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目的:检索1949~2010年中国出版的有关眩晕的医案文献,分析规范化后情志失常的研究,为临床病例信息调查表的制作提供可靠的依据。方法:以中国学术期刊网络出版社总库为主要来源,共检索到1 296篇符合描述眩晕症状的医案文献。运用Note Express软件和Excel 2003从医案中截取症状归类排序和频数统计,并运用统一标准的症状术语进行规范化,统计规范化后的有关情志失常的症状。结果:眩晕医案中烦躁、善怒、心烦、健忘、善悲、善忧思等18种症状共累计出现143篇,占医案总篇数13.06%,为眩晕病案中情志失常的症状进行初步症名的规范化,满足科研与临床的实际需要。结论:规范眩晕病案中情志症状名称,有助于提高诊治眩晕的可操作性和辨证论治水平。 相似文献
Aim of the study
Based on screening for vasoactive traditional Chinese medicinal herbs, the present study was performed to investigate the vasoactive effects of an ethyl acetate extract from leaves of Morus alba (L.) (ELM) on rat thoracic aorta and the mechanisms underlying these effects.Materials and methods
Isolated rat thoracic rings were mounted in an organ bath system and the effects of ELM on their responses were evaluated.Results
ELM (0.125–32.000 g/l) induced a concentration-dependent relaxation (P < 0.01 vs. control) both in endothelium-intact and -denuded aortas precontracted by high K+ (6 × 10−2 M) or 10−6 M phenylephrine (PE). In endothelium-denuded aortas, ELM at the EC50 concentration reduced Ca2+-induced contraction (P < 0.01 vs. control) after PE or KCl had generated a stable contraction in Ca2+-free solution. And after incubation with verapamil, ELM induced contraction in endothelium-denuded aortas precontracted by PE (P < 0.01 vs. control); this was abolished by ruthenium red (P < 0.01 vs. ELM-treated endothelium-denuded group; P > 0.05 vs. control), but not by heparin (P > 0.01 vs. ELM-treated endothelium-denuded group; P < 0.01 vs. control).Conclusions
The results showed that ELM had dual vasoactive effects, and the relaxation was greater than the contraction. The relaxation was mediated by inhibition of voltage- and receptor-dependent Ca2+ channels in vascular smooth muscle cells, while the contraction occurred via activation of ryanodine receptors in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. 相似文献45.
通过接枝率、接触角、透水时间、拉伸应力应变、ESCA的测定以及不冲击实验研究了在DCP和BP等存在下电晕放电引发含氢硅油接枝PET织物及其拒水性能,实验结果表明:电晕放电能有效引发含氢硅油在PET织物表面的接枝共聚反应,随电晕放电处理时间的延长,PET织物表面接枝率增大;接枝后PET织物拒水效果明显增强;电晕放电引发接枝改性后PET织物无损伤,力学性能基本保持不变。 相似文献
2002年4月卫生部颂发了<病历书写基本规范(试行)>(以下简称(<部规范>),并要求各地于同年9月1日起执行.因为<部规范>是一个纲领性文件,很多具体的书写格式和要求的细节均未能充分表述,如对首次病程记录书写内容的要求只是一句"首次病程记录的内容包括病例特点、诊断依据及鉴别诊断、诊疗计划等"[1].为便于临床参照执行以及加强病案质量管理,湖南省卫生厅2004年7月出版了<病历书写规范与管理规定及病例(案)医疗质量评定标准>(以下简称<省规范>).为便于临床质量控制,<省规范>在首次病程记录中增加了一项病例分型(病例分型标准:A型:一般病例:B型:一般急症病例;C型:疑难重症病例;D型:危重病例)[2].并对首次病程记录内容的表述略作改动:"首次病程记录的内容包括病例特点、诊断依据及鉴别诊断、病例分型及诊疗计划等"[3].并有如下"示例": 相似文献
目的 探讨PBL联合CBL教学法在急诊住院医师规范化培训教学中的应用效果。方法 选择2019年3—6月在本科室参加住院医师规范化培训的80名学员,随机分为两组,各40名。其中对照组采用PBL教学方法,观察组采用PBL联合CBL教学方法授课。带教结束后,采用DOPS评分、Mini-CEX评分、技能操作和学员满意度调查问卷评估两组学员的教学成果。结果 与对照组相比,观察组学员DOPS各项指标及总分、教学满意度、Mini-CEX考核评分、急救技能操作成绩均高于对照组,且差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论 PBL联合CBL教学法在急诊住培教学中有助于提高学员的学习能力,提升急诊临床教学质量。 相似文献
Shen-Yang Lim Ai Huey Tan Susan H. Fox Andrew H. Evans Soon Chai Low 《Current neurology and neuroscience reports》2017,17(1):3
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a complex motor and non-motor disorder and management is often challenging. In this review, we explore emerging approaches to improve the care of patients, drawing from the literature regarding patient-centred care, patient and caregiver perspectives and priorities, gaps in knowledge among patients and caregivers and the need for accurate information, individual variability in disease manifestations, prognostication of disease course, new developments in health technologies and personalized medicine, specialty care, pharmacological and non-pharmacological management, financial burden, lifestyle and work-related issues, support groups and palliative care. 相似文献