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癌症为深危重疾,对于绝大部分癌症患者,临床普遍采用手术、中医、化疗、放疗、生物等综合方法进行治疗。由于癌症的种类、所处阶段、先前采用的治疗方法以及病人体质等等的不同,求诊时病人的证  相似文献   
A new DRB1 allele, DRB1*0902, has been identified in an individual of the Jing ethnic minority. Its sequence was confirmed by sequencing of PCR products and clones. This allele differed by three nucleotides from DRB1*09012 at positions 157, 161 and 166, and resulted in amino acid motif substitution from VAES to DAEY.  相似文献   
本文建立了体液中右旋儿茶素的RP-HPLC测定方法。采用C_(18)键合相硅胶为填料的固相提取柱进行样品预处理,右旋儿茶素的提取回收率为79.8%.应用二极管阵列检测器对色谱峰纯度进行鉴定。该法精密度好,方法回收率近100%,日内、日间的变异系数为2.4~5.6%,血浓69.6~1160 ng/ml范围内呈线性关系,r=0.9993。家兔静注右旋儿茶素18mg/kg,其药代动力学过程符合二室模型,分布相半衰期为0.129 h,消除相半衰期为1.19h。  相似文献   
C Q Wang  H Q Xu  Z P Luo 《中华内科杂志》1992,30(10):643-5, 660
61 patients with cerebellar hemorrhage were studied. The age at onset ranged from 15 to 84 years with a mean of 57.4 years. 49 cases were treated conservatively and 12 surgically and the mortality rates of the two groups were 32.5% and 25% respectively. Based on this study, it is suggested that the clinical and CT indications of surgical treatment of hematoma are as follows; Severe disturbance of consciousness; Bilateral eyeball fixation; Volume of hematoma over 10 ml; Size of hematoma over 4 cm in diameter; Marked acute obstructive hydrocephalus; Compression of cisterna ambieus and quadrigeminus.  相似文献   
利用仿生化学的原理,本文设计并合成了两个儿茶酚胺类和两个羟基吡啶酮类八配位的螯合剂,初步动物试验表明,具有较强的钚促排能力。  相似文献   
用二甲苯所致的急性炎症模型观察了神效止痛膏的抗急性炎症作用.用扭体法、热板法观察了神效止痛膏对小鼠的镇痛作用.结果表明,神效止痛膏有很好的镇痛作用.  相似文献   
QuantitativerelationshipbetweenpupillaryreflexfeatureanditsdiopterinretinoscopyXuShang(徐上);JiShangnian(计尚年)(DepartmentofOphth...  相似文献   
We have previously shown that neuregulin-1 (NRG-1) protects neurons from ischemic brain injury if administered before focal stroke. Here, we examined the therapeutic window and functional recovery after NRG-1 treatment in rats subjected to 90 mins of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) and 24 h of reperfusion. Neuregulin-1 (2.5 ng/kg bolus, 1.25 ng/kg/min infusion) reduced infarct volume by 89.2%+/-41.9% (mean+/-s.d.; n=8; P<0.01) if administered immediately after the onset of reperfusion. Neuroprotection was also evident if NRG-1 was administered 4 h (66.4%+/-52.6%; n=7; P<0.01) and 12 h (57.0%+/-20.8%; n=8; P<0.01) after reperfusion. Neuregulin-1 administration also resulted in a significant improvement of functional neurologic outcome compared with vehicle-treated animals (32.1%+/-5.7%; n=9; P<0.01). The neuroprotective effect of the single administration of NRG-1 was seen as long as 2 weeks after treatment. Neurons labeled with the neurodegeneration marker dye Fluoro-JadeB were observed after MCAO in the cortex, but the numbers were significantly reduced after NRG-1 treatment. These results indicate that NRG-1 is a potent neuroprotective compound with an extended therapeutic window that has practical therapeutic potential in treating individuals after ischemic brain injury.  相似文献   
内脏高敏感与功能性胃肠病   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
功能性胃肠病(functional gastrointestinal disorders,FGIDs)是指一组以慢性或反复发作的消化道症状就诊,但无明确胃肠黏膜结构改变或生化异常可查的症候群。心理、社会因素可加重FGIDs患者症状,患者可同时伴有躯体症状[1]。其发病机制目前尚不明确,最初该类疾病被认为是胃肠神经官能症,大量的流行病学资料表明,尽管精神压力与患者症状发作有关,但主要还是决定于患者的就医行为。此后,FGIDs发病机制的研究又集中在胃肠动力改变方面,肠易激综合征患者(IBS)、功能性消化不良患者(FD)、非心源性胸痛患者(NCCP)均发现了各种胃肠动力异…  相似文献   
S D Xu 《中华外科杂志》1990,28(10):588-91, 636
108 pigs were shot at the level of lumbar 1 to investigate the changes of spinal cord in relation to the speed of shooting and the trajectory through which the bullet passed. The cord lesions of the specimens could be divided, according to its severity, into 4 grades: (1) transection in 41; (2) complete destruction in 43; both lesion 1&2 resulted in permanent paraplegia; (3) incomplete destruction in 13, those resulted in incomplete paraplegia eventually recovered; (4) mild damage, that was concussion in 11, resumed perfectly. Through a transducer sealed into the spinal canal, the intracanal pressure was recorded: (1) Shooting through spinal canal with a pressure over 5 kg caused cord transection. (2) shooting through canal wall with a pressure of 2.5 to 5; 0 kg caused complete cord destruction. (3) shooting nearby the outer margin of vertebra with a pressure less than 1.0 kg caused mild cord damage. It was found that the speed of bullet, the trajectory with relation to cord and the grade of cord lesion are in agreement with each other. The mutual effects among them would make one think it reasonable to classify cord injury as follows: 1. Injury from bullet through spinal canal or vertebral body usually causes cord transaction; 2. Injury from bullet through canal wall at high speed would make a chance of complete destruction in 94%; at low speed, a chance of either complete or incomplete lesion in 50% each. 3. Injury nearby vertebra, high speed bullet would cause a chance of complete cord lesion in 86%; low speed one would make a chance of incomplete lesion in 1/3 and mild lesion in 2/3.  相似文献   
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