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尾加压素II(urotensin II,UII)最早是从鱼尾部下垂体中分离出的调节肽,近来已从人体中克隆出来,并发现体内一种孤立的G蛋白偶联受体GPR14是其特异性受体。UII与GPR14结合后,参与许多生物学效应,如调节内分泌,调节渗透压平衡,调节胃肠道平滑肌及心血管收缩功能等,是迄今体内最强的缩血管活性肽。UII不仅与许多人类心血管疾病如高血压,充血性心力衰竭(CHF),冠心病和动脉粥样硬化有关,而且研究发现,糖尿病患者血液中UII含量升高。初步研究表明,UII的基因多态性和2型糖尿病的发生有关;尾加压素II还可抑制胰岛素的释放。  相似文献   
In the present study we prepared macroporous polyvinyl alcohol beads. A series of bilirubin adsorbents were generated by immobilization of eight amine agents to the beads as ligands. The adsorption of bilirubin was evaluated by in vitro static and dynamic adsorption tests. The results show that these adsorbents have excellent adsorption efficiency and capacity. Among the eight ligands, trimethylamine (TMA), triethylamine (TEA) and 1,6- hexanediamine(HDA) showed the highest adsorption capacity. The adsorption equilibrium can be achieved in half an hour, and the adsorption percentage of bilirubin was up to 80%. Static electricity and hydrophobic interaction played the main role in bilirubin adsorption, and the adsorption was found to match the monolayer model. The excellent adsorption of these adsorbents indicates their potential in clinical treatment.  相似文献   
窦性起搏对心室肌纤维自发节律位相重置性质的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用Beeler-Reuter模型,选取损伤电流I=23μA,产生自发振荡,施加不同程度的电流脉冲刺激,研究窦性起搏对心室肌纤维自节律位相重置的过程,结果表明:当外加电流脉冲强度小于14时,体现位相奇重置,反之,体现位相偶重置,并给出位相重置函数。  相似文献   
Objective:To investigate the feasibility of a 4D-CT reconstruction method based on the similarity principle of spatial adjacent images and mutual information measure. Methods:A motor driven sinusoidal motion platform made in house was used to create one-dimensional periodical motion that was along the longitudinal axis of the CT couch. The amplitude of sinusoidal motion was set to an amplitude of ±1 cm. The period of the motion was adjustable and set to 3.5 s. Phantom objects of two eggs were placed in a Styrofoam block, which in turn were placed on the motion platform. These objects were used to simulate volumes of interest Undergoing ideal periodic motion. CT data of static phantom were acquired using a multi-slice general electric (GE) LightSpeed 16-slice CT scanner in an axial mode. And the CT data of periodical motion phantom were acquired in an axial and cine-mode scan. A software program was developed by using VC + + and VTK software tools to resort the CT data and reconstruct the 4D-CT. Then all of the CT data with same phase were sorted by the program into the same series based on the similarity principle of spatial adjacent images and mutual information measure among them, and 3D reconstruction of different phase CT data were completed by using the software. Results:All of the CT data were sorted accurately into different series based on the similarity principle of spatial adjacent images and mutual information measures among them. Compared with the unsorted CT data, the motion artifacts in the 3 D reconstruction of sorted CT data were re- duced significantly, and all of the sorted CT series result in a 4D-CT that reflected the characteristic of the periodical motion phantom. Conclusion:Time-resolved 4D-CT reconstruction can be implemented with any general multi-slice CT scanners based on the similarity principle of spatial adjacent images and mutual information measure. The process of the 4D-CT data acquisition and reconstruction were not restricted to the hardware or software of the C  相似文献   
