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本文报告了用电化学检测器的高效液相色谱法测定血清及尿中速尿含量的方法。样品予处理方法:血清用乙腈除蛋白,尿用蒸馏水稀释50倍。采用作者合成的FD-Val-OH作为内标物。色谱条件为:反相柱,以含35%乙醇的5mmol/L四丁基铵水溶液为流动相(pH7.50),流速1.0ml/min;用电化学检测器,检测电压0.90V:速尿及内标物的保留时间分别为10和15min。通过计算速尿对内标物的峰高比求得速尿含量。血清及尿中的最低检测浓度分别为16和9ng/ml。标准曲线在0.25~5ng/μl(血清)、0.5~10ng/μl(尿)的浓度范围内呈线性关系。血清及尿中回收率分别为100.5%和100.6%。变异系数在4.6%以下。  相似文献   
Of the 253 neonates admitted to a neonate intensive care unit during the period Jan 91 to Sep 93, 43 neonates died. Autopsy was done in 23 of these (53%). The mean duration of stay of the neonates in the intensive care unit prior to death was 5.6 days (range 2 hours to 10 days). Antemortem diagnoses included asphyxia neonatorum (4), meconium aspiration syndrome (2), septicemia (5), prematurity (3), birth trauma (2), congenital anomalies (2), hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (1), and non-specific diagnosis (4). There were 6 major autopsy findings that, if known prior to death, would have altered clinical management and might have resulted in cure or prolonged survival. There were 8 additional major findings that, if known prior to death, would not have altered management There were 14 minor findings related to major diagnoses but unrelated to the primary cause of death.KEY WORDS: Autopsy, Cause of death, Perinatal mortality  相似文献   
The white, scarlet and brown genes of Drosophila melanogaster encode three half-type ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters. In Drosophila, precursors of ommochromes and pteridines are transported by White/Scarlet and White/Brown heterodimers, respectively. The white egg 2 (w-2) mutant of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, has white eggs and eyes because of lack of ommochrome granules in the serosa and eyes. Here, we report that the silkworm w-2 locus encodes an ortholog of Drosophila scarlet. Our results indicate that Bombyx Scarlet forms a heterodimer with Bombyx White to transport ommochrome precursors, suggesting that formation of a White/Scarlet heterodimer and its involvement in the transport of ommochrome precursors are evolutionarily ancient and widely conserved traits in insects. Contrary to dipteran insects, white and scarlet were juxtaposed in a head-to-tail orientation in the silkworm genome, suggesting that the origin of white and scarlet was a tandem duplication of their ancestral transporter gene. In Bombyx, White is also essential for the transport of uric acid in larval epidermis. However, our results suggest that a Bombyx White/Scarlet heterodimer is not involved in this process. Our results emphasize the functional conservation and diversification of half-type ABC transporter families in insects, which may contribute to their extremely diverse color patterns.  相似文献   
Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is an autoimmune disease caused by an antidermal basal lamina antibody. In recent years double filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP) has been reported to be an effective therapy for BP. We experienced 3 cases of BP treated by DFPP. DFPP resulted in an improvement in clinical symptoms and remission allowing a decrease in the required dose of corticosteroid. DFPP was found to be an effective treatment for all 3 patients without noticeable adverse events resulting from DFPP. From these results it is concluded that DFPP is worth considering as an option as treatment for BP patients who were unresponsive to conventional steroid therapy, those in whom corticosteroids should be reduced or discontinued because of complications such as diabetes mellitus and/or osteoporosis.  相似文献   


Vitreous substitutes presently in use for intraoperative tamponade are perfluorocarbon liquids (PFCL) and for post operative tamponade are silicon oil (SO), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and perfluorocarbon gas (PFC). Several factors are important for a thorough understanding of each of these vitreous substitutes. The absorption or necessity for removal, indications for use (including clinical studies and special surgical methods), additives and complications of use have to be considered.


Three port standard pars plana vitrectomy was performed in 60 consecutive cases requiring intra-vitreal intervention. PFCL was used intra-operatively in 30 cases (PFCL group and X group). The eyes were implanted with SO (silicon oil subgroup), PFC (C3F8 sub-group) and SF6 (SF6 sub-group) in twenty cases each. Apart from best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), the retinal status and the longevity of gas when used, changes and reaction in both the anterior and posterior segments were noted.


The difference of postoperative BCVA in the PFCL and non-PFCL groups was statistically significant with p < 0.001. In both the PFCL and non-PFCL groups the difference between preoperative and postoperative BCVA was statistically significant with p < 0.0001. All three vitreous substitutes studied are effective given the case where they had been utilised.


PFCL is invaluable in the management of complicated retinal detachment (RD). Where a vitreous microsurgery is indicated, the visual outcome is good. SF6 is useful for short-term tamponade. Silicon oil and C3F8 are useful for longer tamponade.Key Words: Tamponade, Perfluorocarbon liquids, Silicon oil, Sulphur hexafluoride, Perfluorocarbon gas, Retinal detachment  相似文献   
In a prospective hospital based study, during the period from Jan 95 to Dec 96, 3100 consecutively delivered live newborns were studied for the incidence of low birth weight neonates and to evaluate the associated risk factors. One thousand fourteen newborns were classified as low birth weight babies. The incidence expressed per 1000 live births was 327 (32.7%). Of these, 815 (80.4%) were small for gestational age neonates and 199 (19.6%) were preterm neonates. Five hundred seventy small for gestational age neonates (70%) were weighing between 2001 to 2500 gms. Mothers belonging to the age group of 19-25 years delivered the maximum number of low birth weight babies (618/1014) and of these 82.8% were small for gestational age neonates. There were 48 neonates with low birth weight born to mothers below the age of 18 years. Primiparous mothers were found to contribute higher number of low birth weight neonates (414/1014). Spacing as a factor did not show any major difference. Two hundred sixty two low birth weight neonates were born to mothers with significant obstetrical problems such as pregnancy induced hypertension, bad obstetrical history and premature rupture of membranes. The incidence of 32.7% of low birth weight babies is high enough to ring alarm bells.  相似文献   
Sixteen strains of Vibrio cholerae were isolated from cases of diarrhoea. Out of these, 12 (75%) were identified as Vibrio cholerae 0139 synonym Bengal and 4 (25%) as Vibrio cholerae El Tor by standard biochemical and serological tests. Modified CAMP reaction in sheep blood agar showed that 0139 produced moderate hemolysis, El Tor produced wider zone of hemolysis whereas Classical Vibrio cholerae produced no zone of hemolysis (CAMP negative). Break point minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) by agar dilution method showed that all 0139 strains were resistant to ampicillin 8 mg/L, streptomycin 1 mg/L, chloramphenicol 8 mg/L, sulphamethoxazole 32 mg/L and trimethoprim 0.3-128 mg/L, 58.3% were sensitive to gentamicin 1 mg/L, and all were sensitive to norfloxacin 1 mg/L and cefotaxime 1 mg/L. Resistance to trimethoprim, sulphamethoxazole, ampicillin and gentamicin in 5 strains could be transferred to E coli K-12 by conjugation experiment at a rate of 5×10−6 to 4×10−3. Distinct plasmid bands of 35.8 mega daltons could be seen in agarose gel electrophoresis.KEY WORDS: CAMP test, Drug resistance, Plasmid, Vibrio cholerae 0139.  相似文献   
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