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Metabolic Brain Disease - Patients with liver disease often have alteration of neurological status which requires admission to an intensive care unit. Patients with acute liver failure (ALF),...  相似文献   
Porous poly(ethylene glycol) terephthalate:poly (butylene terephthalate) (PEGT:PBT) scaffolds with high PEG molecular weight (1000 g/mole) and PEGT content (60%) were fabricated using two different processes-paraffin templating and compression molding-for cartilage engineering applications. This polymer composition has previously been shown to enable chondrocyte adhesion and maintain differentiated phenotype in 2D monolayer culture. The influence of 3D polymer scaffold processing on the formation of cartilaginous tissue was studied by seeding primary immature bovine chondrocytes within cylindrical scaffolds in mixed flask reactors for 3 days, followed by cultivation in culture plates for a total of 10 or 24 days. Tissue-polymer constructs were evaluated morphologically by SEM and histology, and quantitatively for cellularity, total collagen, and glycosaminoglycan content, all of which remained statistically equivalent for each time point tested, irrespective of fabrication method. These data demonstrate that the polymers engineered for this study were able to support chondrogenesis independent of scaffold fabrication process, with the influence of pore architecture lessened by the highly hydrated scaffold microenvironments induced by high PEG content.  相似文献   


Attempts to diagnose and subtype irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) by symptom-based criteria have limitations, as these are developed in the West and might not be applicable in other populations.


This study aimed to compare different criteria for diagnosing and subtyping of IBS in India.


Manning's and the Rome I, II, and III criteria as well as the Asian criteria were applied to 1,618 patients (from 17 centers in India) with chronic lower gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms with no alarm features and negative investigations.


Of 1,618 patients (aged 37.5 [SD 12.6] years; 71.2 % male), 1,476 (91.2 %), 1,098 (67.9 %), 649 (40.1 %), 849 (52.5 %), and 1,206 (74.5 %) fulfilled Manning's, Rome I, II, and III, and the Asian criteria, respectively. The most common reason for not fulfilling the criteria was absence of the following symptoms: “more frequent stools with onset of pain,” “loose stool with onset of pain,” “relief of pain with passage of stool,” “other abdominal discomfort/bloating,” and, in a minority, not meeting the duration criterion of 3 months/12 weeks. By stool frequency, constipation-predominant IBS (<3 stools/week) was diagnosed in 319 (19.7 %), diarrhea-predominant IBS (>3 stools/day) in 43 (2.7 %), and unclassified in 1,256 (77.6 %). By Bristol stool form, constipation, diarrhea, and unclassified were diagnosed in 655 (40.5 %), 709 (43.8 %), and 254 (15.7 %) patients, respectively. By their own perception, 462 (28.6 %), 541 (33.4 %), and 452 (27.9 %) patients reported constipation-predominant, diarrhea-predominant, and alternating types, respectively.


