Hemangioma is a common vascular tumor. Though it involutes spontaneously, results are unpredictable. Steroid therapy is an effective mode of its regression. We present our experience of largest series and possible recommendations for treatment.
Materials and methods
A total of 2398 patients were treated during the study period of 20 years. They were given oral prednisolone, intralesional triamcinolone, or combination of both as per the protocol and followed for the response. Response to the treatment was graded as excellent, good, poor, or no response.
The male-to-female ratio was 1:2.3. In 81% of patients, hemangioma was noticed within first month of life. The commonest site of involvement was head and neck (57%). The commonest clinical presentation was discoloration and swelling. Mean age and size were 8.43 ± 7.04 months and 23.64 ± 20.13 cm2. Response rate was highest for superficial type using any modality of treatment. Patients younger than 1 year showed better response (90.3%) in comparison with children older than 1 year (80.8%). The specific complications occurring were infections in 249 (12.4%), cushingoid facies and growth delay in 62 (3.1%), and hypertension in 51 (2.5%) patients.
Steroid therapy either oral or intralesional as per the requirement is an easy and safe modality. Results are good to satisfactory in most patients. The complications are minimal. If treatment is needed, it should be used as a first-line therapy, especially when cost is an important concern. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Abnormal matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP) expression contributes to the development of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Recent data suggest that MMP-2 and MMP-9 may also play a role in thoracic aortic disease. We sought to determine (1) whether ascending aortic aneurysms are associated with increased MMP expression and (2) whether aortic inflammation and MMP expression differ between patients with congenital bicuspid aortic valves (BAVs) and those with trileaflet aortic valves (TAVs). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Samples of ascending aortic aneurysms were obtained from 29 patients; 14 patients had BAVs and 15 had TAVs. Control ascending aorta was obtained from 14 organ donors or heart transplant recipients. Aortic histology and immunohistochemistry were performed to evaluate elastin degradation, inflammatory changes, and MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression. Aortic levels of MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 were measured using ELISA. RESULTS: Aneurysms in the TAV patients exhibited marked inflammation, high CD68 expression, diminished elastin content, increased MMP-9 expression, and normal MMP-2 levels. In contrast, BAV aneurysms were characterized by a relative lack of inflammation, preservation of elastin content, normal MMP-9 levels, and elevated MMP-2 expression. TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 levels were not significantly different among the three groups. CONCLUSIONS: Ascending aortic aneurysms exhibited increased MMP expression. The pattern of MMP expression and the degree of inflammation, however, differed between aneurysms associated with BAVs and those with TAVs. Variations in the molecular mechanisms underlying different types of thoracic aortic aneurysms warrant further investigation. 相似文献
A 1-year-old male child with isosexual central (gonadotropin-dependent) precocious puberty caused by hypothalamic hamartoma is reported. Details of the diagnosis based solely on neuromaging characteristics, and satisfactory results of medical treatment with gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist analogues, are highlighted. 相似文献
Ricardo Carbajal, MD, PhD; André Rousset, MD; Claude Danan, MD; Sarah Coquery, MD; Paul Nolent, MD; Sarah Ducrocq, MD; Carole Saizou, MD; Alexandre Lapillonne, MD, PhD; Michèle Granier, MD; Philippe Durand, MD; Richard Lenclen, MD; Anne Coursol, MD; Philippe Hubert, MD, PhD; Laure de Saint Blanquat, MD; Pierre-Yves Boëlle, PhD; Daniel Annequin, MD; Patricia Cimerman, RN; K. J. S. Anand, MBBS, DPhil; Gérard Bréart, MD, PhD
JAMA. 2008;300(1):60-70.
Context Effective strategies to improve pain managementin neonates require a clear understanding of the epidemiologyand management of procedural pain.
Objective To report epidemiological data on neonatal paincollected from a geographically defined region, based on directbedside observation of neonates.
Design, Setting, and Patients Between September 2005 andJanuary 2006, data on all painful and stressful procedures andcorresponding analgesic therapy from the first 14 days of admissionwere prospectively collected within a 6-week period from 430neonates admitted to tertiary care centers in the Paris regionof France (11.3 millions inhabitants) for the Epidemiology ofProcedural Pain in Neonates (EPIPPAIN) study.
