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北京地区老年男性性生活现状初步调查 总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9
目的:了解北京地区老年男性性生活平均终止年龄及勃起功能障碍(ED)的发生率及影响因素。方法:共入选764例健康体检门诊接受检查60岁以上的男性,调查采用性健康评估资源(SHARE)问卷及国际勃起功能指数5(IIEF-5)和门诊咨询形式,根据患者的自我评价诊断ED。结果:北京地区男性终止性生活(2年以上无性交)年龄为(68.4±5.2)岁,ED的总发生率为89.4%,其中轻度6.7%、中度18.6%、重度28.4%和无性生活率35.7%。在严重ED终止性生活的老年男性中,60~64岁组占26.8%,而70岁以上组则超过50%。统计分析结果显示,年龄、糖尿病、心脑血管疾病、肥胖和下尿路症状(LUTS)是影响ED的重要危险因子。结论:ED是老年人群中的常见病,也是终止性生活的主要原因。年龄和一般身体状态是影响ED的重要因素。 相似文献
1.1 临床资料 本组患者189例,男119例,女70例。年龄25—62岁,平均年龄42岁,病史1d-2年,以疼痛伴血尿就诊者110例,无明显阳性体征。B超示患侧积水162例,腹平片可见输尿管上段结石22例,中段结石66例,下段结石105例,静脉肾盂造影示121例患侧肾积水,上段输尿管扩张,75例患侧未显影,阴性结石3例。术前诊断:右侧输尿管结石108例, 相似文献
左半结肠癌伴肠梗阻临床常见 ,术前常无法进行充分的肠道准备 ,因此目前多采用分期手术的方法。我院自 1995年至2 0 0 1年采用粪流阻断加粪转流术对 2 4例左半结肠癌伴急性肠梗阻患者施行急诊一期手术治疗 ,效果良好。现报告如下 :1 一般资料本组 2 4例 ,男 16例 ,女 8例 ;年龄 2 2~ 72岁 ,平均 47岁 ;癌肿部位 :横结肠 4例 ,脾区 10例 ,降结肠 3例 ,乙状结肠上段 7例。全部患者皆因肠梗阻而急诊手术。2 手术方法2 1 癌肿切除 :2 4例中 18例行根治性切除术 ,6例行姑息性切除术 ,癌肿切除后断端行一期吻合。2 2 粪流阻断 :近端距吻合… 相似文献
目的 介绍一种新型的X线和B超定位下经皮肾镜手术(PCNL)培训的离体动物模型.方法 模型由带有输尿管的新鲜成年猪肾、2根肋骨的全层胸壁、2根长钉和1块木板组成.输尿管预置导管后,胸壁对折包裹猪肾,2根肋骨覆盖肾上极,用长钉将模型固定在木板上.可以切开肾盂预置石子以训练碎石操作.X线定位:经输尿管导管注入造影剂,逆行肾盂造影显示肾集合系统,确定目标肾盏后,C-臂探头向术者方向旋转30°,使穿刺针、目标肾盏长轴和C-臂长轴在同一平面上,穿刺针头和针尾呈牛眼征.穿刺针确定方向后,C-臂调整到垂直位,观察穿刺深度并按原方向穿人目标肾盏.B超定位:经输尿管导管注入生理盐水制造人工肾积水,B超引导下确定目标肾盏.穿刺完成后,进行扩张、碎石等训练.训练结束后,解剖猪肾,对穿刺针和扩张效果进行检测.结果 126名泌尿外科医生接受培训,其中104名(82.5 %)成功完成模型的经皮肾镜的穿刺、扩张、碎石等操作,114名(90.5%)医生认为该模型对临床手术有帮助或非常有帮助.结论 该模型可以较好地模拟临床PCNL操作过程,为初学者提供一个轻松的学习环境,可反复检查操作训练,为临床手术积累经验.Abstract: Objective To lessen the learning curve of percutaneous renal lithotripsy(PCNL),we introduced a novel ex-vivo learning and training model for PCNL under fluoroscopy and ultrasonography-guided access. Methods The model was set up nailing an adult porcine kidney with>3 cm ureter (freshly removed from the slaughtering factory),with a full thickness flap of the thoracic wall or abdomen wall with two ribs,to a board.The porcine kidney was placed within the flap with the catheterized ureter outside.The kidney was enclosed by the flap so as to create a roodel for percutaneous renal surgery;with the ribs overlying the upper portion of the kidney.The model was fixed to the board by two nails.Artificial stone material was implanted in the renal pelvis.Fluoroscopy guidance access:Retrograde pyelography via injection of contrast medium into the ureteral catheter images the collecting system. After the long axis of the target calyx is identified,the C-arm is rotated 30 degrees toward the surgeon,placing the C-arm axis in the same posterior plane of the kidney.The needle is advanced in the plane of the fluoroscopic beam,and the appropriate needle placement is determined by obtaining a bull's-eye sign on the fluoroscope screen. Rotating the C-arm to a vertical position monitors the depth of the needle penetration. Ultrasonography guidance access:The renal pelvis can he filled with normal saline through a catheter to simulate hydronephrosis and the target calyx is identified under ultrasonography guidance.The tract dilation and stone disintegration were followed.After training,the kidney can be opened to examine the target calyx and the complication of dilation. Results Altogether,126 urologists attended a urologic endoscopic technique training course.Of the 126 trainees,104 (82.5%) successfully performed the whole percutaneous procedure.At the end of training,114 (90.5 %) of the 126 attendees rated the porcine kidney model for simulation of percutaneous renal surgery as very helpful or helpful.Conclusions This biological training model simulates realistically the clinical procedure of PCNL with respect to trainee experience in a low stress environment that provides an opportunity for repetitive performances in order to learn basic technical skills for the clinical procedure of PCNL in the future. 相似文献
前列腺肉瘤3例报告 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
前列腺肉瘤是较为少见的疾病,本院近20年来共收治3例,现报告如下。1临床资料1.1病例1:30岁,排尿困难半年,排大便困难1个月入院。体检:前列腺III度增大,质地软,表面光滑,未触及明显结节,无压痛,增大的前列腺向直肠明显突出,肛门括约肌张力正常。经腹前列腺B超提示,前列腺7.3cm×6.9cm×5.6cm,形态不规则,包膜欠完整,向膀胱内突出2.6cm,内部可见低回声区。盆腔CT提示,前列腺增大,可疑恶性肿瘤,侵及双侧精囊,与直肠之间界限不清,可能侵犯直肠壁,盆腔及腹股沟区未见明显增大的淋巴结。生化检查,血清前列腺特异抗原(PSA),碱性磷酸酶和酸性磷… 相似文献