By Manning's and the Asian criteria, a diagnosis of IBS was made frequently among Indian patients with chronic functional lower GI symptoms with no alarm features; the Rome II criteria gave the lowest yield. By the stool frequency criteria, a majority of patients had unclassified pattern, unlike by the stool form and patients' perception of their symptoms.  相似文献   
Two hundred and forty male and 9 female jail inmates confined for various crimes in a district jail near Delhi were screened for sexually transmitted and blood-borne diseases including HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B and C viral infections, skin diseases etc. The inmates were aged 15-50 years with a mean of 24.8+/-0.11. Their alleged criminal background, period of stay in the jail, drug addiction, education, birth place, marital status, sexual activity, and clinical complaints were recorded by an anonymous questionnaire. Serum samples were tested for antibodies against HIV (1+2), hepatitis C (HCV), Treponema pallidum and for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). Sputum examination was done for acid-fast bacilli. Out of the 240 men, 115 were married and 125 unmarried. One hundred and eighty-four (76.6%) men gave history of penetrative sex. Of the 184, 53 (28.8%) were homosexuals or bisexuals and 131 (71.2%) had sex with women only. Sixty of the 131 (45.8%) were faithful to their partners while 124 gave a history of having multiple sexual partners and 100 of them (80.6%) had unprotected sex. Eighty-three of these 100 also had had sex with commercial sex workers (CSWs). One hundred and twenty-six were addicted for alcohol, 44 for smack/charas and 8 had a history of intravenous drug abuse. One hundred and seventy-four were not aware of AIDS. On examination 28 of the 240 (11.6%) had active hepatitis with or without a history of jaundice in the last 2 years, 25 (10.4%) active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and 11 (4.6%) had syphilitic ulcers on the penis. Four-fifths of the teenagers confined to a particular barrack had moderate to severe scabies. Three males (1.3%) were found to be Western blot confirmed HIV-1 positive while 28 (11.1%) men and 2 (22.2%) women were positive for HBsAg. Twelve (5.0%) men but no women, were found to be positive for anti-HCV antibodies. Out of the 3 HIV-positive persons, one was an intravenous drug user (IVDU), second was a drug addict and frequent CSW visitor while the third was a homosexual. This pilot study gives an indication that sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections are highly prevalent in jail premises and pose a threat of rapid spread of these infections through IVDU and homosexuality.  相似文献   
Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma is a rare tumor of the salivary gland constituting only 1% of all tumors. It is a low-grade malignancy characterized by a classical biphasic morphology and immunophenotype. In the lacrimal gland, it is extremely rare with only 3 cases reported in the English medical literature. We describe the fourth case of epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma, the first case in a female patient, and review the available literature.  相似文献   
We conducted a short study on 8 volunteer subjects to establish whether physiological changes occurring as a result of the menstrual cycle affect tissue electrical properties. For this study subjects submitted to electrical impedance tomographic breast measurement four times, over two cycles at two different points in the cycle. Statistical analysis based on reconstructed values of conductivity and permittivity were conducted using the t-test for difference of means. The results were inconsistent, with some subjects showing a difference between the two phases and in all tests, while others showed differences only in some of the tests. At this time we can only conclude that a difference is more likely than not, although it could be a phenomenon only measurable in some individuals and not others. It seems that a larger study may be in order to establish this fact definitively.  相似文献   
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lactate assay has been a subject of research since 1925. A systematic review by Huy and colleagues in the previous issue of Critical Care summarizes data from 25 studies evaluating the role of CSF lactate in the differential diagnosis between acute bacterial and aseptic meningitis. The authors concluded that CSF lactate is a good single indicator and a better marker compared with conventional markers. But concerns remain because of poor quality of included studies, lack of proper 'gold standard', and limited applicability. More studies with a rigorous design are needed to determine definitively whether CSF lactate assay is a reliable and valid marker to distinguish between acute bacterial meningitis and aseptic meningitis.  相似文献   
The hydrophobic ionic liquid (IL) 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate [Bmim][PF6] forms nanostructures with negatively charged plasmid DNA through electrostatic interactions. The formation of plasmid DNA/IL nanostructures was confirmed by measuring the zeta potential of plasmid DNA as well as plasmid DNA/IL nanostructures. The zeta potential of the nanostructures was positive, although plasmid DNA is negatively charged. The positive zeta potential is due to the complexation between plasmid DNA and positively charged ionic liquid [Bmim][PF6]. The ability of ionic liquid [Bmim][PF6] to protect plasmid DNA against ultrasonic shear stress was also investigated using an agarose gel electrophoretic assay and showed that ionic liquid stabilizes plasmid DNA against ultrasonication. The plasmid DNA and plasmid DNA/IL nanostructures were subjected to ultrasonic shear stress for different time periods and the biological functionality of pristine plasmid DNA (i.e., expression of the eGFP gene) as well as the self-assembled nanostructures was investigated in vitro using three different cell lines, COS7, HEK293 and HeLa. Ionic liquid [Bmim][PF6] protected the plasmid DNA against ultrasonic shear stress and also enhanced gene transfection efficiency in vitro. Furthermore, the cytotoxicity of ionic liquid [Bmim][PF6] was assayed in vitro using all three cell lines and the toxicity was very low. Therefore, the ionic liquid [Bmim][PF6] stabilizes plasmid DNA against ultrasonic shear stress and also enhances its in vitro delivery efficiency.

The hydrophobic ionic liquid (IL) 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate [Bmim][PF6] forms ultrasonically stable and functional nanostructures with negatively charged plasmid DNA through electrostatic interactions.  相似文献   
A new fluorescent sensor 5 based on a fused imidazopyridine scaffold has been designed and synthesized via cascade cyclization. The reaction features the formation of three different C–N bonds in sequence. Imidazopyridine based fluorescent probe 5 exhibits highly sensitive and selective fluorescent sensing for Fe3+(‘turn-on’) and Hg2+(‘turn-off’). The excellent selectivity of imidazopyridine for Fe3+/Hg2+ was not hampered in the presence of any of the competing cations. The limit of detection (LOD) of 5 toward Fe3+ and Hg2+ has been estimated to be 4.0 ppb and 1.0 ppb, respectively, with a good linear relationship (R2 = 0.99). Notably, 5 selectively detects Fe3+/Hg2+ through fluorescence enhancement signalling both in vitro and in HeLa cells.

A new fluorescent sensor 5 having fused imidazopyridine scaffold has been synthesized via cascade cyclization. It exhibits highly sensitive and selective detection of Fe3+ (‘turn-on’) and Hg2+ (‘turn-off’) in vitro and in HeLa cells.  相似文献   
Objective: A right and left hepatic trisectionectomy and an extended trisectionectomy are the largest liver resections performed for malignancy. This report analyses a series of 23 patients who had at least one repeat resection after a hepatic trisectionectomy for colorectal liver metastasis (CRLM).Methods: A retrospective analysis of a single-centre prospective liver resection database from May 1996 to April 2009 was used for patient identification. Full notes, radiology and patient reviews were analysed for a variety of factors with respect to survival.Results: Twenty-three patients underwent up to 3 repeat hepatic resections after 20 right and 3 left hepatic trisectionectomies. In 18 patients the initial surgery was an extended trisectionectomy. Overall 1-, 3- and 5-year survival rates after a repeat resection were 100%, 46% and 32%, respectively. No factors predictive for survival were identified.Conclusion: A repeat resection after a hepatic trisectionectomy for CRLM can offer extended survival and should be considered where appropriate.  相似文献   
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