Main Outcome Measure Number of procedures considered painfulor stressful by health personnel and corresponding analgesictherapy.
Results The mean (SD) gestational age and intensive careunit stay were 33.0 (4.6) weeks and 8.4 (4.6) calendar days,respectively. Neonates experienced 60 969 first-attemptprocedures, with 42 413 (69.6%) painful and 18 556(30.4%) stressful procedures; 11 546 supplemental attemptswere performed during procedures including 10 366 (89.8%)for painful and 1180 (10.2%) for stressful procedures. Eachneonate experienced a median of 115 (range, 4-613) proceduresduring the study period and 16 (range, 0-62) procedures perday of hospitalization. Of these, each neonate experienced amedian of 75 (range, 3-364) painful procedures during the studyperiod and 10 (range, 0-51) painful procedures per day of hospitalization.Of the 42 413 painful procedures, 2.1% were performed withpharmacological-only therapy; 18.2% with nonpharmacological-onlyinterventions, 20.8% with pharmacological, nonpharmacological,or both types of therapy; and 79.2% without specific analgesia,and 34.2% were performed while the neonate was receiving concurrentanalgesic or anesthetic infusions for other reasons. Prematurity,category of procedure, parental presence, surgery, daytime,and day of procedure after the first day of admission were associatedwith greater use of specific preprocedural analgesia, whereasmechanical ventilation, noninvasive ventilation and administrationof nonspecific concurrent analgesia were associated with loweruse of specific preprocedural analgesia.
Conclusion During neonatal intensive care in the Parisregion, large numbers of painful and stressful procedures wereperformed, the majority of which were not accompanied by analgesia.
Different areas of the hypothalamus were stimulated by a stereotaxic technique before and after reserpine in unanaesthetized cats. Reserpine in a dose of 1 mg./kg. body weight increased the threshold of stimulation of hypothalamic areas in cats giving an initial pressor response. It decreased the threshold of stimulation of areas of the hypothalamus in animals giving an initial depressor response. Reserpine thus appeared to affect the hypothalamus directly in two ways. It depressed the sympathetic centres in the diencephalon and facilitated the parasympathetic ones. 相似文献
Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) is a promising vector for retinal application as it transduces photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium cells efficiently and in a stable fashion. Because rAAV also transduces retinal ganglion cells, we reasoned that ocular application of rAAV might result in delivery of transgenic protein to the CNS. Here we describe high levels of green fluorescent protein (GFP) persisting at least 6 months in optic nerves and brains of mice and dogs after intravitreal delivery of rAAV-GFP. There was no clinical or histological evidence of inflammatory response although a mild humoral Th-2 response to viral capsid proteins was detected. These findings have important implications with respect to therapeutic applications of rAAV. 相似文献
Background: Nonattendance for hospital outpatient appointments is a major burden on healthcare systems and the estimated financial loss can be high. Various reasons for patients not attending have been reported, including the patient/carer forgetting the appointment and confusion over the date and time of the appointment. Various reminder systems have been trialled across a variety of clinical settings. More recently, short message service (SMS) text messaging has emerged as a viable approach for delivering reminders to outpatients at a relatively low cost. Aims and objectives: To evaluate the effect of appointment reminders, sent as SMS text messages to patients’ mobile telephones, on attendance at outpatient clinics at the ITS Centre for Dental Studies and Research (ITS‐CDSR), Muradnagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. Materials and methods: The study was conducted at ITS‐CDSR in the Departments of Prosthodontics, Endodontics, Orthodontics and Paedodontics. Patients attending these departments for a period of 4 months and those who had provided a contact mobile number were sent an SMS reminder. Results: In this study, 206 subjects (male, 124; female, 82) participated, 96 (male, 57; female, 39) of whom were in the test group and 110 (male, 67; female, 43) of whom were in the control group. The rate of attendance on time was found to be significantly higher in the test group (79.2%) than in the control group (35.5%). Conclusion: The study results indicate that sending appointment reminders as text messages to patients is an effective strategy to reduce nonattendance rates. 相似文献