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General sympathetic dysfunction has been proposed as an explanation for the inability to reach normal heightened attention in Down's syndrome (DS). The present study on 15 DS subjects (group average age +/- SD, 14.3 +/- 3.6 years; 11 males) and in an equal number of age- and gender-matched normal subjects (NS), evaluated activity in different subdivisions of the sympathetic nervous system. DS subjects had (i) lower skin conductance levels (i.e., lower sudomotor sympathetic activity) and (ii) higher heart rates than NS. In response to auditory stimuli, DS subjects showed abnormal SSR responses (also indicating sudomotor sympathetic activity) but normal cutaneous vasoconstriction. Hence the results suggest that sympathetic dysfunction in DS is restricted to the sudomotor subdivision, activity of which has been associated with attention and recognition.  相似文献   
Summary The aim of the present study was to analyse the current epidemiological situation with respect to TBE in the new federal Länder of Germany and in Saarland through detection of the TBEV genome in unengorged ticks using an RT-PCR technique. 22,273 ticks (Ixodes ricinus) were collected in the five new Länder (and some in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg) and divided into 294 pools. It was possible to detect TBEV RNA in six pools of ticks from Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania [4], Brandenburg [1], Thuringia [1] (and in three pools from Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg). The nucleotide sequence data of the PCR products were analysed and compared. In Saarland 8,780 ticks were collected in 70 habitats from all the geographic regions and analysed using the PCR in 21 pools; two pools produced positive PCR signals (Saarlouis, Perl). We cannot as a result make a general recommendation that TBE-immunization be introduced in Saarland and in the new federal Länder of Germany. In Germany, however, TBE immunoprophylaxis in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg is very important.
Nachweis des Virus der Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis in Zecken einiger Bundesländer mittels Polymerase-Kettenreaktion und nähere Charakterisierung des Virus
Zusammenfassung Das Ziel der vorgelegten Studie ist die Einschätzung der aktuellen epidemiologischen Situation der Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis in den fünf neuen Bundesländern und im Saarland mit Hilfe des Nachweises von FSMEV-RNA in ungesogenen Zecken (Ixodes ricinus) durch eine RT-PCR-Technik. 22 273 Zecken wurden in den fünf neuen Ländern (einige auch in Bayern und Baden-Württemberg) gesammelt und in 294 Pools untersucht. Der spezifische RNA-Nachweis gelang viermal in Zecken aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, einmal in solchen aus Brandenburg und einmal aus Thüringen. In Bayern und Baden-Württemberg gelang der Virus-RNA-Nachweis dreimal. Die Sequenzdaten der PCR-Amplifikate zeigten, auch im Vergleich mit denen des Prototypstammes Neudoerfl, den hohen Grad der Konservierung im Bereich der 5 NCR. 8780 saarländische Zecken aus allen Gebieten des Bundeslandes wurden in 21 Pools untersucht, positive PCR-Signale konnten in zwei Pools aus Saarlouis und Perl und Umgebung gefunden werden. Der relativ seltene FSMEV-RNA-Nachweis in den neuen Ländern und im Saarland berechtigt nicht, eine generelle Impfempfehlung für diese Gebiete zu geben. Ein Impfschutz sollte jedoch vor Einreise in die Endemiegebiete Bayerns und Baden-Württembergs bestehen.
  • 1 It was first shown several years ago that the rostral part of the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) contains a high density of receptor binding sites for angiotensin II (AngII). In the present paper we briefly review recent studies aimed at determining the actions of both exogenous and endogenous angiotensin peptides in the rostral VLM, as well as their specific sites of action.
  • 2 The results of these studies have shown that angiotensin peptides can excite pressor and sympathoexcitatory neurons in the rostral VLM, but do not appear to affect non-cardiovascular neurons in this region.
  • 3 It is known that pressor neurons in the rostral VLM include both catecholamine and non-catecholamine neurons. There is evidence that, at least in conscious rabbits, both of these types of neurons are activated by AngII. The specific endogenous angiotensin peptide or peptides that affect pressor neurons in the rostral VLM have not yet been definitively identified.
  • 4 It is also possible that different angiotensin peptides may have different effects on pressor neurons in the rostral VLM, mediated by different receptors. Further studies will be needed to define these different functions as well as the specific receptors and cellular mechanisms that subserve them.
Summary We evaluated teicoplanin for suspected gram-positive infections after inadequate response to initial empiric beta-lactam and aminoglycoside combination therapy. All 20 patients included in this study received either an allogeneic (8 patients) or an autologous (12 patients) bone marrow transplant for acute myeloid leucaemia (AML), non-Hodgkin's-lymphoma (NHL, high grade) or other malignant diseases. All patients developing primary septicaemia of unknown origin (18 patients) or catheter-related septicaemia (2 patients) were treated with 400 mg teicoplanin, administered i.v. once daily in combination with a cephalosporin and an aminoglycoside (ceftazidime 2 g i.v., t.i.d.; netilmicin 400 mg once daily). All patients responded to therapy, 19 patients were clinically cured and one patient improved under therapy. The therapeutic regimen was well tolerated; only one adverse drug reaction was observed. We did not observe any delayed take or prolonged neutropenia or thrombocytopenia with this therapeutic regimen when our patients were compared to other bone marrow transplant patients (who did not receive this antimicrobial therapy). Our results suggest that teicoplanin is a potentially effective and well tolerated antimicrobial agent in bone marrow transplant patients with infections not responding primarily to beta-lactams and aminoglycosides.
