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BACKGROUND: Cyclosporin has been shown to facilitate renal vasoconstriction and to have an antinatriuretic effect. The existence of an interference of cyclosporin with the vasodilating properties of endothelium mediated by nitric oxide production could mediate these effects. On the other hand, the infusion of the nitric oxide precursor L-arginine has been shown to induce renal vasodilatation and to facilitate natriuresis in normal volunteers. We have investigated the renal effects of the administration of an infusion of L-arginine in renal transplant patients chronically treated with cyclosporin. To facilitate the analysis of the data the effects of the administration of a similar dose of cyclosporin on renal function during the infusion of a vehicle were also investigated during the administration of a vehicle of L-arginine. DESIGN: Ten male renal transplant patients, chronically treated with cyclosporin and with a stable renal function were studied during 2 consecutive days after the administration of the usual morning dose of cyclosporin. The first day they received an intravenous infusion of vehicle and the second the infusion of graded doses of L-arginine (50, 100, 150 mg/kg/h) during 3 consecutive h. RESULTS: The first day, after cyclosporin administration a significant fall (P < 0.01) was observed in natriuresis and kaliuresis in the absence of changes in renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate. After the administration of L-arginine significant (P < 0.01) increases of renal plasma flow, glomerular filtration rate, and natriuresis were seen. The increase in blood levels of cyclosporin after its administration did not differ between days 1 and 2. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that L-arginine facilitates renal vasodilatation and natriuresis in renal transplant patients. Furthermore, the observed increase in sodium excretion could indicate that L-arginine counteracts the antinatriuretic effect of cyclosporin.   相似文献   
Summary— Acidosis affects multiple steps in the excitation-contraction coupling pathway of myocardium, producing decreased calcium sensitivity of myofibrils and modification of the function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Our aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of three different classes of inotropic agents under acidotic conditions: 1) forskolin, an adenylate cyclase activator that enhances cellular cyclic AMP concentrations, 2) elevated extracellular Ca2+ and 3) endothelin-1, an activator of the inositol triphosphate, diacylglycerol pathway. Ferret papillary muscles were mounted in organ baths containing normal physiological solution (pH = 7.4). After baseline tension was measured, the muscles were bathed in an acidotic solution (pH = 6.98) that decreased tension to 40% of the control; subsequently, the muscles were washed with normal physiological solution until they returned to baseline. Each inotropic agent was added to the bathing solution in a concentration sufficient to increase tension by 40% above the baseline. Then the solution was made acidotic (pH = 6.98) in the continuous presence of that concentration of inotropic agent and the resultant steady-state developed tension measured. The increases in tension induced by each inotropic agent at normal pH were adjusted to be similar; in contrast, the response to each drug in acidosis was significantly different. Under acidotic conditions, endothelin-1 was the most effective inotropic agent in restoring the depressed developed tension. This was possibly due to enhancement of the myofilament sensitivity to Ca2+, which was more effective than increasing [Ca2+]i through elevating extracellular Ca2+ or the addition of forskolin which increased [Ca2+]i but desensitized the myofilaments to Ca2+.  相似文献   
Shared care: a review of the literature   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
This review examines broad issues of concern regarding the primary/secondarycare interface. The main purpose was to identify areas of goodpractice which could be adapted for more general use. One ofthe most fundamental aspects identified was communication, whichis discussed in some detail. Also covered are shared prescribingand disease management. The data suggest that the most effectivesystem(s) of shared care has yet to be established. Furtherqualitative and economic evaluations are required, taking intoaccount patient preferences. Although the literature does describecertain practice exemplars, it is clear that inter- and intra-professionalcommunication continues to be a problem. Whilst informationtechnology may provide some of the solutions, it is concludedthat a culture change, which compels health professionals tomake sharing of patient information a much higher priority,is reauired. Keywords. Shared care, seamless care, hospital, general practice, family practice.  相似文献   
Low IgG2 and polysaccharide response in a T cell receptor expression defect   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
