对照组。治疗组30例,于化疗前2天口服甲地孕酮160 mg,2次/d,同时予NP方案化疗。对照组30例仅接受NP方案化疗。于化疗4周期后评价患者的食欲、体重变化、KPS评分及不良反应。结果:经过4个周期后治疗组食欲、体重、KPS评分改善情况与对照组相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗组主要不良反应为高血压、便秘、血糖升高、皮疹、阴道流血、踝部水肿等反应,经对症处理后可缓解。结论:甲地孕酮可改善晚期非小细胞肺癌患者的生活质量,减轻其不良反应,不良反应可耐受。  相似文献   
急性白血病完全缓解后患乳腺癌1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李璐璐  王芝琪 《医学争鸣》2005,26(8):768-768
1 病例报告女,51岁. 因发热、关节疼痛、齿龈胀痛、左下肺感染20 d,抗生素治疗无效,于2001-11-29入我院血液科治疗. 查体:T 37.5℃,P 120次/min,R 18次/min,BP 110/50 kPa,贫血外观,巩膜无黄染,皮肤黏膜无出血,右颌下可触及一黄豆粒大小淋巴结,触痛(±),胸骨压痛( ),心率120次/min,律齐,无病理性杂音. 双肺未闻及干湿啰音. 腹软,肝脾未触及,四肢运动正常. 既往史:曾于1992年行"乳腺小叶切除术",1999年因子宫肌瘤行"子宫次全切除术". 家族史:其姐姐1982年患乳腺癌,因肺转移已于1983年病故.  相似文献   
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