Teicoplanin in Kombination mit -Laktamen und Aminoglykosiden bei Knochenmarktransplantatempfängern mit schwerer Sepsis
Zusammenfassung Wir untersuchten Teicoplanin bei vermuteten grampositiven Infektionen nach ungenügendem Ansprechen auf die anfängliche Kombinationstherapie von -Laktam-Antibiotika und Aminoglykosiden. Alle 20 in dieser Studie erfaßten Patienten wurden entweder allogen (8 Patienten) oder autolog (12 Patienten) transplantiert mit folgenden Grundkrankheiten: akute myeloische Leukämie (AML), Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom (NHL) oder andere maligne Erkrankungen. Alle Patienten, die eine primäre Septikämie unbekannten Ursprungs entwickelten (18 Patienten) oder unter einer Katheter-bedingten Septikämie (2 Patienten) litten, wurden mit 400 mg Teicoplanin behandelt. Die Verabreichung von Teicoplanin erfolgte einmal täglich intravenös in Kombination mit einem Cephalosporin und einem Aminoglykosid (Ceftazidim 2 g i.v., 3 ×/die, Netilmicin 400 mg, 1 ×/die). Alle behandelten Patienten sprachen auf diese Therapie an. 19 Patienten wurden klinische geheilt, ein Patient besserte sich unter dieser Therapie. Die Kombinationstherapie wurde gut vertragen, unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen traten während der Studie nicht auf. Wir beobachteten kein verzögertes Angehen des Knochenmarks oder eine Verlängerung der Thrombozytopenie unter dieser Behandlung im Vergleich zu anderen knochenmarktransplantierten Patienten, die diese antimikrobielle Behandlung nicht erhielten. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Teicoplanin ein wirksames und gut verträgliches Antibiotikum für knochenmarktransplantierte Patienten ist, die primär nicht auf die Kombinationstherapie mit -Laktam-Antibiotika und Aminoglykosiden ansprechen.
Combination high dose rate brachytherapy (HDRB) and external beam radiation therapy is technically and clinically feasible as definitive treatment for localized prostate cancer. We report the first large Australian experience using this technique of radiation dose escalation in 82 patients with intermediate‐ and high‐risk disease. With a median follow up of 3 years (156 weeks), complications were low and overall prostate‐specific antigen progression‐free survival was 91% using the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology consensus definition. The delivery of hypofractionated radiation through the HDRB component shortens overall treatment time and is both biologically and logistically advantageous. As a radiation boost strategy, HDRB is easy to learn and could be introduced into most facilities with brachytherapy capability.  相似文献   
Tyrosinemia type I is an autosomal recessive inherited defect of tyrosine metabolism. The underlying cause is a defect of fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase. The disease affects the liver (acute liver failure, liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular cancer), the kidney (tubulopathy with hypophosphatemic rickets), and the peripheral nervous system (paresthesia, vegetative symptoms, progressive paralysis). Beside the hypertyrosinemia the diagnosis can be made on the basis of urinary excretion of a pathological metabolite of the tyrosine metabolism (succinylacetone). Therapeutic options are a regulated phenylalanine/tyrosine diet, a very effective drug therapy (NTBC) that has been available for several years, and in cases of acute liver failure or end-stage liver cirrhosis a liver transplantation.  相似文献   
Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   
In monochorionic twin pregnancies, the risk of developing a twin to twin transfusion syndrome is between 15 and 20%. Using high-resolution ultrasound machines, sonographic images demonstrate the detailed features of placental development. The lambda sign was established for the diagnosis of dichorionic placenta and the T sign for monochorionic placenta at the end of the first trimester. Other sonographic findings of the twin to twin transfusion syndrome are monochorionicity, same sex, polyhydramnios, permanently filled bladder in the recipient, and oligo/anhydramnios of the donor with a slightly filled or empty bladder. Fetoscopic laser treatment has become an accepted procedure to coagulate the placental anastomoses. This development is supported by actual studies about psycho- and neuromotoric development in early childhood, which shows a lower rate of disabled children in the group receiving laser therapy in comparison to the group undergoing amnioreduction. Twin pregnancies complicated by twin to twin transfusion syndrome should be treated in specialized prenatal centers.  相似文献   
Pathological auditory brainstem responses (lack of responses, elevated thresholds and perturbed waveforms) in combination with present otoacoustic emissions are typical audiometric findings in patients with a hearing impairment that particularly affects speech comprehension or complete deafness. This heterogenous group of disorders first described as “auditory neuropathy” includes dysfunction of peripheral synaptic coding of sound by inner hair cells (synaptopathy) and/or of the generation and propagation of action potentials in the auditory nerve (neuropathy). This joint statement provides prevailing background information as well as recommendations on diagnosis and treatment. The statement focuses on the handling in the german language area but also refers to current international statements.  相似文献   
Minimally invasive diagnostic procedures for the breast under mammography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance guidance have led to a higher specificity of imaging techniques and a decrease in open biopsy of the breast. The percutaneous approach is more cost and time effective and reduces morbidity compared with open biopsy. The “Step-3-guideline for early breast cancer detection in Germany” represents the first national guidelines for a nationwide, quality assured, early breast cancer detection program, including recommendations for minimally invasive breast diagnostics. Indications for ultrasound guided vacuum biopsy of the breast are summarized in the “Consensus on the use and technique of vacuum-assisted sonographic breast biopsy” by the Study Group on Minimally Invasive Breast Interventions (AG MiMi) of the German Society of Senology (DGS).  相似文献   
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