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The effects of fenbufen on the serum concentrations and penetration into the brain and CSF of sparfloxacin (AT-4140), a new quinolone antibacterial agent, were investigated in rats. At designated times after a bolus iv dose of sparfloxacin 10 mg/kg with or without fenbufen 20 mg/kg, arterial blood, CSF and whole brain were simultaneously collected from each rat. Sparfloxacin concentrations were assayed by HPLC. Serum concentration of sparfloxacin declined bi-exponentially with time and was not changed by coadministered fenbufen. Binding sparfloxacin to serum protein slightly decreased after the coadministration. No elevation of sparfloxacin concentrations was observed in either brain or CSF after coadministration with fenbufen except for only a few time-points. The pharmacokinetic analysis based on the physiological model indicated that fenbufen did not affect the permeability across the blood-brain or blood-CSF barrier. These results suggest that fenbufen may be unlikely to affect the pharmacokinetics, involving the entry into the central nervous system, of sparfloxacin.  相似文献   
(4R)-Hexahydro-7, 7-dimethyl-6-oxo-1, 2, 5-dithiazocine-4-carboxylic acid (SA3443) is a newly synthesized cyclic disulfide compound which offers potential hepatoprotective properties.

The effect of SA3443 on the induction of natural killer (NK) and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activities was investigated. NK activity in BALB/c mice splenic cells was investigated using YAC-1 cells as target cells. SA3443, at a dose range of 30-300 mg/kg/day, augmented NK activity significantly when administered orally once daily for 4 days before the assay. Alloantigen-specific CTL activity in splenic cells from BALB/c mice was detected 9 days after sensitization with C57BL/6 mice splenic cells. SA3443, at a dose of 100 mg/kg/day, augmented CTL activity significantly when administered orally, once daily for 4 days beginning after the sensitization and for 2 days before the assay, while a high dose of SA3443, at 300mg/kg, suppressed CTL activity.

From these results, it is thought that SA3443 may assist in the elimination of hepatitis viruses from the liver in patients with chronic active hepatitis, by the activation of NK and/or CTL activities.  相似文献   
Renal leiomyomas large enough to be clinically diagnosed are extremely rare. We review 30 cases of clinically diagnosed renal leiomyoma from the literature in Japan, including our 2 new cases. Case 1: In a 52-year-old man with no symptoms a renal mass was found accidentally on an ultrasonogram. CT scan showed a mass with a cystic area at the upper pole of the right kidney. Angiogram showed a hypovascular mass. Case 2: CT scan revealed a cystic mass and angiogram showed an avascular mass at the upper pole of the left kidney in a 19-year-old man having gross hematuria and left flank pain. Transperitoneal nephrectomy was done in both cases. Histologically each tumor was composed of monotonous proliferation of spindle shaped cells without atypia, which showed intense immunoreactivity for alpha-smooth muscle actin. The diagnosis of benign leiomyoma was made in each case. In a review of 30 cases, we found that renal leiomyomas occur most often in female (77%), between decades 2 and 5 of life (median: 46 years). On the angiogram it appears most often as an avascular or hypovascular mass. CT scan shows cystic or mixed solid/cystic or solid lesion, occasionally with calcification. Preoperative diagnosis is extremely difficult to be made. Histologically, fibroma, angiomyolipoma, congenital mesoblastic nephroma and leiomyosarcoma should be differentiated.  相似文献   
A biventricular bypass type total artificial heart (BVB-TAH) utilizing two pusher-plate pumps was developed and implanted in a sheep for 48 days with excellent results. A Hall effect sensor was utilized to operate each pump independently with a full stroke at variable rates (VR). With this system, the animal's hemodynamics was kept physiologically, and all metabolic parameters except hemoglobin and hematocrit returned to normal three weeks after implantation. However, signs of infection appeared on the forty-second day, and consequently the animal fell into a state of shock. Even at that time the BVB-TAH maintained circulation by increasing pumping rate automatically. On the forty-eighth day, the animal could not stand and suffered from anuria; the experiment was then terminated after 1,140 h pumping. At autopsy, there was an enlarged heart with an atrophic change, 1,900 ml of pleural effusion, and 3,100ml of ascites fluid. Blood culture taken on the forty-seventh day yielded Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. The BVB-TAH operated in an independent VR mode maintained entire circulation, and has a capability of substituting the native heart function in any situation.