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An isomorph of the glabrous hand is visible in primary somato-sensory cortex (area 3b) of owl monkeys in brain sections cut parallel to the surface and stained for myelin. A mediolateral row of five ovals, separated by myelin-light septa, represents digits and corresponds precisely with cortical sites activated by light touch on individual digits in microelectrode recordings. A number of caudal ovals relate to pads of the palm. A more distinct septum separates the hand from the more lateral face representation. Within the face representation, two large myelin-dense ovals can be identified that are activated by the upper or lower face in a caudo-rostral sequence. Accidental finger loss or dorsal column section, deafferentations that result in reorganization of the physiological map in area 3b, do not alter the morphological map. The proportions for each digit and palm in the morphological map do not vary across normal and deafferented animals. Similar isomorphs were also seen in area 3b of squirrel and macaque monkeys. We conclude that the anatomical isomorph for the body surface representation in area 3b is a reliable reflection of normal cortical organization and may be a common feature of the primate area 3b. The isomorph can provide a reference in studies of somatotopic reorganization.   相似文献   
Myopic crescent, refractive error and axial length were previously investigated in Hong Kong Chinese subjects. The myopic crescent was found to correlate with axial length and myopic refraction. In this study, three groups of Hong Kong Chinese with different degrees of myopia were assessed for optic disc ovalness, refractive error and axial length. The axial length was significantly correlated with the degree of myopia, indicating that the myopia was axial in nature. The regression line shows that 0.44 mm of axial elongation would give about one dioptre of increase in myopia. The elliptical ratio of the optic disc was defined as the maximal disc diameter divided by the minimal disc diameter. All three groups showed an oval disc with vertical axis greater and an increased ovalness for the high myopic group with an elliptical ratio from 1.11 in low myopia to 1.29 in high myopia. There is a small amount (about four degrees) of temporal rotation of this vertical oval orientation, which is independent of the amount of myopia. This result shows an association between axial elongation of the globe and optic disc ovalness, in addition to the previously described temporal myopic crescent. Therefore, in myopic subjects, a vertically oval disc may be associated with a myopic refraction rather than glaucoma.  相似文献   
急性代谢性酸中毒对狗血管张力和气体交换功能的影响进行了研究。当滴入乳酸或盐酸造成急性代谢性酸中毒(pH7.00)时,可引起肺血管收缩,肺动脉压力明显升高,血氧饱和度下降,并且乳酸和盐酸引起的酸中毒对肺动脉平均压影响程度相似,提示肺血管收缩和肺动脉压升高的程度与血中pH值下降关系密切,而与此时血中乳酸水平的高低无关。  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung An Polyacrylamidgelen wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Reinheit der in der BRD im Handel befindlichen Alt-Insuline geprüft. Alle Insulinzubereitungen enthalten mehrere Proteinbeimengungen, vor allem Proinsulin, Intermediäroformen des Proinsulins und Desamidoinsuline. Die Insulinpräparate aus Rinderpankreas enthalten im Gegensatz zu den Schweineinsulinpräparaten der gleichen Hersteller einen größeren Anteil an Proinsulin mit Intermediärformen. Die Schweineinsulinpräparate sind dagegen stärker desamidiert als die Rinderinsuline von der gleichen Firma.  相似文献   
Papillary cystadenoma is a rare, benign salivary gland tumor which is well-circumscribed, containing cystic cavities with intraluminal papillary projections. Only 19 cases arising within minor salivary glands (MnSG) from the oral cavity sites have been reported in the English literature (PubMed 1958–2014). We report 11 new cases of MnSG papillary cystadenomas in conjunction with a review of the literature. Demographic information, clinical and histologic features, treatment and prognosis are compiled and discussed for all 30 cases reported in the English literature.  相似文献   
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