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Xinyan Wu Muhammad S Zahari Santosh Renuse Harrys KC Jacob Sruthi Sakamuri Mukul Singal Edward Gabrielson Saraswati Sukumar Akhilesh Pandey 《Cancer biology & therapy》2014,15(12):1593-1599
Tissue microarrays (TMAs) have become an invaluable tool in cancer research to evaluate expression and subcellular localization of proteins in cells and tissues. As the catalogs of candidate biomarkers and therapeutic targets become more extensive, there is a need to characterize and validate these targets and biomarkers in cell lines as a primary biological system in research laboratories. Thus, cell microarrays (CMAs) are useful as a high-throughput screening tool. Here, we constructed a CMA containing 32 publicly available immortalized breast cell lines with the goal of creating a method to rapidly screen for antigens of interest in breast cancer research in a relatively easy, rapid and cost-effective manner. As proof of concept, we performed immunocytochemical staining of the HER2 receptor, as the status of this protein is relevant to breast cancer and has previously been reported for these cell lines. We observed a complete concordance of our staining with the published status of HER2 in these cell lines. In addition, we examined the expression of CD44, epithelial markers EpCAM and E-cadherin and tyrosine phosphoproteins. The labeling of these proteins correlates with the known biology of the cell lines. Our results demonstrate the utility of our method to screen for potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets in breast cancer and we suggest that CMAs be used as a general approach in breast cancer research. 相似文献
青蒿琥酯皮肤擦剂在小鼠和兔体内的药代动力学研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
将青蒿琥酯溶于苯二甲酸二甲酯,加适量氨酮制成皮肤擦剂。给兔脱毛后,皮肤涂抹此擦剂25mg/kg后,血药浓度达峰时间平均为2 h,峰浓度平均为1.80μg/ml。药物在兔体内平均驻留时间为3.54 h,清除半衰期约为2.46 h。给小鼠脱毛皮肤涂抹擦剂6.7,31.3和71.4 mg/kg,血药浓度在给药后0.5~4 h达高峰,峰浓度分别为0.82,2.05和7.11μg/ml,体内药物平均驻留时间为3.39,2.79及3.54 h,清除半衰期为2.35,1.93及2.45 h。可见,给兔及小鼠皮肤擦剂后,青蒿琥酯吸收良好,血药浓度维持时间较长。 相似文献
UDWADIA FE; SUNAVALA JD; JAIN MC; D'COSTA R; JAIN PK; LALL A; SEKHAR M; UDWADIA ZF; KAPADIA F; KAPUR KC; MEHTA SK; KHARAS RJ 《QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians》1992,83(3):449-460
Detailed invasive haemodynamic studies were performed in 27of 32 patients with severe tetanus. Nineteen had severe uncomplicatedtetanus and eight had associated major complications, chieflyinfection and pulmonary complications. The results were comparedwith those obtained from 15 healthy male volunteers who servedas controls. There were two deaths in 32 patients (mortality6.25 per cent). Severe tetanus without major complications wascharacterized by a high output hyperkinetic circulatory statewith tachycardia (heart rate 131 (19.2) beats/minute), increasedstroke volume index (43.1 (10.7) ml/m2), increased cardiac index(5.48 (0.94)1/min/m2) and a normal left ventricular stroke workindex (60.5 (15.9) g/m/m2). Volume loading demonstrated a significanthaemodynamic response and increased vascular capacitance. Evenso the maximum percent rise from baseline values of these indicesafter volume load was significantly higher in controls (p <0.001). Autonomic cardiovascular disturbances affected bothsympathetic and parasympathetic activity. Hypertension and tachycardiaalternating with hypotension and bradycardia were related tosudden fluctuations in systemic vascular resistance. Our studiessuggested some degree of myocardial dysfunction in patientswith severe uncomplicated tetanus. The haemodynamics of severetetanus were masked and altered by complicating infection, pneumonia,and atelectasis. 相似文献
Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, correlated with anatomic sections, was used to characterize the progressive and regressive changes in the nucleus pulposus in neonates. The spines of five fetuses and five full-term infants between 16 and 40 weeks old were studied. In anatomic sections, the nucleus pulposus was sharply demarcated from the anulus fibrosus, Sharpey fibers were conspicuous, and a plate of primitive notochord was evident in the equator of the disk. On long repetition time (TR)/long echo time (TE) or long TR/short TE MR images, Sharpey fibers (low signal intensity) and notochord (low signal intensity) could be differentiated from the high-signal-intensity nucleus pulposus and anulus fibrosus. The major differences between the fetal and infant spines were the amount of notochord in the disk and ossification in the vertebral body. 相似文献
Computed tomographic appearance of the bulging annulus 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Jiang Li Jin-Zhen Cai Qing-Jun Guo Jun-Jie Li Xiao-Ye Sun Zhan-Dong Hu David KC Cooper Zhong-Yang Shen 《World journal of gastroenterology : WJG》2015,21(20):6409-6416
Mesenchymal hamartomas of the liver(MHLs) in adults are rare and potentially premalignant lesions, which present as solid/cystic neoplasms. We report a rare case of orthotopic liver transplantation in a patient with a giant MHL. In 2013, a 34-year-old female sought medical advice after a 2-year history of progressive abdominal distention and respiratory distress. Physical examination revealed an extensive mass in the abdomen. Computed tomography(CT) of her abdomen revealed multiple liver cysts, with the diameter of largest cyst being 16 cm × 14 cm. The liver hilar structures were not clearly displayed. The adjacent organs were compressed and displaced. Initial laboratory tests, including biochemical investigations and coagulation profile, were unremarkable. Tumor markers, including levels of AFP, CEA and CA19-9, were within the normal ranges. The patient underwent orthotopic liver transplantation in November 2013, the liver being procured from a 40-year-old man after cardiac death following traumatic brain injury. Warm ischemic time was 7.5 min and cold ischemic time was 3 h. The recipient underwent classical orthotopic liver transplantation. The recipient operative procedure took 8.5 h, the anhepatic phase lasting for 1 h without the use of venovenous bypass. The immunosuppressive regimen includedintraoperative induction with basiliximab and high-dose methylprednisolone, and postoperative maintenance with tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and prednisone. The recipient's diseased liver weighed 21 kg(dry weight) and measured 41 cm × 32 cm × 31 cm. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of an MHL. The patient did not experience any acute rejection episode or other complication. All the laboratory tests returned to normal within one month after surgery. Three months after transplantation, the immunosuppressive therapy was reduced to tacrolimus monotherapy, and the T-tube was removed after cholangiography showed no abnormalities. Twelve months after transplantation, the patient remains well and is fulfilling all normal activities. Adult giant MHL is extremely rare. Symptoms, physical signs, laboratory results, and radiographic imaging are nonspecific and inconclusive. Surgical excision of the lesion is imperative to make a definite diagnosis and as a cure. Liver transplantation should be considered as an option in the treatment of a non-resectable MHL. 相似文献