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of retinoic acid (RA), 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25-(OH)2D3), and its synthetic analogue, 22-oxa-1,25-(OH)2D3, on differentiation of U937 cells by studying the cellular growth, surface marker expression and cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). RA inhibited cellular growth but did not induce expression of Mo2 (CD14), a monocyte/macrophage specific surface marker. To the contrary, 1,25-(OH)2D3 did not inhibit cellular growth, but increased CD 14-positive cells. Simultaneous addition of 1,25-(OH)2D3 and RA had no additive effect on cellular growth inhibition or CD14 expression. With regard to [Ca2+]i, however, 5 days' incubation with either of them increased the basal [Ca2+]i level and induced U937 cells to respond to formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP). When the cells were incubated with both 10(-6) M RA and 10(-8) M 1,25-(OH)2D3, basal [Ca2+]i was higher and FMLP caused a greater increase in [Ca2+]i than when only RA or 1,25-(OH)2D3 was added. These data suggest that RA and 1,25-(OH)2D3 induce monocytoid differentiation in U937 cells through different pathways and act synergistically in the differentiation process. The 22-oxa-1,25-(OH)2D3 induced CD14 expression, basal [Ca2+]i increase and [Ca2+]i response to FMLP, but did not cause cellular growth inhibition in U937 cells, and in these points, 22-oxa-1,25-(OH)2D3 exhibited no significantly different effects from 1,25-(OH)2D3. Thus, 22-oxa-1,25-(OH)2D3 has the same potent activity as 1,25-(OH)2D3 in inducing differentiation of U937 cells.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Nevic corpuscle (NC), a stacked lamellar structure reminiscent of Meissner corpuscle, is frequently observed in dermal melanocytic nevi. Although the heading 'neurotized' is classically used for these nevi, the exact neural nature of NC has been a topic of considerable debate. Neurotized nevi have received little attention in the dental literature, and there was no information on NC in oral melanocytic nevi. METHODS: Six cases of oral intramucosal nevi with a significant number of NC (two completely and four partially neurotized nevi) were examined immunohistochemically and ultrastructurally. RESULTS: NC was composed of closely piled laminar cells devoid of visible melanin. NC and associated spindle nevus cells were immunopositive for S-100 protein but negative for HMB-45, myelin basic protein and epithelial membrane antigen. Within NC, no reactivity for neurofilament protein, protein gene product 9.5 or peripherin was evident. Numerous CD34-positive dendritic cells were located between nevus cells and often encircled NC. Ultrastructurally, NC consisted of concentrically layered elongated cells with a slender lamellated cytoplasm rich in thin filaments and pinocytotic vesicles. Their cytoplasmic processes were focally covered by external basal lamina and continuous to spindle nevus cells. Occasional NC cells contained a few melanosomes. There was no interposed axon in NC. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the close resemblance to Meissner corpuscle, NC showed no axonal supply. NC cells lacked terminal Schwannian differentiation and appeared to be modified melanocytes with some perineurial ultrastructural characteristics. The presence of CD34-positive cells, presumably corresponding to endoneurial fibroblasts, further supports an organizational relationship of NC and peripheral nerve sheath elements.  相似文献   
Two surgical cases of acute pulmonary embolism with severe cardiocirculatory impairment were reported. In the first case, emergent open pulmonary embolectomy with cardiopulmonary bypass was not effective, and multiple and organized emboli were indicative. In the second case, complete pulmonary thromboembolectomy was accomplished under extracorporeal circulation with remarkable hemodynamic improvement. It was suggested that urgent pulmonary angiography was necessary for definitive diagnosis and medical treatment, and that indications for pulmonary embolectomy included all patients with massive emboli in the main branches of the pulmonary artery. Monitoring of pulmonary arterial pressure was important to assess the effect of thrombolytic therapy, and the system of emergent cardiopulmonary bypass was required for immediate and effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation.  相似文献   
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