B lymphocytes require appropriate T lymphocyte cooperation to synthesize immunoglobulins (Ig). Such interaction presumably takes place after engagement of the T cell receptor (TcR) by antigen. The present work addresses B lymphocyte function (and phenotype) in a novel type of immunodeficiency which is characterized by a TcR expression defect. In contrast to expectations, the two affected siblings that were studied displayed normal in vivo antibody responses to both endogenous and exogenous protein antigens. However, they showed impaired responses to certain polysaccharide antigens together with a selective IgG2 deficiency. These results suggest that some polysaccharide responses may be more T cell dependent than previously suspected, and support the notion that T cell dysfunctions (of this or other kind), rather than Ig gene deletions, may be the molecular basis of certain IgG2 deficiencies. To rule out a concomitant gross B cell dysfunction in these individuals, B lymphocyte phenotype and function were assayed in vitro, and found to be normal. A T cell line derived from one of the siblings displayed an abnormal TcR on the cell surface, but it showed several normal TcR-mediated functions. This suggests that the low number of peripheral T lymphocytes that have been found to express low TcR levels in these immunodeficiencies may be operational, and supplying sufficient "help" for the observed normal antibody responses to all tested protein, but not polysaccharide, antigens.  相似文献   
Lymnaea cubensis is the vector in a region of distome infection in Trujillo State at more than 1000 m altitude where almost all bovines are infected. A quarter of the molluscs were infected with a mean number of 20 rediae per infected molluc each redia capable of producing 16 cercariae. Prevalence of infection increases with size of molluse and is highest in those 4 to 5 mm long. However, Lymnaea as small as 3 mm produce cercariae and molluscicide treatments should be begun as soon as forms of this size appear.  相似文献   
Heme-hemopexin (2-10 microM) is used as a model for intravenous heme released in trauma, stroke, and ischemia-reperfusion. A transient increase in cellular protein oxidation occurs during receptor-mediated heme transport from hemopexin which is inhibited by the nonpermeable Cu(I) chelator, bathocuproinedisulfonate. Thus, participation of surface redox process involving Cu(I) generation are proposed to be linked to the induction of the protective proteins heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and metallothionein-1 (MT-1) by heme-hemopexin. The region (-153 to -42) in the proximal promoter of the mouse MT-1 gene responds to heme- and CoPP-hemopexin in transient transfection assays and contains metal-responsive elements for MTF-1 and an antioxidant-responsive element (ARE) overlapping a GC-rich E-box to which USF-1 and -2 bind. No decreases in DNA binding of the diamide-oxidation sensitive USF-1 and -2 occur upon exposure of cells to heme-hemopexin. MTF-1 and the ARE-binding proteins are relatively resistant to diamide oxidation and are induced approximately eight- and two-fold, respectively, by heme-hemopexin. BCDS prevents the nuclear translocation of MTF-1 by both heme- and CoPP-hemopexin complexes as well as MT-1 mRNA induction by CoPP-hemopexin. Thus, copper is needed for the surface oxidation events and yet the nuclear translocation of MTF-1 in response to hemopexin occurs via copper, probably Cu(I),-dependent signaling cascades from the hemopexin receptor rather than the oxidation per se.  相似文献   
A model has been developed for the hemopexin receptor-mediated heme transport system based on iron uptake in yeast. Two steps are required: reduction followed by oxidation by a multi-copper-oxidase. Furthermore, in the hemopexin system, the surface redox events have been linked with gene regulation. The impermeable Cu(I) chelator bathocuproinedisulfonate (BCDS) is shown here to abrogate heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) mRNA induction by heme-hemopexin. A role for Cu(I) in the regulation of HO-1 and MT-1 (Sung et al., 1999) by hemopexin supports the participation of electron transport processes at the cell surface as does competition by the reductase activator, ferric citrate, which inhibits the induction of MT-1 and HO-1 mRNA by heme-hemopexin. There is a key role for the hemopexin receptor because neither ferric citrate nor iron-transferrin alone regulates MT-1 or HO-1. Cell-surface copper is the first molecule to link the concomitant regulation of HO-1 and MT-1 by the hemopexin receptor. In addition, cytochrome b5 and cytochrome b5 reductase are implicated here in the response of cells to heme-hemopexin. Reduction of one or more electron donors of the reductase and oxidation of the electron acceptor, b5 heme, leads to gene regulation, but only when heme-hemopexin is bound to its receptor. Protein kinase cascades, including JNK, are activated by the hemopexin receptor itself upon ligand binding but are modulated by a Cu(I)-dependent process likely to be heme uptake.  相似文献   
MHC-G is a class Ib (non-classical) major histocompatibility complex (MHC) whose functional and evolutionary characteristics are still under scrutiny. The study of noncoding sequences in the MHC genes may provide important phylogenetic information. In this work we have sequenced the MHC-G exon 8, which encodes for the 3'UT region, in different species of primates. It has been shown that: (1) a previously described 14 base pair (bp) deletion polymorphism is human-specific and the HLA-G alleles may be classified according to its absence or presence; (2) another newly described 3 bp deletion/insertion polymorphism is also human-specific; and (3) another newly described 51 bp deletion polymorphism is common to Pongidae and humans, but is not found in other primates belonging to the Cercopithecinae family. A hypothesis on the evolutionary pathway of this gene is put forward in the light of these findings.  相似文献   
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