目的 观察1型和2型星形胶质细胞(T1A、T2A)是否表达神经干细胞的标志物、是否具有神经干细胞的特性.方法 取新生大鼠脑皮质,体外培养纯化的O-2A祖细胞、T1A和T2A,应用激光共焦双重免疫荧光标记技术检测巢蛋白和阶段特异性胚胎抗原-1(SSEA-1)的表达;观察O-2A祖细胞、 T1A和T2A在碱性成纤维生长因子(bFGF)和表皮生长因子(EGF)的培养液中生长方式的改变.结果 巢蛋白在O-2A祖细胞和T2A中表达,T1A不表达;SSEA-1仅在T2A中表达.在干细胞培养基中培养10d,T2A形成能增殖和连续传代的细胞球,细胞球巢蛋白标记阳性,贴壁后分化细胞具有神经元、星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞样形态;但相同培养条件下的O-2A祖细胞和T1A生长方式无改变.结论 巢蛋白和SSEA-1在两型星形胶质细胞中的表达存在差异,T2A具有神经干细胞的某些生物学特性.  相似文献   
冷冻切片常遇到的问题及解决对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 提高制作冷冻切片质量,确保实验结果科学性。方法 通过对切片机工作室温度设置选择,防卷板的调整应用及切片常遇到的问题分析,阐述提高制作高质量冷冻切片的方法。结果 通过对冷冻切片机有关参数的设定,提高了切片质量。结论 冷冻切片常遇到的问题,通过及时调整切片机相应设置,可以便捷解决。  相似文献   
远端蒂腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣与肌皮瓣的临床应用与改进   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:报道应用远端蒂腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣,肌皮瓣修复小腿下段及足踝部软组织缺损的可行性安全性和临床效果。方法:对42例以远端蒂腓肠神经营养血管(肌)皮瓣修复小腿下段及足踝部不同原因所致软组织缺损病例进行总结分析。本组男36例,女6例;年龄最大75岁、最小6岁;皮瓣最大面积17.0cm×15.0cm,最小6.0cm×5.0cm,其中12例皮瓣面积在10.0cm×10.0cm以上;6例设计为肌皮瓣(腓肠肌外侧头),肌瓣最大为10.0cm×7.0cm×2.0cm,最小为6.0cm×5.0cm×1.0cm。结果:所有病例术后皆出现不同程度的皮瓣肿胀,暗道较明道者明显。2例大皮瓣经行小隐静脉远端结扎仍出现肿胀、色暗,皮瓣近侧1/3坏死。皮瓣边缘坏死3例,换药治愈。部分坏死需行植皮者3例。36例术后伤口I期愈合,骨外露软件组织缺损覆盖修复满意,6例II期愈合,其中糖尿病,地中海贫血各一例。结论:(1)远端蒂腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣转位修复小腿下1/3及足踝部缺损创面,极有临床实用价值;(2)设计切取腓肠神经营养血管肌皮瓣修复小腿及足踝填充感染创腔是可行的;(3)但对其皮瓣及所携带的肌瓣究竟切取多大面积是安全的、肌瓣的血运机理以及远端蒂筋膜皮瓣中小隐静脉干是否结扎,何处结扎等问题仍有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
前列腺增生症趋于年轻化的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨不同年龄组前列腺增生症的检出率及原因,以达到早发现,早预防,早治疗的目的.方法:应用Acuson 128xp超声显像仪诊断前列腺增生症.结果:前列腺增生症检出率:35岁~39岁纽1053例,检出8例(0.76%);40岁~44岁组1550例,检出30例(1.68%);45岁~49岁组2855例,检出486例(17.0%);50岁~54岁组2784例,检出715例(25.7%);55岁~59岁2924例,检出1231例(37.5%);60岁~64岁组2450例,检出1521例(62.1%);65岁~69岁组1241例,检出826例(66.6%);70岁~74岁组1118例,检出711例(63.6%);≥75岁组588例,检出293例(49.8%).结论:前列腺增生症并非老年人特有疾病,似有年轻化趋势.  相似文献   
目的从基因水平调查了中国华南、华北地区人群HLA-DQB1等位基因频率,并研究比较两地区人群HLA-DQB1多态性分布。方法采用深圳益生堂生物企业有限公司研制开发的“HLA-DQB1低分辨率分型基因芯片检测试剂盒”,应用聚合酶链反应.序列特异性引物+序列特异性寡核苷酸探针芯片检测技术,对700名南方地区的中国人和320名北方地区的中国人进行基因分型。结果鉴定了10个HLA-DQB1等位基因,获得了一组准确、科学的统计数据。结论得到了中国华南、华北地区人群HLA-DQB1等位基因频率差异的数据,证明中国人群HLA-DQB1*02,05,0601,0602,0603的分布南北差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),为疾病相关性研究、人文科学研究提供了可靠的遗传学数据。  相似文献   
目的:对中国少年智力量表(CISJ)进行信度分析。方法:采用分半相关、Alpha系数和复测相关等方法对CISJ常模样本资料作统计分析。结果:①分半信度:各分测验及言语、操作和总量表的分半相关系数在0.39-0.92之间,其中各常模年龄组样本,城镇为0.39~0.91、农村为0.42~0.92,而城镇总样本、农村总样本和全体样本则分别为0.57-0.88、0.63~0.90和0.61-0.89。②Alpha系数分析:除4个系数偏低(0.29~0.39)外,其余都比较高,在0.41-0.84之间,0.50以上的达到95%。③复测信度:各分测验及言语、操作、智力因素量表分数和智商的相关系数在0.47-0.85之间;除数字背诵分测验为0.47外,其余均在0.69以上。结论:CISJ具有较高的内部稳定性和复测一致性,是信度比较理想的智力量表。  相似文献   
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