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Research on the "anti-aging" effect of breathing exercises (qigong)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The study presented here aimed to contrast the marked clinical differences in the presentation of Schistosoma mansoni-induced infection between immigrants and travellers entering Spain from endemic regions, and to elucidate the therapeutic implications of these infections. A total of 200 African immigrants and 80 travellers with schistosomiasis were included in the study. Among the immigrants, 25 patients were diagnosed with Schistosoma mansoni infection; 15 presented with nonspecific symptoms, and 10 were asymptomatic. Hepatosplenomegaly was observed in nine. Among the travellers, 14 were diagnosed with Schistosoma mansoni infection; four were asymptomatic, four had Katayama syndrome, four had diarrhoea, and two had prostatitis. All of the patients were treated with praziquantel. Patients diagnosed with Katayama syndrome received praziquantel and dexamethasone for 3 days, with the praziquantel treatment being repeated at 3–4 weeks. The significant differences observed in the clinical presentation of Schistosoma mansoni-induced infection, indicate that a well-differentiated therapeutic strategy is required when this infection is diagnosed in a non-immune (traveller) or a semi-immune (immigrant) patient. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Symptoms of obstructive lung disease in domestic cleaners have been related to the use of bleach and other irritant cleaning products. The short-term effects of cleaning exposures on respiratory symptoms and peak expiratory flow (PEF) were investigated in domestic cleaners with respiratory disorders. In a panel study, 43 female domestic cleaners with a recent history of asthma and/or chronic bronchitis completed a 2-week diary, collecting information on respiratory symptoms, PEF and cleaning exposures. Mixed regression models were used to assess daily changes in symptoms and PEF associated with specific cleaning exposures. The probability of having work-related asthma was individually assessed by a computerised diagnostic system and an occupational asthma expert. Lower respiratory tract symptoms were more common on working days and were predominantly associated with exposure to diluted bleach, degreasing sprays/atomisers and air fresheners. Associations with upper respiratory tract symptoms and PEF were less apparent. Eleven (30%) subjects scored positively for work-related asthma. It is concluded that exposure to certain irritant cleaning products aggravates lower respiratory tract symptoms in female domestic cleaners with asthma or chronic bronchitis.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to characterize the forces resulting from Harrington distraction of the spine in an experimental model of scoliosis in the rat, in order to establish both the similarity of this model to human scoliosis and identify potential force parameters that may be useful for clinical decision-making. Harrington distraction was performed in 36 rats that had been made scoliotic 9-12 weeks earlier by the method described in the previous paper. Distractions were carried out in discrete and timed steps until separation of the vertebral laminae (mechanical failure) occurred at the upper hook site. Distractive forces were monitored continuously by a strain gauge mounted on the tension side of the upper arm of the outrigger. The resulting data were compared among the various curvature groups. The relationship between the length of distraction and the maximum force produced was similar for all animals regardless of curvature. This relationship was quadratic and was characterized by an inflection point where forces increased rapidly with each distraction. The amount of distraction necessary to reach both the inflection and failure points differed only for curves above 100 degrees. The amount of force required to reach failure was lower for curves above 75 degrees. Curves above 50 degrees had a lower percent correction at the inflection point. Bending and tensile forces were calculated by vector analysis. Axial load efficiencies were greater for curves above 50 degrees, as evidenced by increased bending forces in these animals. The viscoelasticity of the spine decreased after inflection in all animals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Gastric cancer heterogeneity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was carried out on 222 samples from 37 gastric carcinomas to assess the incidence of multiple stem lines in primary tumors and metastasis as reflected by multiple DNA stem lines and their relationship to epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor expression, histologic grade, tumor size, and degree of wall infiltration. Fifteen primary tumors (40.5%) were homogeneously diploid/peridiploid whereas 22 (59.5%) were aneuploid. In the lymph node metastasis, seven patients (29.2%) had an homogeneous diploid/peridiploid pattern in all metastatic lymph nodes. On the other hand, 17 (70.8%) had at least one aneuploid peak in the lymph node metastasis. DNA content heterogeneity was seen in 12 (33%) of primary tumors whereas 14 (66.6%) of 21 patients had multiple cell clones in the metastasis. Therefore, 12 patients had a metastatic clone which was not observed in the primary tumor. DNA content heterogeneity was seen even in tumors with submucosal invasion suggesting that this phenomenon is also present at earlier stages. No correlation between the histologic grade and the DNA distribution was observed. Furthermore, histologic heterogeneity was independent of DNA content heterogeneity. The EGF receptor expression was observed in six of the 23 patients in whom this analysis was done. The EGF receptor expression was constant in all samples which were studied and even samples with a different DNA content and histologic grade were stables for the EGF receptor expression.  相似文献   
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